Indictments in three separate cases - and a fourth one likely

Even besides his graft he was happy to sign the bullshit of requiring schools to allow dudes in skirts to compete against biological women, something utterly, fundamentally screwed up and indefensible - this was a *week one priority*. It's not because he some deep conviction about it being right, he's happy to throw women athletes under the bus just to pander to a certain segment of DemLeftists.

I don't think he has core convictions about *anything*.
Breaking my ban on dealing with you for this one-

First, I totally agree that trans women playing in men’s sports is bullshit. Unfair to women. Don’t know why any person with a sense of pride would even want to do it.

That said, Biden’s bill actually allows schools to have restrictions at high school and college level. Trans groups were pissed about it.

He probably should have not rushed to do it. I think he was trying to get it done in pride week, which is why I think the timing was what it was.
Breaking my ban on dealing with you for this one-

First, I totally agree that trans women playing in men’s sports is bullshit. Unfair to women. Don’t know why any person with a sense of pride would even want to do it.

That said, Biden’s bill actually allows schools to have restrictions at high school and college level. Trans groups were pissed about it.

He probably should have not rushed to do it. I think he was trying to get it done in pride week, which is why I think the timing was what it was.
Call me old school, but men transitioning to female should not be in a woman's sport. I think we are agreeing?
Here ya go...

He's a fair bit down the list, but let's take the 10 million as a start...

Then there's this, which seemingly corroborates the numbers...

What is it that you think he's worth? Are these numbers wrong?

I ain't clicking no links. They might have the aids.

Wonder where that 20 million went, and what the percentage for the big guy? Hard to say, innit? If Hunter is to be believed he had to give him half. That would 10 million for those playing at home. Not a bad payday for a public servant, huh?
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I ain't clicking no links. They might have the aids.

Wonder where that 20 million went, and what the percentage for the big guy? Hard to say, innit? If Hunter is to be believed he had to give him half. That would 10 million for those playing at home. Not a bad payday for a public servant, huh?
Hey, if there's a crime I'm all good with the punishment.
brassplyer said:
Even besides his graft he was happy to sign the bullshit of requiring schools to allow dudes in skirts to compete against biological women, something utterly, fundamentally screwed up and indefensible - this was a *week one priority*. It's not because he some deep conviction about it being right, he's happy to throw women athletes under the bus just to pander to a certain segment of DemLeftists.

I don't think he has core convictions about *anything*.
Breaking my ban on dealing with you for this one-

First, I totally agree that trans women playing in men’s sports is bullshit. Unfair to women. Don’t know why any person with a sense of pride would even want to do it.

That said, Biden’s bill actually allows schools to have restrictions at high school and college level. Trans groups were pissed about it.

He probably should have not rushed to do it. I think he was trying to get it done in pride week, which is why I think the timing was what it was.
It's vague on the point and currently the NCAA allows dudes in skirts in women's sports. It's bullshit that he even got involved, just like it's bullshit that he announced he would be limiting his SCOTUS choice to a black woman which is the kind of racism and sexism that's celebrated by leftists and for the same reason - pandering. And who do his puppeteers pick to be the first black woman SCOTUS justice? A woman who the left celebrated as a woman yet insists she can't define what a woman is and who has a record of friendliness toward pedophiles.

Just like it's bullshit that his puppeteers are allowing hordes to come across the border and going to extra lengths to accommodate them.

I don't wish for anyone to become a victim of illegal alien crime from murder to identity theft but if it's going to happen it's better that it happens to someone who made the asinine choice of voting for him. Even better if they're someone who's been vocal about their bleeding heart sentiments on the matter. Mollie Tibbetts posted on Twitter about how "I hate white people" because some election didn't go the way she wanted - which by the way was allowed to stay under Jack Dorsey's information suppression leftist version of Twitter, it's still there the last I checked. Her family became furious that anyone had the audacity to point out that it was an illegal alien who murdered her saying it was "racist". As usual anything leftists don't like is declared "racist".

Everything Brandon touches is bullshit because that's how his puppeteers want it. What's also huge bullshit is the fraud that he pretends to be anything other than a puppet and that his voters clearly don't care that they were voting for an unelected, unnamed shadow cabal. His voters bray about how he's better than Trump in the complete absence of any actual evidence and in defiance of evidence to the contrary. He doesn't get credit for the fact that he happened to be standing there as the economy opened back up.
Is @brassplyer a Woman, and we didn't realize it? Seems rather strange otherwise about the fascination with "dudes in skirts". How does this affect you otherwise? You're obviously NOT an illegal alien, because you hate them so much, and they're all criminal murdering identity thieves, so... that makes sense. If you are a Woman, you're definitely NOT a Black Woman... that's for sure... you don't like Black Women. That would be too DemiLeftist Racist Sexist for you. Actually, none of this makes sense... you're definitely an old white dude... so I don't know what your fascination is with all of these "issues".
Everything Brandon touches is bullshit because that's how his puppeteers want it. What's also huge bullshit is the fraud that he pretends to be anything other than a puppet and that his voters clearly don't care that they were voting for an unelected, unnamed shadow cabal. His voters bray about how he's better than Trump in the complete absence of any actual evidence and in defiance of evidence to the contrary. He doesn't get credit for the fact that he happened to be standing there as the economy opened back up.
Completely unhinged mate.
Who are the puppeteers?
Unelected, unnamed shadow cabal? How convenient. :ROFLMAO:
brassplyer said:
Everything Brandon touches is bullshit because that's how his puppeteers want it. What's also huge bullshit is the fraud that he pretends to be anything other than a puppet and that his voters clearly don't care that they were voting for an unelected, unnamed shadow cabal. His voters bray about how he's better than Trump in the complete absence of any actual evidence and in defiance of evidence to the contrary. He doesn't get credit for the fact that he happened to be standing there as the economy opened back up.
Completely unhinged mate.
Who are the puppeteers?
Unelected, unnamed shadow cabal? How convenient. :ROFLMAO:
Yes - "unhinged" because it was great that Brandon acted to shoehorn boys into girl's sports and locker rooms, because you're all for swarming the US with as much of the criminally and medically unvetted Third World as possible.

You apparently don't understand what "unnamed" means. You genuinely believe that Brandon is the mind behind "his" administration?

But I do have some theories.

Barry and Brandon 2.jpg
Not sure who that Brandon person is... but that other guy sure looks a lot like the Greatest U.S. President of our lifetime so far. ;)
Yes - "unhinged" because it was great that Brandon acted to shoehorn boys into girl's sports and locker rooms, because you're all for swarming the US with as much of the criminally and medically unvetted Third World as possible.

You apparently don't understand what "unnamed" means. You genuinely believe that Brandon is the mind behind "his" administration?

But I do have some theories.

View attachment 133328
Yes, of course... insults are your answer to everything.
In the animal kingdom....if a tiger bites a lion on the ass....the lion will turn around and bite the tiger squarely on its snout and mouth.
Yes, of course... insults are your answer to everything.
Dave, you and Leddy constantly complain about insults lodged in your direction. The two of you should reread your own posts, recently, and past. The two of you post subtle insults constantly. For the most part it's useless rhetoric, but by all means, if it makes you feel good about the role you play daily within the threads here trashing conservative minded people, it is within your rights to post your opinions
Todays liberals despise MAGA hat wearers for no other reason other than Trump used the slogan to his advantage. The majority of today's liberals are just a bit too lazy to read about the origin of "Make America Great Again". It's a great slogan and that slogan is definitely a threat to democracy, right?

I don't like Trump or Biden for 2024, but I do think that conservatives need a new hat and a new slogan.

Anyone But Biden Again
Dave, you and Leddy constantly complain about insults lodged in your direction. The two of you should reread your own posts, recently, and past. The two of you post subtle insults constantly. For the most part it's useless rhetoric, but by all means, if it makes you feel good about the role you play daily within the threads here trashing conservative minded people, it is within your rights to post your opinions
Todays liberals despise MAGA hat wearers for no other reason other than Trump used the slogan to his advantage. The majority of today's liberals are just a bit too lazy to read about the origin of "Make America Great Again". It's a great slogan and that slogan is definitely a threat to democracy, right?

I don't like Trump or Biden for 2024, but I do think that conservatives need a new hat and a new slogan.

Anyone But Biden Again
You have a clear bias towards only seeing them from people you don’t agree with.
Dave, you and Leddy constantly complain about insults lodged in your direction. The two of you should reread your own posts, recently, and past. The two of you post subtle insults constantly. For the most part it's useless rhetoric, but by all means, if it makes you feel good about the role you play daily within the threads here trashing conservative minded people, it is within your rights to post your opinions
Todays liberals despise MAGA hat wearers for no other reason other than Trump used the slogan to his advantage. The majority of today's liberals are just a bit too lazy to read about the origin of "Make America Great Again". It's a great slogan and that slogan is definitely a threat to democracy, right?

I don't like Trump or Biden for 2024, but I do think that conservatives need a new hat and a new slogan.

Anyone But Biden Again
I'm not a liberal. :-)