I'm ready for some football.

THIS particular playoff concept isn't any better than the BCS. It's totally a 'vote for the best' system just like the BCS was.

As soon as they announced it was a human committee picking the teams I knew it was bogus. Bring back the computers to rank the top 8, and then turn them loose to play.
Yeah but it's 4 teams instead of 2. Doesn't that at least reduce the possibility that a worthy team is excluded?
Not enough to stop the controversy.
You can see the problems this very first year when it's pretty clear that someone will be able to make a plausible claim that they shouldn't have been left out.

If we're gonna have a play-off then let's have a damned play off!
I think 8 would do it .... 12 would be better but there's a legitimate problem with adding too many games to these kids year.
Don't forget .... a LOT of these kids will never play again after college ...... we can't just turn it into a 16 game season. We'll be crippling young men who'll get no disability.
Maybe they could cut a game or two outta the regular season but then schools are gonna scream about that 'cause they want their money..

One thing for sure ...... after this is over there are gonna be just as many people dissatisfied with the results as there were under the BCS system.
I still think 12 is the perfect number! top 4 seeds get a bye. It'd be wonderful.
You're talking about adding another 4 games including the final championship game. There's no way that's doable without cutting the regular season shorter.

Even 8 teams adds 3 games ...... that's really a lot ........ I guess they can make that first round with the bowls already in place but you still have two more after that.

The number of games added to the season is a real problem for college kids and the system.
Yeah they already play 12 or 13 games. 3 more make it an NFL season. I'm all for more football but this is college. They're not gonna get rid of the cupcake games because those games make some program's entire budget. Western Southern Illinois Tech barber college gets paid a million bucks to go to Bama to get their shit pushed in. They want that money. They need that money. Scoff at the cupcake games, sure, but there's two sides to that story. The little school needs the money, the big school wants the tune-up. I don't wanna get rid of the cupcakes. Maybe lose one cupcake and go to an 8 team playoff decided by the BCS computers. That would be so perfect to me. If you can't make a top 8, then you have no business worrying about it. #3 bitching about being left out of the top 2 is legit. #5 bitching about being left out of the top 4 is legit. #9 crying about 8 teams being better than them, just STFU.
No doubt Georgia Tech is a good team. This game is not a gimme. But FSU has played GT many times and the option or triple option in their case (do they still run that) is not new to Jimbo Fisher's staff.

Yeah, how about that old triple option! Their coach is Navy's old coach... the TO is supposed to be the great equalizer when your guys are half the size of the guys on defense. Apparently no one in the GT administration told him to check his standard service-academy offense when he showed up in Atlanta. Calvin Johnson got out just in time.

ibleedburgundy said:
Meh, still better than the old system IMO. Leaving out #5 is better than leaving out #3 - even if you are more likely to be splitting hairs between 4 and 5 vs 2 and 3.

Meh, Florida State could beat anyone if they put a full 60 minutes together. They haven't done that yet though. They lost 13 starters to the NFL.

I like the top 4 right now. I fucking love the playoff concept. I'd like 8 too. This is going to be awesome for college football - which is becoming better than the NFL IMO.

1) That's a lot of meh! :)

2) I think I may figured out what your name refers to...

3) I agree a 4-team playoff is better than any bullshit method they've had in the past, I just thought it was funny how we (CFB fans) will always find something to bitch about. I don't mean that in a bad way. We'll bitch just as much about the 8th, 9th, and 10th teams once they go to an 8-team playoff, even though we know those teams aren't close to being the best, and of course the whole point of the playoff is only to determine who's #1. Oh, and the money. Almost forgot about the money!

4) I also like it better than the NFL.
IBB is an FSU/Redskins homer. Not that there's anything at all wrong with that. Everyone is a fan of some team. But you gotta keep that in mind when reading IBB's posts. :D
Not enough to stop the controversy.
You can see the problems this very first year when it's pretty clear that someone will be able to make a plausible claim that they shouldn't have been left out.

If we're gonna have a play-off then let's have a damned play off!
I think 8 would do it .... 12 would be better but there's a legitimate problem with adding too many games to these kids year.
Don't forget .... a LOT of these kids will never play again after college ...... we can't just turn it into a 16 game season. We'll be crippling young men who'll get no disability.
Maybe they could cut a game or two outta the regular season but then schools are gonna scream about that 'cause they want their money..

One thing for sure ...... after this is over there are gonna be just as many people dissatisfied with the results as there were under the BCS system.

Stop the controversy? Controversy = interest = $$!! Hell, even if we somehow got a 16-team playoff... with channels like ESPN that have 24 hours of programming and about 30 minutes of legitimate sports news a day, we know damn well... there will be controversy! :)
IBB is an FSU/Redskins homer. Not that there's anything at all wrong with that. Everyone is a fan of some team. But you gotta keep that in mind when reading IBB's posts. :D

Yeah, even I was able to figure that one out. :) Though I agreed with just about all that he said.
Still, though... FSU and the Redskins. Can it get any worse? I suppose it could be Miami and the Cowboys...

For me, my main football enemy would be an Atlanta Falcons fan. They can all die in a chemical fire that can never be extinguished. For college, it's tough. Being an LSU guy, everyone in the SEC is our enemy. LSU doesn't have a natural geographic rival anymore. It used to be Tulane for decades, but those two schools have drifted apart significantly. We'll always hate Ole Miss, Bama, Auburn, Arkansas, Florida etc all pretty equally. Though lately, it's been Bama. Fuck Bama. Bama, Ole Miss, Florida, and Auburn. Those are all bigtime rivals for LSU. An LSU vs Bama game in Tiger stadium is fucking epic.
For me, my main football enemy would be an Atlanta Falcons fan. They can all die in a chemical fire that can never be extinguished. For college, it's tough. Being an LSU guy, everyone in the SEC is our enemy. LSU doesn't have a natural geographic rival anymore. It used to be Tulane for decades, but those two schools have drifted apart significantly. We'll always hate Ole Miss, Bama, Auburn, Arkansas, Florida etc all pretty equally. Though lately, it's been Bama. Fuck Bama. Bama, Ole Miss, Florida, and Auburn. Those are all bigtime rivals for LSU. An LSU vs Bama game in Tiger stadium is fucking epic.

I used to hate Bears fans that much, but now I just feel sorry for them.
Lol. Dude, even way down here we know that Packers/Bears is the rivalry. Not much else comes close in pro football.

True story,

I was never a sports fan, no sports were ever on the TV when we were growing up and nobody I hung out with ever talked about sports. Then one Monday in 1985 I was in a bar when a football game featuring the Bears and the Packers was on, the Fridge scored I think two touchdowns against the Packers and Mike Ditka made a point of humiliating them.

I now had someone to hate, and I've been watching ever since.
They can all die in a chemical fire that can never be extinguished.

I like the hatred here, but if the fire can never be extinguished, it might wind up being a memorial of sorts, like that goddamned eternal flame at JFK's tomb. :)

Greg_L said:
For college, it's tough. Being an LSU guy, everyone in the SEC is our enemy. LSU doesn't have a natural geographic rival anymore. It used to be Tulane for decades, but those two schools have drifted apart significantly. We'll always hate Ole Miss, Bama, Auburn, Arkansas, Florida etc all pretty equally. Though lately, it's been Bama. Fuck Bama. Bama, Ole Miss, Florida, and Auburn. Those are all bigtime rivals for LSU. An LSU vs Bama game in Tiger stadium is fucking epic.

I would assume Bama is your biggest rival. I figure most outsiders to the SEC probably think that. LSU is down this year compared to where they've been, but they and Bama have been neck and neck for a while now.
I would assume Bama is your biggest rival. I figure most outsiders to the SEC probably think that. LSU is down this year compared to where they've been, but they and Bama have been neck and neck for a while now.

We've had some good matchups with Bama recently, but overall no one is neck-and-neck with Bama. They have a trailer full of national championships. According to wiki, Bama leads the rivalry 49–25–5. That's pretty lopsided. Lol. I think Bama has more championships than anyone in the modern era.

It's cyclical though. Lately it has been Bama. Mainly because Saban is there, and he was our guy for a little while. We always want to beat Bama, but the overall rivalry is magnified with Saban there. During the Tebow years, Florida and LSU played some grown man football games. Florida is the one team from the SEC East we play every single year. The Auburn game is always a big one. But historically, I'd have to say Ole Miss is probably LSU's all-time biggest SEC rival. Back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, it was all about beating Ole Miss. Go To Hell Ole Miss!
Stop the controversy? Controversy = interest = $$!! Hell, even if we somehow got a 16-team playoff... with channels like ESPN that have 24 hours of programming and about 30 minutes of legitimate sports news a day, we know damn well... there will be controversy! :)
no ..... no there wouldn't.

We've had some good matchups with Bama recently, but overall no one is neck-and-neck with Bama. They have a trailer full of national championships. According to wiki, Bama leads the rivalry 49–25–5. That's pretty lopsided. Lol. I think Bama has more championships than anyone in the modern era.

It's cyclical though. Lately it has been Bama. Mainly because Saban is there, and he was our guy for a little while. We always want to beat Bama, but the overall rivalry is magnified with Saban there. During the Tebow years, Florida and LSU played some grown man football games. Florida is the one team from the SEC East we play every single year. The Auburn game is always a big one. But historically, I'd have to say Ole Miss is probably LSU's all-time biggest SEC rival. Back in the 50s, 60s, and 70s, it was all about beating Ole Miss. Go To Hell Ole Miss!

I keep forgetting it was only a few years ago that UF was a powerhouse. Right up until Urban Jerkoff said he was having heart problems and had to quit, which was right after he'd turned the program into the dirtiest in the country and repercussions were about to be felt. Then the OSU job opened up and his heart got better.

Lt. Bob said:
no ..... no there wouldn't.

I see. Let's agree to disagree on that one! :)