Lava Lamps!!!!


New member
ive been looking through the pictures of peoples studio's, and ive notced quite a few of them have lava lamps.
Why has everyone got them?
Is it the in thing in Recording Studio's?
Legend has it that back in the old days engineers used lava lamps as a timer to let them know when tube mics were warmed up enough to be used. They would turn on the lava lamp after switching on the mic(s) and when the lava lamp got fluid the mics were ready to go.

I have no idea if that is a true anecdote but it sounds cool and I suppose in the meantime the band and producer could use the waiting time to get high.
I have one of those lamps with metallic "confetti" that floats and reflects light around the room when the temperature in the lamp warms up. Looks pretty cool against white walls/ceiling with the rest of the studio lights down.
I had a screen saver Lava Lamp, but lost it when I had to reinstall windows, I will find it again soon. Come to think of it I may install it on the old 2nd PC so it can run all the time.

If you find a good one (screensaver), let me know. I don't think anything would ever compare to the real ones, but anything is better than none. My kid needs one upstairs, but I don't trust him with electrical stuff that produces heat. He will likely burn my house down with the Foreman Grill if I'm not careful....Hell, nightlights scare me up there with him around.
Lava Lamps pffff
I got a plasma plate instead.

You'll soon learn your lesson.

About seven years ago I was doing live sound for a science fiction musical. The set designer decided to get clever and made the FOH mix position look like a space ship control panel complete with a plasma ball on a stand either side of my mixer. As soon as they were turned on, the static discharge had the motorised faders on my Yamaha digital console moving at random all by themselves--spectacular to watch but not so good to listen to!

Lava lamps, on the other hand, improve the acoustics of any space!
My lava lamp is a great asset in the studio but with the demise of the standard light bulbs will there ever be an LED equallent?