HRC4: HevyD47Ca & ratso = a match made in hell

rats said:
pants man, I'm not bent about samiam's difference of opinion. Au contraire, I respect that highly. I'm bent about his delivery. I found that disrespectful. I know I should be one to talk. :rolleyes: But you get to know how a person operates on this board after a while, and I'm just calling it as I see it. Call me sensitive, or call me defensive, but dumb, no.:cool:

Nobody's dumb :cool: Come to think of it, you're probly a twisted genius... what I'm calling dumb would be the act of allowing a difference of opinion to ruin a friendship ... between me & sam... and you & me.

All the more reason to have had Sam at JF3 to rap (and puff :D) in person :cool: (hey... there's an interest we all share in common ;))
dafduc said:
Daf (just waiting for Sluice to rip into his HRC4 organ-wankfest after noodging him about wanking - it will become clear that I was the pot calling the kettle...:rolleyes: )

I have no clue what that means, but I can say that I deserved every bit of criticism (and more) that I got in that thread. I expected it. I chose posting over delaying, and now I feel bad about it. But I'll get over it. I had fun "jamming" on that song, but Al has asked me to give him something more composed, so I will. I owe him a lot for the things he has taught me.
"Pot calling the kettle black" means I ragged on you for doing the exact same thing I did. You just haven't heard mine yet.

Mebbe Toki will do an early fade on my self-indulgent Allmans-length tag (yeah we collabbed, but the tag was MY lameass idea) and let me off the hook...:D

daf, maybe someday you and I could just do 3 minutes of senseless simultaneus dual wanking, complete with unnecessary cymbal crashes, chalk-full of midi snare. We'll be heroes.


rats said:

crawdaddy-o now do you think I would go and do something like that?:rolleyes: :eek: ;) Your critique may be WAY too generous, but I like it anyway! The cicada noise you're referring to, is that a kind of loud buzzing? Could be any number of things, I like the buzz in case you haven't yet guessed. Yeah a whole album of this stuff WOULD be scary. Although if you like this kind of vibe maybe I can get you out to a blue sunrays show one of these days.:)

Rats--I'd definitely like to see the Blue Sunrays sometime! I wasn't being overly generous either. I have done a bunch of what I call "experimental" tapes in my life and this piece would fit in well with some of them. I can see where its not everybody's thing, but I like the off the wall stuff. Participant had a tune--odd title--"Lumber" but had the lyric "son, you're a disappointment". Way off the wall but one of my favorite all time things from the clinic.

I have tripped a few times and this track definitely put me into that consciousness. The beauty was that I could come back to my favorite reality when the song was over, but I can go back for a few minutes whenever I want. Oh, and for about fifty reason having to do with spending a good part of my life getting my mental health together, please never drop anything in whatever I'm drinking. :D I know you wouldn't anyway! You know that bumper sticker that says "reality is for people who can't handle drugs"? I'm pretty sure that was written for me!
This music sucks big-time! Worst shit I've ever heard!

....Oh! Thought this was a FT production!

Rats, this here some good shit!!! I LIKE IT!!!
SLuiCe said:
daf, maybe someday you and I could just do 3 minutes of senseless simultaneus dual wanking, complete with unnecessary cymbal crashes, chalk-full of midi snare. We'll be heroes.



It's been done, Tom. It's called...

...wait for it....


Hope to see you there next year.:D

hevy - So how'd the gig(s) go? Did prozakgrrl come along or did she let you loose on the swarms of drunk Canadian women?:eek: Man I love chicks with Canadian accents. :cool:

daf - we're playing this Friday at Jacoby's and (correction), Saturday the 6th at the Detroit Art Space. I think I said the 5th in an earlier post. Either way hope to see you sometime soon. DAS has those great $1 Stroh's!:D

pants - I'm down. It's actually too bad that sammy didn't drop by the jamfest, I would have liked to have met him. He doesn't live that far away does he? Twisted genius, eh? :cool: I like that, can I keep it? :) :cool:

sloop - I don't believe there were any "chemicals" involved in the creation of this, other than maybe a little bit of alcohol. But, al least influentially, crystal meth was the subject matter of the movie (Spun) that influenced my fucked up edit. Does that count!?

sabbath - you think I should go home and do some research, eh? Typical response. Why? For what purpose? You and your vague snide comments that either one is supposed to understand what the fuck you're talking about or just smile and accept that "it's sabbath, so just accept it". Fuck that. If you have an example you're trying to prove, you can do your own homework and prove your point for yourself. I don't have time to play your little games and have no desire to dig through ancient clinic posts in hopes of finding some old poorly taken criticism on my part. :rolleyes: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I am open for constructive criticism and appreciate it because it doesn't come enough, and those are the key elements you can extract from the clinic to make your material better and grow from. That doesn't include you stroking yourself off in one of my threads. If you have something CONSTRUCTIVE to say, I'm open. That doesn't include a "this sucks" unless you give a "why". I'm not sure how else to put it so you'll understand.

crawdaddy-o - Thanks man! I would LOVE to hear some of your experimenal shit!!! Hook a brother up!!! I'm so glad you get the drift of this. It's fundamentally what I'm trying to acomplish on a greater scale with the Sunrays, being inducing mind bending or expanding feelings or thoughts in an altered (hopefully higher) state of mind. Our biggest project expansion right now is in the visual area. We're not a pretty band per say, not that we're repulsive to look at, but defintely don't have that young White Stripes or Von Bondies too-cool-for-you hipster thing happening. Maybe on a much lesser degree. We're slowly building a Velvet Underground/ Early Pink Floyd style psychedelic lightshow where we'll incorporate several film projectors, overhead projectors with oil slides, strobes, disco balls, and a few professional "mood" lights that's we'll project onto the band and onto the white backdrop. We're going to all dress in white, maybe suits, and try and get as much of the equipment we're playing white, somehow. The intent is that the various projections that will be overlapping and bending, some projected onto us and other various non-flat surfaces and sometimes moving surfaces will play tricks on the mind and lend subconscious messages to the piece. I guess we'll see how it turns out when all is said and done.

MrQ - My brutha, tell me you didn't just say that you thought this was an FT production!!!!:mad: :p :D LOL! Glad you liked and thanks for the listen/response!
rats said:
sabbath - you think I should go home and do some research, eh? Typical response. Why? For what purpose? You and your vague snide comments that either one is supposed to understand what the fuck you're talking about or just smile and accept that "it's sabbath, so just accept it". Fuck that. If you have an example you're trying to prove, you can do your own homework and prove your point for yourself. I don't have time to play your little games and have no desire to dig through ancient clinic posts in hopes of finding some old poorly taken criticism on my part. :rolleyes: I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I am open for constructive criticism and appreciate it because it doesn't come enough, and those are the key elements you can extract from the clinic to make your material better and grow from. That doesn't include you stroking yourself off in one of my threads. If you have something CONSTRUCTIVE to say, I'm open. That doesn't include a "this sucks" unless you give a "why". I'm not sure how else to put it so you'll understand.

I'm pretty surprised how you handled this rats.. I see why you wouldn't want to research previous posts.. I wouldn't have either if I was you.. We both know my points would have been proved..

you're a lot softer than I would have guessed..

good luck with your music..


Dang..... somebody's definitely been dipping into the cool aid bowl. :D This strikes me as a tune where even the guys involved in the collab stood back, looked at the finished product, and went.........whoa:D . Nice collab fellas, and very interesting combination of styles..... This is definitely from a different place.
I'm pretty surprised how you handled this rats.. I see why you wouldn't want to research previous posts.. I wouldn't have either if I was you.. We both know my points would have been proved..

you're a lot softer than I would have guessed..

good luck with your music..



Guernica said:
Dang..... somebody's definitely been dipping into the cool aid bowl. :D This strikes me as a tune where even the guys involved in the collab stood back, looked at the finished product, and went.........whoa:D . Nice collab fellas, and very interesting combination of styles..... This is definitely from a different place.

Guern thanks man. Yeah I guess there was a little stepping back and whoaing going on, but the reasons for the whoas were pro'lly a little different from person to person.;) It's looking like this project is not over though, so check back soon for the "hevyd-heavy" version soon. This was more the rats-heavy production, of which I still may go back and tweak a few things!
Good job guys. Doors vibe has already been covered :D

This was quite a disturbing sound. I liked it :D. Fun to listen to.

Nice work