HRC4: Crawdad and SLuiCe


New member
After some trouble with full inboxes and hangovers I think I can now post this up. But I gotta be honest, I didn't do nearly as much on this as Crawdad. I did the electric guitars and the mixing. He did everything else. No wait...I also wrote the little breakdown riff in the middle. :)
And I think I'm naming it too. LOL. He hasn't heard what I've done to it yet either. So his disgust will be just as fresh as yours. (Hope I didn't stray to far Al... Just having fun!)

False Faith

Warning: I did a whole lot of guitar wanking in this. If you don't like ridiculous amounts of guitar leads, walk away now. :eek:

(Don't worry, I don't think I buried any of Al's fine vocal. ;) )
Me first! :D

funky stuff.......
good tracking....
great frickin' vox!
who sang the harmony oh so low?

good mix man but, I think the fuzz tones are bit heavy in the mix....bass is too distorted...that must be it....

man...oh man...guitar performance is outstanding

very cool lyrics....I dig it fellas....very cool..

Great colab! :D
Very Santana-meets-somebody. Not sure who.

Good guitar, as usual from you.

The drums lack a little presence, on this end. They don't have a lot of "punch," which would sound really good with the staccato percussiveness of this song. And it would be nice if they changed up a bit here and there -- a bit monotonous. They're better in the beginning, but they seem to fall off a bit here and there.

Good vocal, to say the least. Nice, full song, overall -- mixwise and structure-wise.

Of course, you have, like, 2 million more posts that me, and way more talent, so what the hell do I know?

Always a pleasure to listen to your tunes. The drums are my only nit-pick.
Thanks guys. All vocals were done by Crawdad. All I did was the distorted guitars and the mixing. So I'm hoping he'll pick this up soon and tell me what I did wrong... :)
I hope yu 2 dont mind me playing air bass and dancing with this. My feel button's been pushed completely out the backside on this one.
I taste the taste here. 'Story and how it`s sung is pure D9 Caterpillar muscle...
Al, Sluice, I wont get my skin back on right for a bit, the goosebumps probly wont iron out either.. :)
Kudos Kudos Kudos...damn!!!!
of all things I`ve ever loved, this too.
Excellent rythym section and spices. I hope this is on the ongoing work rack too...

I fear ...
Whew, SLuiCe, the axeman cometh

Cool song guys. "New York to jeruselam" (I know, I can't spell) great line.

I dug the funky backbone this one had driving it. It sounded real great on my stereo.
as was expected from two of the BIGGEST names in the clinic, this is excellent.. lots to like.. the vocals and guitars are great!!

the vocals and guitars are really excellent!


I won't nitpick it man..

but if I was going to, it might just be that the electric guitars are almost too heavy.. like instead of a half stack sound, perhaps a less distorted combo type sound or something.. less of a metal tone and more of a blues..

great song guys!! I have some pair of balls even mentioning a nitpick..

awesome guitar work Tom!
I know I know sorry! I just replaced the tubes in my amp the day before I tracked the guitars... in fact Al recommended those particular tubes....and I just HAD TO CRANK IT! My apologies.
Goddamn, it sounds like Al was being chased by the devil on this one! I've never heard him sing like this before. Fucking excellent.

Great arrangement. Great "wanking" (seriously:)).

Yeah, I suppose the drums could be a little punchier, but who gives a hoot, listen to that damn SINGING.

I'll check back if I can come up with any valid criticisms. Right now I'm just digging it.

Nice job,
Very nice stuff man. Didn't mind the guitars at all. Thought they got a little too loud in the mix a couple times (drowned the vox a tiny bit), but not bad by any means. Yeah, prolly coulda gone a little more "blues" than "rock"... but some of that "wanking" was just plain fun to listen to. :D

Great groove. And I thought the drums were appropriate. Nice bass playing too.

Thought I picked up some distortion in the vox. Not sure. Maybe just over-all levels were getting too hot. I dunno. Could be the MP3. Somethin' funky was goin' on there.

Oh yeah.. and duh... that was some great singing. :p

WATYF said:
Thought I picked up some distortion in the vox. Not sure. Maybe just over-all levels were getting too hot. I dunno. Could be the MP3. Somethin' funky was goin' on there.

same here

i haven't heard you sing like that yet crawdad! testing your range? nice work!

damn sluice, that was fun to listen to! sorry to all the other electric guitar players here but....sluice is my favorite. that has got to be a lot of fun playing like that.

i have no mix comments. listening on computer speakers.

F'in awesome. Neat song, great playing.

Instant keeper for me. (not surprising because I keep everything that both of you post up anyway so I suppose I just could have downloaded it straight to the keepers folder) :D.

Very nice work

Al - digging the voice man. Great sangin !!!

Big 5 here
Wow......I'm gonna be playin' this with my new band......really, it'll be on the songlist in the next week or so!

Nice guitar work Tom.........the first thing that really caught my attention was the bass.....very cool bass line.......I thought the dist. git worked fine....sounded like that Gary Moore sort of thing.....very good playing........great song.........I'm gonna enjoy playing it! :D
Two-cents from the purveyor of wooden music:
One hundred percent pro-fesh-nal.
Excellent singing, playing, arranging, mixing.

Sluice! You wanker! (See participant's JPEG):D

Comments, from the ground up. I should send you the wav of the bass and vocal--both lost some clarity in the mp3 transfer. Actually, the bass was mostly OK. maybe lost some sparkle, although its a crap Peavey bass to begin with. I'd like to hear the snare mixed up a la Steely Dan on this one. Even though its just doing mostly 2 and 4, its what provides all the drive.

The vocal may sound like there is some distortion, but its actually my voice making those ratty sounds. :D Really. The voice cound actually be mixed down right up to the breakdown, I think.

Guitar: Several things. First, I like the tone, especially in the lower registers--big fat buttery bottom and nice woody sound. In fact, its so cool dry, I don't think the echo is an improvement. I'd maybe try a bit of ambient room reverb--just a pinch to give it the space it requires. I agree that its sometimes too loud in the mix.

OK, this next is a bit hard for me to say, because you are so damn good and I'm afraid you'll take it all wrong and never wank on a collab again. :D Anyway, here it is: you have a lot of room to build the solo here and I wish you would start out slow and easy and gradually work up to the rapid-fire stuff--tease us a little and milk those great tones. If you start full tilt, theres no place to build to. Do you still love me?

Thanks to everybody for the comments. We tried to do something different than what either of us would do solo and I think we achieved that.
I expected this to be good:

I'm not dissapointed. You two have delivered the goods!:cool:

Excellent song, and vocal 'dad.:)

Excellent off-the-cuff style riffage SLuiCe. Ain't fresh tubes great? :D

Mix has some minor *cough* level *cough* issues, but that's nit picking.

It's better than anything I've heard on the radio lately by a longshot!:cool:
I liked the song. Being mainly a guitarist I understand man. Sometimes when ya got to hold back too long ya just have to let it loose. Reminds me of Pat Travers/Thrall style blues guitar. Nice playing. :D Overall the song was great. Most has been covered so I wont nitpick.
Good work Boys

This sounds beautiful. I was right up against my speakers, everything sounds so... rich. The texture is like something a fine restaurant critic would be able to rave about.

Starts in "Jerusalem" and then switching to "New York" was a great musical idea.

That wood-blocky chirping guitar coming out of the right is great. The chord progressions are tasty. The vox are superb.

The guitars accompanying the vox are well placed and on the money phrasing wise. The runs in the solo so crisp, you can see sunlight between the notes.

Everything sounds great fellas, I'll be coming back to this one many times.