Joe Meek 3Q


New member
Has anyone got one of these? I'm also considering the TwinQ. Does anyone have a review of the 3Q they'd like to share?
I'd sure like to try one. I would like a rack mountable one better, but hey beggars can't be choosers. Again this is not helping any, but they do look nice...
ive got one, and i must say, it is a very colored pre. All of the little extra goodies suck, but the pre is really nice................what else do you need to know?
notbradsohner said:
ive got one, and i must say, it is a very colored pre. All of the little extra goodies suck, but the pre is really nice................what else do you need to know?

wow, thats surprising....i have a VC3Q and MQ3 and the compressor is what set it apart from others in its $$$ range.......very nice for voice and bass especially.......

i would have thought Alan kicked it up a notch with the new design...

im curious to have a listen now......
well, the compressor is better than the behringer models and such, but lets put it this way........once i purchased it, i felt i spent my money on a pre amp that came with other stuff. not a preamp and eq and a compressor.

get my drift?
The comp in the TwinQ will be very similar. The TwinQ will have more tweaking options for the comp than the 3Q. I have 2 VC6Qs and am very happy with the whole package. I don't use the EQ too much but its OK for what it is. I usually add most EQ after tracking. If I don't like the shape of the sound, I'd be more likely to try another pre altogether or switch mics than radically EQ it coming in. I wouldn't hesitate on getting the TwinQ at all. If you like a warm coloration you'll be happy. If what you want is transparency then look elsewhere. You can get transparency with the Meek stuff using just the pre and bypassing the compressor.
notbradsohner said:
ive got one, and i must say, it is a very colored pre. All of the little extra goodies suck, but the pre is really nice................what else do you need to know?

My guess is you have the old units. Either the VC3, VC3Q, or MQ3. You could not possibly say that about the new Joemeek threeQ.

While all these model numbers are confusing here guys, the new products now shipping are worlds apart from the old units. The new one is not a colored pre, unless you add the compressor in. Here is one early opinion of the new unit

Hi all, Just wanted to share about my 3Q. I got 2 of them and had no recording projects going on so I was hurting for a opportunity to try them out. Well, my church had an outdoor gig and I, being the Worship Leader/head of the music dept and AV, got to run sound… don’t normally get to as I am usually playing. Well, I brought 1 of my 3Q’s along since I knew I wouldn’t have any outboard gear. Being that I am one of those that thinks that if the snare sucks, the whole thing sucks, I put it on the snare. It didn’t take long before I had more thwack than I could shake a stick at. The comp in that unit bites like a BIG dog. My drummer could just tap it and it was thunderous. It made me realize that now, for the first time, I could get a mix ready snare sound as I record it, not with my plugs later.

Anyhoo…. Schweet unit. I am hugely impressed!
Thanks Alan,

I think you all are talking about the old units....
alanhyatt said:
You could not possibly say that about the new Joemeek threeQ.

Why not? :D

Maybe he thinks it sounds like dog shit. That's his opinion -- let him have it. I happen to like the earler version Joemeeks, and I'm sure the newer ones are just fine, but like anything else, I'm sure people's mileage will vary from user-to-user.

By the way, about the comp on the newer versions . . . How do they compare to the older ones? How do they differ? Are they any faster? In other words, can one dial in a more realistic attack time for something like percussion? From my experience, the older versions were pretty much slow as molasses, even for an opto compressor -- making them all but unusable on something like snare. Very cool for electric guitar and rock vocals, though.

What's your experience?

Why not? :D

Maybe he thinks it sounds like dog shit. Maybe he does

That's his opinion -- let him have it. He can!

I happen to like the earler version Joemeeks, and I'm sure the newer ones are just fine, but like anything else, I'm sure people's mileage will vary from user-to-user. You think?

By the way, about the comp on the newer versions . . . How do they compare to the older ones? Way better in MHO

How do they differ? Different components, different Opto device, lower noise, better design

Are they any faster? Way faster!

In other words, can one dial in a more realistic attack time for something like percussion? Yes, the new units are very percussive. So much so, you need to set the attck all the way to its slowest point before adjusting it, or it can be too much

From my experience, the older versions were pretty much slow as molasses, even for an opto compressor -- making them all but unusable on something like snare. Well, I think they were usable on more than that, but you may have your opinion...

Very cool for electric guitar and rock vocals, though. Still is, only better

What's your experience? About 38 years :D
futurestar said:
Thanks Alan, I'm still leaning towards the TwinQ ...

I don't blame you. The threeQ is really good, but still the entry level unit. The sixQ, and oneQ are outstanding, and if a dual channel is needed, the twinQ makes sense. All new full rack Joemeeks have much more control than ever before....and they are way fast.