HRC4: HevyD47Ca & ratso = a match made in hell

OK rats--fess up! You dropped a tab in my beer and I'm just getting off now, right?!!! The 60's never had psychedelia this good! It even has a 60's sounding verb, which I loved! And what is that cicada sound towards the end?! Gawd!

You two should do a whole album of this stuff! Scary!
Cool vibe!

60's mushroom music,definitly!:D

Along with the vox,I'd raise the twangy guitar some too.

Kinda grows on you.
I dig it.

The off-rhythm beginning was cool... almost that Zeppelin thing... you're thinking "oh... nice beat..." but the accent isn't where you thought...

Another rhythm pattern, or a switch up wouldn't have hurt anybody's feelings ... prolly... :confused:

The next level would be... sitar solo :eek:

From sam's comments, I came back and listened again... and really can't say I hate it... it's just a different flavor of jam...
I really love the vibe on this one! This is a total immersion in the 60's psychedelic scene with a bit of 70's thrown in for good measure. Pretty interesting collaboration because it all sounds like it is in the same room to me.

I really am digging this one! You guys did a great job!

Hey, Lt. Bob, are you referring to the tube in the flyer?:eek: :D

crawdaddy-o now do you think I would go and do something like that?:rolleyes: :eek: ;) Your critique may be WAY too generous, but I like it anyway! The cicada noise you're referring to, is that a kind of loud buzzing? Could be any number of things, I like the buzz in case you haven't yet guessed. Yeah a whole album of this stuff WOULD be scary. Although if you like this kind of vibe maybe I can get you out to a blue sunrays show one of these days.:)

muzeman - thanks man. I appreciate your comments.

pants- beats shmeats!!! I like the sitar solo thing you're talking about. It's funny you should mention that because V'idiot tells me he's getting a whacky kind of new instrument that sort of half electric guitar, half sitar. Or wait, was that daf that mentioned getting one? SHIT I'M SO CONFUSED!? :confused: Anyway, whoever gets it, I WANT TO PLAY WITH IT! Yeah Sam didn't like it. Whatever. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I'm not going to make it out like this is the BEST thing I've ever been involved with putting out, it's a RIDE, tha's all. I'm thinking he might be a little too hyper to be able to mellow out and get into a hypnotic groove anyway. ;) Bands were doing similar hypnotic jams way back; the Doors, Pink Floyd, Zeppelin, the Velvet Underground, and so on, not that I would think this jam is near the level of what these guys were doing, but conceptually. Nowadays that kind of stuff is happening on a different scale in the electronic world. Different sounds, same concept. This song, I'm thinking, would have it's place on an album (if cleaned up a little spiffier) but would obviously not make an apt single. The one thing that bugged me about Sam's reply was his verbage "the way you used the samples was wasteful.." To make a comment like that without explanation is pretty lame in my opinion. Fuck SamIam, if you've got a bug in your ass, go shit in someone else's thread.:rolleyes: I'm one always open for criticism, and I really appreciate a critical comment with useful form, but that was piss poor. I realize that Sam is respected in this forum, and I personally am an admirerer of his music. He's got great chops, creative concepts, and impeccable recording qualities. He's also good about getting involved with other threads and helping a brother out with advice on this and that. Good shit. But sammyboy can't seem to keep it together when he gets into one of my threads it seems. There always seems to be a comment that could be taken a few ways; an undertone of snideness, a sense of snotnosed arrogance. I can't help but get the inkling that maybe IamSam is getting a bit territorial.

boydrj, mac2- thanks guys. Any more response on the psychedlic comments and I'm just repeating myself. Really do appreciate your replys and opinions though and glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks to all who chimed in on the response to this thing, it was a lot of fun and your comments and critiques are appreciated!

It turns out that this project is NOT over yet. I will be sending HevyD the tracks, and there will be another completely different version, probably pre-rats-edit plus more kind of stuff, and this should be getting underway soon!
rats said:

Yeah Sam didn't like it. Whatever. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:The one thing that bugged me about Sam's reply was his verbage "the way you used the samples was wasteful.." To make a comment like that without explanation is pretty lame in my opinion. Fuck SamIam, if you've got a bug in your ass, go shit in someone else's thread.:rolleyes: I'm one always open for criticism, and I really appreciate a critical comment with useful form, but that was piss poor. I realize that Sam is respected in this forum, and I personally am an admirerer of his music. He's got great chops, creative concepts, and impeccable recording qualities. He's also good about getting involved with other threads and helping a brother out with advice on this and that. Good shit. But sammyboy can't seem to keep it together when he gets into one of my threads it seems. There always seems to be a comment that could be taken a few ways; an undertone of snideness, a sense of snotnosed arrogance. I can't help but get the inkling that maybe IamSam is getting a bit territorial.

snotnosed arrogance? territorial?


that was a pretty weak post rats..

Is there anyone else here who feels this way about me? Chad? anyone?

Speak now..

As far as me not being able to "get it together in one of your threads" - my opinion is maybe it's you who wasn't able to get it together in this song, and I gave you my opinion.. If I hear something I don't like, I say it.. always have, always will..

Read some of your responses to my songs.. You always had at least one negative thing to say, and I never cried..

I've probably checked out every song you posted since I joined this site.. I have given you compliments before..

here's a Kleenex, get over it..

your welcome.
The difference between my post and your bash was I gave reasons to back up my position. However in your case you seem to feel like when you make statements like "I was happy when the song was over" or "There wasn't much I liked about the song", or "wasteful use of samples", that somehow because they come from you they cary some sort of weight and don't need to be backed up with a reason for making such a statement. Hey there was nothing weak about my post, I'm keeping it real, and along with my reality check I'm at least giving you some reason.

As I said, I welcome constructive criticism, and I'm never looking for a yay rats party you're great. So keep your kleenex, you'll need for all the stroking of yourself you do.
I didn't see the "wasteful" quote as negative as you did, Brer Rats. I took it to mean "gratuitous" or "overly abundant".

I thought they helped give it a Bob Dobbs vibe, and really enjoyed them. But Sammy saying that you coulda gotten away with fewer of them didn't sound like a slam.

Of course, if it were my thread he was reviewing, I'd (a) take it the worst way possible, (b) leave work early, and (c) go cry into some stripper's g-string about the cesspool that is my life...:eek:

Daf (just waiting for Sluice to rip into his HRC4 organ-wankfest after noodging him about wanking - it will become clear that I was the pot calling the kettle...:rolleyes: )
I know I know I just got a hair across my ass today. But you have to agree that "gratuitous" or "overly abundant", or "you coulda gotten away with fewer of them", would have had a whole different tone and meaning than "I was happy when the song was over" or "There wasn't much I liked about the song", or "wasteful use of samples". Lets just be clear on that. No feelings were hurt, that's taken care of when no one shows up my shows :( . I'm just making a point about a post.
Is this aboot to get UGLY????

I can only say, in my defence is that I wouldn't know a sample if it came up to me and slapped me:D
No, really gentlemen there is NO need to get nasty;)
rats said:
No feelings were hurt, that's taken care of when no one shows up my shows :( .

Ouch. Still lobbying for the 29th - I may be "allowed" to show up Saturday for the family thing...

NOOO!!!! I didn't mean it like that daf! I was just using an analogy to illustrate the...what's more important...but...ahh screw it. :confused: Hell I'm used to playing to wide open adds a nice "room" sound to the mix! :D "Cept that one in March that VI and Rwhitey came out to in Hamtown. That was a packed house that night. You can't take that away from me now!:)

Hevy just keep your head low and you probably won't get hit.;)
Speaking of packed rooms....

I played my first gig of this year Aug 8 & 9 at the Sportsman Pub here in our little village. We had at least 100 people each night which is room capacity. I was hired 2 days before to play bass for the group. It was quite a lot of fun to perform again, especially in a 3 piece situation with a good drummer.
snotnosed arrogance? territorial?


that was a pretty weak post rats..

Is there anyone else here who feels this way about me? Chad? anyone?

Speak now..

Just got here. No, I don't feel that way about you. You're someone who's not afraid to be honest, and I like that. From my perspective, I just didn't see this thing like you did. Not questioning your judgement at all.

I count both you guys as friends... getting bent out of shape over a difference of opinion is dumb.

pants man, I'm not bent about samiam's difference of opinion. Au contraire, I respect that highly. I'm bent about his delivery. I found that disrespectful. I know I should be one to talk. :rolleyes: But you get to know how a person operates on this board after a while, and I'm just calling it as I see it. Call me sensitive, or call me defensive, but dumb, no.:cool:
Man, a modern psychodelic jam.

All we really need to know was the type an quantity of substances used:D

Seriously--well constructed. Vocals becoming more instrumental, instrumentals becoming unstructured voices.
dafduc - your a true gentleman..

chad - p.m. received and responded to..

rats - the thing I find funniest is that you swear you accept criticism so well.. I think you should research some of your previous clinic posts..

then research some of mine.. :)

It's o.k., I forgive you.. Everyone here can judge for themselves, or judge me themselves..

Either way it won't change how I respond.. If it looks, smells, and sounds like shit, or if it's the greatest thing ever, I'll give my opinion anytime I'm up for it..


