Lava Lamps!!!!

Hey guys I was just checking back to see if you guys posted any studio pics with Lava lamps. As I said a few weeks ago I am developing some high end wave machines. I am also selling some cool little keychains I created to support my prototype development if you'd be interested.

The WaveChains are ready to ship!

1 unit at 7.99 each

5 units at $5.99 each for a $10.00 savings
Lot of FIVE

View attachment 74797

You know if you were to make contact lenses like that you would be a gazillionair over night.
Cause I didn't get one of these!

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I'm partial to plasma balls myself... much more interactive! :D

Moving off topic slightly...

About 7 years ago I was mixing a live theatre version of a rockish musical and the set designer came up with the "brilliant" idea of making the FOH mix position look all science fiction by surrounding my then-pretty-new DM1000 digital mixer with plasma balls. The effect of the plasma balls on the motorised faders was rather spectacular--lots of random moves and wobbles!

Fortunately this was discovered at a tech rehearsal, not a real show!
Legend has it that back in the old days engineers used lava lamps as a timer to let them know when tube mics were warmed up enough to be used. They would turn on the lava lamp after switching on the mic(s) and when the lava lamp got fluid the mics were ready to go.

I have no idea if that is a true anecdote but it sounds cool and I suppose in the meantime the band and producer could use the waiting time to get high.

*I'm* actually the one that figured out that by the time the lava was flowing, my NTK tube mic was fully warmed up. The cool part is, it works regardless of ambient temperature. I posted that up in an old thread about lava lamps. Wow! I've been here long enough to have created an urban legend! Cool. I guess I can die happy now. It goes back to when I was building the studio, and looking at pics of professional studios, and checking B-room lists for gear ideas. Everywhere I looked, I saw those damned lamps. I posted up and asked, "What is it with these things? Do they stop RFI or what?" I got a one line PM from Harvey that said, "You don't have a lava lamp? Get one. Now." I bought mine the next day and never looked back. Thanks for the tip on the light bulbs. I guess I need a couple of backups. I don't think my Easy-Bake Oven is going to work too well with LED's either.
I'm proud to announe that, as of Saturday, I'm now the proud owner of a Mathmos lava lamp myself... red with purple water... Now I feel like a real recording person.... ;)
Maybe time for a "Lava Lamp display" thread, along the lines of the "Studio Building & Display" thread.
