Indictments in three separate cases - and a fourth one likely

Why are you a Trump supporter? Honest question.
Every fuckin' person that supported him is ending up fucked.
Powell, Ellis, Eastman, Giuliani, Clarke, Smith, etc. are all fucked. Cohen got fucked. His accountant Weisselberg got fucked.
People are flipping on him like pancakes at IHOP.
Why do you support him?
He's a fighter. He didn't have run again for President, but he chose to do it.... risking jail and his personal fortune.
All the impeachments and indictments are total bullshit, based on trick-bagging him. This is the elite power structure/establishment (which permeates both parties) fighting to divide and eliminate the middle class and elevate themselves to the point where they control all aspects of our lives. "Climate change" is just one of ways they're doing it. Now they're brainwashing people into thinking that our stoves, refrigerators and toasters are terrible and destructive for the environment.
Trump calls them out on all this BS. He's a HUGE threat to the elites, because he's willing to sacrifice everything to help the little guy (middle class).
If you can't see it, that's not my problem, it's yours.
You're trusting the people who support killing babies right up to the moment of birth. People who are flooding our country with illegals. People who support sex change operations for young children (against their parents wishes), etc etc etc. These are priorities for the people who hate Trump. By no means am I saying Trump is perfect, wonderful, or fully correct on all the issues. But he fights for what he believes with great passion and he's inspirational to people who want a return to some sort of normalcy.
The Dems make people angry and crazy about a myriad of issues. They're screwing up our economy and making everything unaffordable. Trump wants families and people to flourish and have the opportunities that the elites are trying to slowly strip away from us. If you don't see it... if you're buying the liberal lies... that's not my concern, and I hope you don't mind voting yourself back into the stone age.
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On the other hand everybody who didn't support him ended up fucked. Look at the sorry state of this country. You can say it's not Biden's fault, if you wish, but you would be in the minority. I mean Americans, people who actually live in this country. Hell, just scanned through something today where Biden in his own slurred and barely comprehensible words said his administration is working out some initiative or whatever they call these grift schemes these days to send 100s of millions to Brazil, South America or some shit. Sure, why not, just as long as it isn't white supremacist America First.

Personally, I'd kind of like 2019 back. Why are you a trump supporter, you ask?
Your feelings are OK/fine or something... but what do you say about the legion of people who are absolutely fucked by/because of being involved with Trump?
I listened to the whole Biden UN speech.
I do give him credit for making it through the whole talk with minimal flubbing. They must have him on some great drugs!

However it was painful to watch.
It might as well have been a pledge of Allegiance to the WEF, the United Nations Agenda 2030, the WHO, the Green New Deal, the build back better philosophy, give all our money away to other countries and Fuck the United States.

He’s a great New World Order, Globalist puppet that has no allegiance to the well being of America and the American people.

And if you don’t believe that, just go ask some Hawaiians how they are doing with their 700 bucks they got.

At least Trump cared about the country. You know, that ‘evil’ America First Policy . :-)
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He's a fighter. He didn't have run again for President, but he chose to do it.... risking jail and his personal fortune.
All the impeachments and indictments are total bullshit, based on trick-bagging him. This is the elite power structure/establishment (which permeates both parties) fighting to divide and eliminate the middle class and elevate themselves to the point where they control all aspects of our lives. "Climate change" is just one of ways they're doing it. Now they're brainwashing people into thinking that our stoves, refrigerators and toasters are terrible and destructive for the environment.
Trump calls them out on all this BS. He's a HUGE threat to the elites, because he's willing to sacrifice everything to help the little guy (middle class).
If you can't see it, that's not my problem, it's yours.
You're trusting the people who support killing babies right up to the moment of birth. People who are flooding our country with illegals. People who support sex change operations for young children (against their parents wishes), etc etc etc. These are priorities for the people who hate Trump. By no means am I saying Trump is perfect, wonderful, or fully correct on all the issues. But he fights for what he believes with great passion and he's inspirational to people who want a return to some sort of normalcy.
The Dems make people angry and crazy about a myriad of issues. They're screwing up our economy and making everything unaffordable. Trump wants families and people to flourish and have the opportunities that the elites are trying to slowly strip away from us. If you don't see it... if you're buying the liberal lies... that's not my concern, and I hope you don't mind voting yourself back into the stone age.

^^This^^. Absolutely. Well said.
He's a loser.
He won in 2016, and deserved it.
He lost in 2018, 2020, and is losing now.
He lost casinos... how the fuck does that even happen?
He lost steaks, water, a university, a charity, and... WTF?
He's a fucking loser.
In business and life, people lose.
A boxer can have the shit kicked out of him continually, but he gets up off the floor and gets back in the fight. Then one day he becomes the world heavyweight champ.

A real loser is somebody who gives up and quits.
Why are you a Trump supporter? Honest question.
Every fuckin' person that supported him is ending up fucked.
Powell, Ellis, Eastman, Giuliani, Clarke, Smith, etc. are all fucked. Cohen got fucked. His accountant Weisselberg got fucked.
People are flipping on him like pancakes at IHOP.
Why do you support him?
I have heard the "Trump is fucked " thing since he won the presidency the first time, and this is just more of the same. I support him because he didn't drag us into any wars, although the left pretended that he had us on the verge of WWIII. And now with the left in control, we actually are. My business increased before he was even inaugurated, because consumers had confidence again. Gas was cheap, and so were groceries. You know Goddamned good and well why I support Trump, because I wasn't the only one in this country that enjoyed that stuff. Why don't you tell us why you support a party that has our country circling the drain.
He's a loser.
He won in 2016, and deserved it.
He lost in 2018, 2020, and is losing now.
He lost casinos... how the fuck does that even happen?
He lost steaks, water, a university, a charity, and... WTF?
He's a fucking loser.

The universe is chocked full of those who are successful saying if you have never lost you have never tried, or at least tried to your fullest effort to achieve that which you are capable of achieving. It's part of the ladder or path to achievement and success, experiencing failure. You'll fail over and over again, but you get back up and keep at it. That's not lose, that's win. For all you the science fanboys, it's part of the scientific method towards scientific achievement. I'm not going to prattle on about the dumbassity of someone calling someone who has achieved more than you could ever hope to achieve being a loser.....I'll just wrap it up by saying, safe and effective, maybe one day they'll get it right, a win. Meantime keep getting them boosters. F'n guinea pig political prole pawn.
It really strikes me as childish to believe that Trump is responsible for a good economy and Biden is responsible for a bad one. Trump came in to an already great economy and cut taxes to juice it. Those cuts just added debt since he added spending too; the added growth did not cover the cost. You guys believe Biden is somehow responsible for the world economy after covid too. Inflation and gas is up over the entire world, but that’s Biden’s fault? Might as well believe in Santa Clause.

There are plenty of reasons to love Trump if you’re a conservative, but some of you guys only mention shit that he had nothing to do with.
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He's a loser.
Go ahead and explain how Biden is superior to Trump, in what specific ways "his" policies have been better for Americans than Trump's policies.

If you were to task Biden and Trump with personally, in writing outlining the process of starting a business from the ground up whose outline do you think would be more complete and coherent and better reflect knowledge of the subject?

Biden refused to take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test that Trump took and had no problems with - it's designed to detect onset of dementia. Think it was because Biden's handlers knew what it would reveal? If not then what explanation is plausible to you?

How do you think press coverage of Biden compares to coverage of Trump?

Do you believe Biden is the mind behind his administration?
Go ahead and explain how Biden is superior to Trump, in what specific ways "his" policies have been better for Americans than Trump's policies.

If you were to task Biden and Trump with personally, in writing outlining the process of starting a business from the ground up whose outline do you think would be more complete and coherent and better reflect knowledge of the subject?

Biden refused to take the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test that Trump took and had no problems with - it's designed to detect onset of dementia. Think it was because Biden's handlers knew what it would reveal? If not then what explanation is plausible to you?

How do you think press coverage of Biden compares to coverage of Trump?

Do you believe Biden is the mind behind his administration?
Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years
10 million jobs created, 750 thousand of which are domestic manufacturing
$15 minimum wage
Most significant gun violence prevention legislation in 30 years
Reducing healthcare costs by $800/year for many

Flip side? I would need to be convinced why forgiving student debt is a good thing. I can obviously see how that benefits the student, but they did sign up for that debt, so I don't get it.
Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years
10 million jobs created, 750 thousand of which are domestic manufacturing
$15 minimum wage
Most significant gun violence prevention legislation in 30 years
Reducing healthcare costs by $800/year for many

Flip side? I would need to be convinced why forgiving student debt is a good thing. I can obviously see how that benefits the student, but they did sign up for that debt, so I don't get it.
You didn't explain specifically how Biden is personally responsible for any of what you claim to be true and you didn't even touch on my other questions.

I.e. you didn't answer my questions.

Try again.
Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years
10 million jobs created, 750 thousand of which are domestic manufacturing
$15 minimum wage
Most significant gun violence prevention legislation in 30 years
Reducing healthcare costs by $800/year for many

Flip side? I would need to be convinced why forgiving student debt is a good thing. I can obviously see how that benefits the student, but they did sign up for that debt, so I don't get it.
And you believe ‘official’ government figures?............or I should say ‘claims’.

I’m sorry. ;)