Lt. Bob
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  • N
    Hey, brutha! Lava Grande still gloppin' and gloopin'?
    OK great. Helps me to have my glasses on too!

    Had to respond to respond here for your PM box is full!
    Lt. clear your PM box and .......................
    Merry Christmas Bob.
    Thanks for the vote of confidence! :-)
    Thanks Bob, I always enjoy your posts.
    Jim Lad
    Thanks Buddy:
    You've taken me up several hundred watts. I'm practising with the new set up and loving it. The dual 10's put out a real warm sound and the Behringer Speaker Processor takes that harshness out of the tweeters. Volume to spare and a sound that inspires me. I have more than enough. It's a lot like starting over. All of the stuff about extra speakers and so on is about having gear that I may need once in a while but nothing that I really need.
    Lt. Bob
    well, I'm not sure that it's my all time favorite because I've had hundreds of gits and there are a dew I'd like back. But it is my current fav out of my stable of 14 gits. It sounds great and plays very well.
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