Looking for inexspensive gear???? ***not spam!!!***

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Well, I would just like to...............................

Excuse me, telegram arrived.......................

Marked: Sacred Care Animal Clinic

Reads: Hello Mr. FHRD. We would like to inform you that we just treated a patient, a small brown jack rabbit, for a ruptured intestine. It seems that the rabbit was involved in a violent scuffle and ended up with a large karaoke mic in his ass. The rabbit claims that the scuffle was brought about after he and Mr. TravisinFlorida had a heated debate over some audio goods. It is generally our policy to immediately nofity the police when we treat a patient that has recieved wounds from an act of violence. However, under the current circumstances that have been brought to our attention, we would like you to contact your accompliss, TravisinFlorida, to relay a message from our chief Vet here at Sacred Care Animal Clinic. He would like to ask Mr. TravisinFlorida if he thinks that a more appropriate solution to the problem might have been to place the mic on a tripod stand before insertion.
FHRD said:
Well, I would just like to...............................

Excuse me, telegram arrived.......................

Marked: Sacred Care Animal Clinic

Reads: Hello Mr. FHRD. We would like to inform you that we just treated a patient, a small brown jack rabbit, for a ruptured intestine. It seems that the rabbit was involved in a violent scuffle and ended up with a large karaoke mic in his ass. The rabbit claims that the scuffle was brought about after he and Mr. TravisinFlorida had a heated debate over some audio goods. It is generally our policy to immediately nofity the police when we treat a patient that has recieved wounds from an act of violence. However, under the current circumstances that have been brought to our attention, we would like you to contact your accompliss, TravisinFlorida, to relay a message from our chief Vet here at Sacred Care Animal Clinic. He would like to ask Mr. TravisinFlorida if he thinks that a more appropriate solution to the problem might have been to place the mic on a tripod stand before insertion.

In the esteemed words of a famous drill seargent, "Do you suck dick?"
Thanks for relaying the telegram mr. fhrd. i just got a message from thunder33. i thought the homerecording.com members might want to read this:

dead inside Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: The Death Star
Age: 30
Posts: 1,115
Rep Power: 419

I am going home!


it was fun causing trouble with you. Try not to eat too much spam while I am gone!

-GFCG Member 000 010-
click here to check out some of my stuff

That message was copied and pasted directly from my message inbox, in case any of you still have any doubts as to wether Thumper is a spammer.
mx_mx said:
Was this all planned or what?

Looking over my shoulders...............from what i gather from that message, he had fun causing trouble with me and does'nt want me to choke on the spam that he left here.

This was not planned in any way. This is not a joke. This is dead serious. Thumper is a spamboy.

This is the size of my penis: > <

Seriously, this is'nt a hoax. I busted his dirty spamming ass.
mx_mx said:
Was this all planned or what?

Looking over my shoulders...............from what i gather from that message, he had fun causing trouble with me and does'nt want me to choke on the spam that he left here.

This was not planned in any way. This is not a joke. This is dead serious. Thumper is a spamboy.

This is the size of my penis: > <

Seriously, this is'nt a hoax. I busted his dirty spamming ass. Can you say troll?

Everyone all together "Trolls like spam, and spam likes me, we're all a big spammy family".
TravisinFlorida said:
Looking over my shoulders...............from what i gather from that message, he had fun causing trouble with me and does'nt want me to choke on the spam that he left here.

This was not planned in any way. This is not a joke. This is dead serious. Thumper is a spamboy.

This is the size of my penis: > <

Seriously, this is'nt a hoax. I busted his dirty spamming ass.

Do you want a cookie?
I picked up a bunch of adapters, mic cables, xlr 20 ft snake, and insert cables for $100 from them. No problem with anything yet. The mic cables and 8channel xlr snake get used a lot. I have had the stuff for close to a year.
Travis, Jamie....enough please. I happen to believe you are both legitimate posters here, and the bickering is just foolishness. Both you sons of bitches owe me a beer, now, DAMMITT! Get to the fridge.
I don't care if Thunder is affiliated with Pulshittech, but what I know is that I wouldn't touch those $70 monitors without a 10-foot-pole :eek:

Thunder is NOT serious when he says he uses those for mixing. On another thread, he appeared to me as being the "peter pan of audio gear" by promoting cheap gear solutions for those that have no money....

Well I take this as an encouragement to buy cheap asian crappy stuff..cables and accessories, I agree, but studio monitors? DAMN!
TravisinFlorida said:
I just caught you, you fucking dirty SPAMMER!!!!!

Not even 10 minutes after all this shit and the closeup pictures are replaced with some teeny little pictures. Go sell your flea market bullshit some where else SpamBoy!

I caught a spammer, I caught a spammer. Sneaky little spammer. You see this shit CreamyApples? You in on this too? Bahhhh, I tell you what. If I saw your ass on the street I'd put a flea market karaoke mic straight up your ass buddy.

I think I'm gonna change my name to Fucking Home Recording Detective.

wtf? How did I get lumped into being involved in spamming? I asked a question...not sure it warrants a flea market karaoke mic put straight up my ass, but whatever gets you off. As I said in my post, I wasn't attempting to start anything by asking, just curious as to what you based your statement on. Damn me to hell....
TravisinFlorida said:
Looking over my shoulders...............from what i gather from that message, he had fun causing trouble with me and does'nt want me to choke on the spam that he left here.

This was not planned in any way. This is not a joke. This is dead serious. Thumper is a spamboy.

This is the size of my penis: > <

Seriously, this is'nt a hoax. I busted his dirty spamming ass. Can you say troll?

Everyone all together "Trolls like spam, and spam likes me, we're all a big spammy family".
double posting are we???
As far as i know thunder has absolutely nothing to do with that company and is just trying to help out the little guys, by giving them an affordable solution. Something i find myself doing over and over. Ok monitors aren't something you should be trying to save your money on. But if you have absolutely so way of saving the money for the more expensive monitors, or if you are just starting out and don't know a thing about recording, or if you're gonna even enjoy it, then these are a solution you may wish to look into. They would certainly be better than $70 headphones. I've just suggested a pair of £60 active monitors to my friend. They are definitely not the best monitors and only have 3" woofers, but all he will be using them for is vocals and guitar, so he doesn't need the best of the best, with the deepest bass and flatest frequency response. TravisinFlorida, what is your problem? You think you're some kind of big shot in homerecording.com, Ok you've been here for longer than i have and have posted and received a lot more rep than i have, but haven't you noticed that thunder has been here longer, posted less, but received A LOT more rep than yourself? He certainly helps out a bunch when you need it. You, on the other hand, are just looking for spammers! Homerecording detective? I don't think so. You've gotta be the worst detective there is!! Ok, we all know there are a bunch of spammers on here, but most of them just come on for a couple of days, spam like fuck then piss off. The rest of us come on for a bit of fun, to help and be helped when it comes to recording. Now, just lay off thunder. Ok, good day to you Travis.
TravisinFlorida said:
I just caught you, you fucking dirty SPAMMER!!!!!

Not even 10 minutes after all this shit and the closeup pictures are replaced with some teeny little pictures. Go sell your flea market bullshit some where else SpamBoy!

I caught a spammer, I caught a spammer. Sneaky little spammer. You see this shit CreamyApples? You in on this too? Bahhhh, I tell you what. If I saw your ass on the street I'd put a flea market karaoke mic straight up your ass buddy.

I think I'm gonna change my name to Fucking Home Recording Detective.

Sounds to me like someone has some sand in their vagina.
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