JazzMang's new thread... BAM!

Great vocals on this tune....

Lead (as you asked) is very nice as well, could use some more volume though as it's buried by the rhythms......

Will keep listening for revisions....... :cool:
Ok, so I half-way lied to you in the other thread when I said I would put down a bass track for you that night. I'm gonna do it tonight instead :). I guess you'll get two...one for the first half of the song and one for the second half. One of these days you're gonna have to put it all together for us to get hit by the full effect!
Here's your bass track Jazz!


There was a slight buzz coming from my amp that I couldn't isolate, but I think it's quiet enough it won't be a problem. The track starts with 8 bars of nothing, for the 4 times you play the opening riff. The bass comes in right when you start singing. I spliced both the starting and ending tracks together, so if I did it right, this track should line up for the whole thing.
Thanks sile!

I am out of town (in california) at the moment, but i will put this stuff together as soon as i get back.

You never told me what you thought of the song and its arrangement! Good? Bad? Cheesy? Let me know what you think!
JazzMang said:
Thanks for the bass rigup.
The sound of the bass itself isn't too bad (altho a bit loud, as you mentioned)

Some of the notes are wrong, but that can easily be fixed. I like the tone of your bass much better than what I got. Thanks for giving up your time to help!

anyways, here is the newest revision - cleaned up tempo issues (not all, but most), and also played with EQ and re-did break2 acoustics.

It almost blew me outa my chair with the volume! I had headphones on!! :eek:

Kickin' some ass JaZZ!!! The snare roll right before the mellow break has an awesome pop right before the roll!!! Even the marching roll has a softer effect. What did you do to it? I would still like it better with a bit more softening. The added snare pop right after the marching roll sounds excellent!!! :cool:

As always the vocals are unreal!!

The ryhthm guitar is sooooo good!!! Your buildup skillz are A-1 !!!

I am awaiting to hear this with the bass track!!!!

True :) :) :) :) :)
Thanks for listening True!

Yea, I like the awesome rimshots with some nice verb to them... opens the soundstage right up.

That version you actually listened to does have a bass part in there... I still need to bring up the volume a bit (or get a real bass).

I have just got back from my trip to california, so I can record more stuff soon!
JazzMang said:
Thanks for listening True!

Yea, I like the awesome rimshots with some nice verb to them... opens the soundstage right up.

That version you actually listened to does have a bass part in there... I still need to bring up the volume a bit (or get a real bass).

I have just got back from my trip to california, so I can record more stuff soon!
Yeah, I could hear the bass, but I was referring to the bass part that Sile did for ya. :)

Have fun in the sun, smog and california surf!!! :D

You're Welkom JaZZ!!! :)
i swear, if the singer from the goo goo dolls died, and they needed a replacement, u could honestly do it and noone would notice cuz u sound exactly like that guy...
really good song i enjoy the vocals quite a bit
Jazz, sounding nice. The song's coming together nicely. The bass is sounding real nice. The big guitars in the dreamy part sounds cool. :)

I'll be waiting to hear the complete version. This is coming together nicely and should be a must listen piece when this is done. :)

So git-r-done man! :)
JazzMang said:
Ok, so I quickly slapped together the rest of the song this morning...

there are bad vocal edits, etc..., but I am planning on redoing all that over the next week or so...

just to see what the whole sounds like...

Hi JaZZ! I hope I am not overstepping bounderies, when I say this....but have you considered congas in place of the marching drum roll? I have congas, and I experimented with them. They fit in with the mix nicely in different places and complimenty the snare(which tone and setting in the mix, sounds perfect to my ears). The congas sound excellent in the quiet parts, especially right after the rimshots that I am so crazy about, that goes into the 'quiet guitar solo, on into the marching drum roll(congas instead). I can play well enough to get an idea across.

I need to figure out how to get this played on my Windows player to show play times. That makes it simpler to explain. Do ya know how I would do that JaZZ...or anyone?:confused: I get the Windows on some tunes and the Quiktime on others, but how can I decide?

I think the mix is great on this....the song is sooooooooooo good!!!! You have got to do something with this and 'Hard to Breathe' JaZZ. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
true-eurt said:
Hi JaZZ! I hope I am not overstepping bounderies, when I say this....but have you considered congas in place of the marching drum roll? I have congas, and I experimented with them. They fit in with the mix nicely in different places and complimenty the snare(which tone and setting in the mix, sounds perfect to my ears). The congas sound excellent in the quiet parts, especially right after the rimshots that I am so crazy about, that goes into the 'quiet guitar solo, on into the marching drum roll(congas instead). I can play well enough to get an idea across.

I need to figure out how to get this played on my Windows player to show play times. That makes it simpler to explain. Do ya know how I would do that JaZZ...or anyone?:confused: I get the Windows on some tunes and the Quiktime on others, but how can I decide?

I think the mix is great on this....the song is sooooooooooo good!!!! You have got to do something with this and 'Hard to Breathe' JaZZ. :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

No, I haven't considered congas. I would love to hear a track with what you have in mind!

To open the song in Windows Media Player, right click the link that I gave and hit 'save as...'
save to your desktop or somewhere you can remember.
now, on your desktop, right click the song file and hit 'open with...'
then select windows media player there.

Thats a temporary fix.
The real fix is to uninstall quicktime! :p (I despise it so much!)

If you can rig up a conga track, that would be awesome!

JazzMang said:
No, I haven't considered congas. I would love to hear a track with what you have in mind!

To open the song in Windows Media Player, right click the link that I gave and hit 'save as...'
save to your desktop or somewhere you can remember.
now, on your desktop, right click the song file and hit 'open with...'
then select windows media player there.

Thats a temporary fix.
The real fix is to uninstall quicktime! :p (I despise it so much!)

If you can rig up a conga track, that would be awesome!

Thanks JaZZ. I already figured that out. Shocked me, as I usually can't do any of the internet stuff right. Thanks for offering your help though!!:D

I could probably do a track, as long as you understand, that I can't play them wellenough to use, but well enough to get the idea across...I think. :D
If I tried it tonight, I would be drawn and quartered by my mother. Tomarrow I work, so I will try tomarrow nite. :)
JaZZ..just got home a bit ago and it was too late to record the congas...my mom is 78, so she hits the rack early...I will be home tomarrow though and will lay down a track for ya!! :) :) :) :)

I will have a listen to your new one on the phones tonite and monitors tomarrow!! :)