Mac vs. PC

scottboyher said:
Yes they can. Just got a couple here at work..

Wow! I didn't know that. That's one thing that I NEVER could understand about Apple and their stupid one button mouse.
Good to hear they have moved into the modern era. Now if they weren't so son of a bitchin expensive I wouldn't mind having one. I don't see how anyone can justify the expense. $1500 and doesn't even include a monitor? WTF is up with that? Nobody take that as a rant because if you can afford a Mac you are in a much higher tax bracket than me! I have nothing but admiration for Mac owners! :D,8
I especially admire mac owners who pay top dollar for hardware that is 2 years behind pc. Mac owners just stepped up to the fabulous world of ddr Ram and over 1 ghz cpu's. haw haw haw. Before you say it, I know g4's have superior fpu's but it still don't help with bitchin fast pIV's and athlons. My mac sure does look purty though. ho ho ho.
CPU speed matters fuck all if you are running Digidesign ProTools HD DSP cards.

As far as price is concerned there isn't this mystical huge gap between Macs and PC... that is if you are comparing a Mac to a "built for music DAW" PC. Don't get me wrong... a PC is and will probably always be less expensive than a Mac. But it is terribly misleading when you hear... a Mac costs $3,000 where as I can get a Dell for $899. That is like saying, I can buy a Pontiac for $35,000 but a bicycle for $99. They will both get you across town. But Jesus... what if you need to go from LA to Atlanta? The Pontiac (Mac) will get you there. And the bicycle (PC) will probably breakdown (crash) around Phoenix.

Now if you have a high end PC specifically built for recording digital audio, then you can get a quiet machine, a fast machine, a stable machine, and in many ways an arguably superior machine than a Mac. But you are certainly not paying $899 for it. Look at this link:
The Core System 5 is $3,099. Now go over to and check out their Apple store. You can get a dual 1.42gHz CPU machine with 2.0 GB of DDR RAM and all the sweet Apple bells and whistles (DVD burner) for $3,700. The is only a $600 difference.

So basically it does in fact just boil down to what you prefere. The Apple platform or the PC platform. It depends on which software you want to use (MOTU, and eMagic are apple only.) If you want to work in a "professional studio" then it always helps to be familiar with the Mac platform. It is like this... most people that use Macs can easily switch over to using a PC but there is a glitch when it is the other way around.

Plus a lot of Mac owners just see the Mac as a much more logical platform... I mean Jesus, on a PC you have to click on START to shut the damn thing down. That is strange in and of itself.

But like I and others have said... go with what you feel and just politely show your middle finger to anyone that says anything against your decission.
Let's face it, Motorola will never be able to compete with Intell or AMD. The distance is too big. A Mac needs DSP's to compromize the lack of speed.

Just an opinion. :D
That is a pretty childish way to look at things

I work for Texas Instruments in the DSP department so I know a lot about the differences between digital processors.

I know that it isn't always so cut and dry to say that Motorola can't compete. Processors have so many different tasks and functions that it is rediculas to say that one is "a better design" than the other. For example Texas Instruments has an OMAP DSP (OMAP = Open Media Application Platform). These processors are kick ass for PDA and portable devices... but they would suck ass for digital audio. Intel makes the most popular "general purpose" CPUs in the world. What that means is that they are not specifically geared in any one direction. They beef up the gHz so that their general purpose processors will be able to appeal to as wide a consumer base as possible. Computer music people can use the same chip as an architect or my mother sending the occasional e-mail.

The Macintosh platform (including the G4 processors from Motorola) are simply "geared" more in the direction of multi-media (i.e. creating music and graphics).

The entire machine, from the interface protocols that have become standard, to the power supply, to AudioUnits, and Midi technology... is all geared towards music makers. Win-tel will always be trying to take over the whole world. Apple is just worrying about maintaining their niche market(s).

Let me also say one more thing. Has anyone ever needed technical support from Intel or Microsoft? And have you ever tried to get technical support from Apple? There is NO comparison. So if you like PC and know lots about how they work and what their guts look like etc... then PC it is.

But if you are like me and prefere to concentrate more on the music I am making rather than if my new silent drive sleeves, or fancy CPU heat sink are helping... then a Mac will save you a LOT of headaches.

Just my 0.000002 cents.
Oh yeah... and sweetnubs,

Being "2 years behing" something is not always a bad thing. The PC side of the fence seems to be pervertedly obsessed with having the latest and greatest whatever. Wintel, continues to bump up processor speed and throw new bells and whistles at people (I mean come on, they have an OS called Windows 2000 and they have one called Windows ME... Jesus!).

They are brilliant... they use numbers to fuck with people's minds and keep them buying new shit. They name their OS editions after the year in which they were released. This is just baiting all those "keepin up with the Jones'" people to think in 1999 that their Windows 98 is "old news." Now we have Windows XP which is a blatant rip off (graphically) of an Apple OS.

So like I said... if you need to have high numbers that don't necessarily "mean" anything for your specific needs to sleep peacefully, then go ahead and get yourself a shinny new Wintel machine.
They switched due to personal choice.

Apple canceled PC support for their software. Logic Users were faced with buying a $700 piece of software or buying a $3,000 new computer. That choice is a simple one.

Apple was very sneaky and just plain mean in my opinion for that decission.

But it has nothing to do with people wanting to stick with the PC because they have some sort of hatred for Apples. Trust me... if Apple had given some offer like, "Buy a brand new Apple for $700" then those people would have stuck with Logic Audio and would be happy Mac owners now.
Relax dude

I have a friend with a Mac and he end up in a hospital because nobody believed him.

Well...I believe you.

You feel better now?

I am pretty calm dude. I find this whole Mac vs. PC argument a lot more funny than I ever would angering.

I am a bit of a chump because I saw this thread and thought, "OH JESUS NOT AGAIN!!!!" and now I am the principle contributor to this thread. Hypocracy rears it's ugly head.
At least I am boosting my thread count. I hear you get a free toaster after you post 1,000.

<that was a joke>
Re: That is a pretty childish way to look at things

I believe you but I'm a little confused about your arguments.

pisces7378 said:
The Macintosh platform (including the G4 processors from Motorola) are simply "geared" more in the direction of multi-media (i.e. creating music and graphics).

So A mac isn't a good office machine??
Re: That is a pretty childish way to look at things

pisces7378 said:
Win-tel will always be trying to take over the whole world. Apple is just worrying about maintaining their niche market(s).

That's very nice of Apple. So you say Apple wouldn't take over the world even if it fell right on their lap???
That is a pretty lame thing to even ask...

Office tasks like e-mailing, powerpoint, excel, word, etc... could be done fine on a Pent I, from 1993.

Apple computer are of course fine for the office... but the office applications are the after-thought as the designers obviously target more creative, higher demanding applications when they are designing.
Re: That is a pretty childish way to look at things

pisces7378 said:
Let me also say one more thing. Has anyone ever needed technical support from Intel or Microsoft? And have you ever tried to get technical support from Apple? There is NO comparison....................................................................................................
Apple canceled PC support for their software. Logic Users were faced with buying a $700 piece of software or buying a $3,000 new computer.

Sorry for being lame or childish but...isn't this a contradiction??
Dude... you are pretty cool. I mean, I know that you mean well in your own little cheaky way.

But you are once again wrong.

Apple didn't cancel telephone/email/technical support for PC... they just do not offer upgrades.

They are still supporting PCs fine.
pisces7378 said:
Dude... you are pretty cool. I mean, I know that you mean well in your own little cheaky way.

But you are once again wrong.

Apple didn't cancel telephone/email/technical support for PC... they just do not offer upgrades.

They are still supporting PCs fine. and no upgrades???
Isn't that totally worthless????