Indictments in three separate cases - and a fourth one likely

*Why* would they invest $2B with Kushner at all? The Saudis had to override their own internal DD studies showing Kushner was not qualified to manage the funds. What did the Saudis buy exactly?
The thing that you have to understand is that what has been written by news media is straight bullshit. The Saudi Prince wanted to do this, for what reason I don’t know, but do you honestly think that anyone on the PIF board, or working for that board would disagree with his wishes? The part about Kushner not being qualified is pure fiction, put out by a biased media in yet another effort to shine a negative light on anyone in the Trump camp . I think the better question is why is the Saudi PIF investing so much into companies that that are primarily involved in electronic vehicles? It isn’t hard to see why the Israelis would want the Saudis to be invested with them. It was actually a very smart move, because with the Saudis being invested in Israel, the likelihood of getting friendly with Iran Diminishes. Compare what that meant to what we have happening in 2023, which is the Chinese brokering a deal to restore relation between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Then consider that the house oversight committee has evidence that the Biden family received 1.3 million in payments from Chinese company HK limited, less than 2 months after Joe Biden left the office of vice President. It is amazing to me that the same people that are so willing to label Trump as corrupt with no evidence, are completely unwilling to look at real corruption, with actual evidence. None of this shit going on in the Middle East will lead to anything that is going to be good for Americans. People need to wake up, and quit letting the media, and crooked politicians lead them around by the nose, because the day is coming when they are going to realize just how completely they have been fucked over if they don’t.
This isn't fucking Hockey, boys... these "people" aren't anything worth "getting behind". You spend way too much energy and time on "people" that don't give a shit about you. Why on earth do you people get so worked up over other "people's" kids? None of it matters.
The thing that you have to understand is that what has been written by news media is straight bullshit.
Ok but,
The Saudi Prince wanted to do this, for what reason I don’t know,
then how do you know what’s straight bullshit?

The Saudi PIF owns LIV golf, which started using a Trump course for an event. Now the prince gives money to Kushner to invest. This is an ex-potus family but still a candidate for 2024. If this were Biden’s family activities you would not be defending it. Could easily be typical rich guy back scratching, or could easily be money laundering for more nefarious transactions. All likely on a much larger scale than “maybe we can work something out”.
Ok but,

then how do you know what’s straight bullshit?

The Saudi PIF owns LIV golf, which started using a Trump course for an event. Now the prince gives money to Kushner to invest. This is an ex-potus family but still a candidate for 2024. If this were Biden’s family activities you would not be defending it. Could easily be typical rich guy back scratching, or could easily be money laundering for more nefarious transactions. All likely on a much larger scale than “maybe we can work something out”.
I’m not defending the Saudis, or Kushner. While I am a Trump supporter, I didn’t like Kushner being anywhere near the White House, and don’t care for the Saudis and their bullshit either. The point I was making is that both sides of the isle are accepting money from the PIF. You implied that Kushner got money from it as pay off for helping to plot Kashoggi’s murder, but you failed to mention anyone else that was also getting money from it. Google, Meta, Amazon, shit, that list is endless. And you are correct. I would never defend a corrupt POS like Biden, because unlike Trump. nothing has to be made up in an attempt to paint him as corrupt. It is all there for anyone to see, but they have to be willing to look.
You implied that Kushner got money from it as pay off for helping to plot Kashoggi’s murder,
Wasn’t my intent to imply Kushner had anything to do with the murder, only that he lacked the scruples to avoid associating with people who do.
I’m not defending the Saudis, or Kushner. While I am a Trump supporter, I didn’t like Kushner being anywhere near the White House, and don’t care for the Saudis and their bullshit either. The point I was making is that both sides of the isle are accepting money from the PIF. You implied that Kushner got money from it as pay off for helping to plot Kashoggi’s murder, but you failed to mention anyone else that was also getting money from it. Google, Meta, Amazon, shit, that list is endless. And you are correct. I would never defend a corrupt POS like Biden, because unlike Trump. nothing has to be made up in an attempt to paint him as corrupt. It is all there for anyone to see, but they have to be willing to look.
Why are you a Trump supporter? Honest question.
Every fuckin' person that supported him is ending up fucked.
Powell, Ellis, Eastman, Giuliani, Clarke, Smith, etc. are all fucked. Cohen got fucked. His accountant Weisselberg got fucked.
People are flipping on him like pancakes at IHOP.
Why do you support him?
On the other hand everybody who didn't support him ended up fucked. Look at the sorry state of this country. You can say it's not Biden's fault, if you wish, but you would be in the minority. I mean Americans, people who actually live in this country. Hell, just scanned through something today where Biden in his own slurred and barely comprehensible words said his administration is working out some initiative or whatever they call these grift schemes these days to send 100s of millions to Brazil, South America or some shit. Sure, why not, just as long as it isn't white supremacist America First.

Personally, I'd kind of like 2019 back. Why are you a trump supporter, you ask?