Lava Lamps!!!!

Lava Lamps work with the heat from incandescent bulb. Time to stock up on backup bulbs. Though, I'm sure we will still be able to order bulbs from vendors abroad.
Hey guys, I just joined to let you guys who are fans of Lava Lamps know that I am developing 100% custom wave motion machines. If you know what they are, then you it would be an awesome addition to your studio or just about anywhere. Follow the progress of the prototype on Facebook here:

If you think you would be interested in purchasing one, just send me an email at and you will be notified when they are ready. As of now, I have perfected my wave fluid formula and I have a vintage Lava Wave Motion Machine that I have customized with my own formula for sale on eBay:
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Our custom formula is superior to any other wave fluids that have been developed. Notice the constant waves forming across the entire vessel. We will offer an 18" and a 30" model. So many options to choose from- high end wood, metal or acrylic base, lighting, UV reactive fluids, dual color, HD quality REAL ocean sound, and much more!

I randomly found this site some time ago because I (try to) make beats on FLStudio and bookmarked it. Anyway, take care and I hope to meet some of you on Facebook!

Hughes Wave Motion Machines
Yeah. I'm geek enough to have suffered the same disappointment... :(

(Did you notice the miniature LED wind turbine though? I'm wondering if the area around my patio needs a few of those....)
I'm going to have to check my lava lamp now to see what it uses for bulbs! Can't be normal-size ones. I stocked up on 100 watt incandescents before they took them off the shelves because I use them in clamp-on holders to keep the pipes warm in my basement where they go up through exterior walls - only use them when the temperature drops below 10F.
When do they take 75, 60 and 40 watt bulb away from us? Damn government rules 'for our own good'!
I'm going to have to check my lava lamp now to see what it uses for bulbs! Can't be normal-size ones. I stocked up on 100 watt incandescents before they took them off the shelves because I use them in clamp-on holders to keep the pipes warm in my basement where they go up through exterior walls - only use them when the temperature drops below 10F.
When do they take 75, 60 and 40 watt bulb away from us? Damn government rules 'for our own good'!

Ever heard of heat trace?
I've replaced my bulbs a few times already.Some places do sell bulbs advertised as "Lava Light' bulbs,but I think I used a plain old appliance bulb last time and it worked fine.There are a few different size lava lamps out there,I'm not sure if they all take the same size bulb.
Back in the 60's we usta use an overhead projector and two glass plates colored water and oil in between the two plates It was psychedelic man.
my bulb is busted )= but generally lava lamps help with acoustics. The lava dampens flutter waves and traps low frequency built up. for issues with comb filtering you need some of those color changing overhead lights. Its a much cheaper form of room treatment mannnnn
Ever heard of heat trace?

Yeah, you want to rip out the sheetrock and repair it in my living room, where the pipes to upstairs run in the outside wall? In the basement the pipes run up into/past notched fieldstone and sill plate - it's a 110 year old house. Previous owner did the work, I'm stuck with keeping it working. Had the pipes freeze twice when the temps dropped close to -10F, luckily they didn't burst.
A 100 watt light bulb is a cheap solution!
Yeah, you want to rip out the sheetrock and repair it in my living room, where the pipes to upstairs run in the outside wall? In the basement the pipes run up into/past notched fieldstone and sill plate - it's a 110 year old house. Previous owner did the work, I'm stuck with keeping it working. Had the pipes freeze twice when the temps dropped close to -10F, luckily they didn't burst.
A 100 watt light bulb is a cheap solution!

:laughings: a should encourage a family of skunks to move in to hibernate the winter all around your pipes.