How stupid is this guy?

How stupid is this guy?

  • I think it's cool and thus worth the risk

    Votes: 10 16.7%
  • What the fuck? He's an idiot

    Votes: 37 61.7%
  • You're stupid

    Votes: 13 21.7%

  • Total voters
sure it does... i would be BISEXUAL if i had both...

besides, my bitch always wears lipstick so don't start backing off now face it your gay too. deep in your heart you knew it was a guy (it's kinda obvious too!) :D

ps. did he *mumble* dirty words to you too ? :D:D:D:D:D

If you had both, yes. However, gay doesn't automatically mean "homosexual man" and you can be female for all I know. I haven't seen your photo yet and the name guhlenn is rather gender neutral.
good one!!!

points for you. i kinda got used to the idea of being a man;) ... so i forget others don't know this.
\and well i hoped you figured out for yourself that i didn't mean "happy".

I live for these things. Haven't you noticed that I'm an annoying know-it-all?

Judging by the development of this thread, I'm surprised that there aren't more "You're stupid" votes...
ola said:
I think it would be cool to see the discs in action but even if you do this modification, you won't see them as they're stacked in the 3 1/2" bays. Really stupid...

Ah... but you haven't seen his customized bay!!! Not to speak about his customized HOUSE, with walls that you can look right thru! And his special boat, that allows you to swim while sailing, and at the same time, you can see the fish thru the plexiglass.

There is this special thingy that DOES allow you to look right thru walls! Very neat...
I've seen his(?) case with plexiglass sides and UV lights inside, which looked really cool, but he'd have to mount the drives vertically on the side to see them. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to mount the drive vertically but with his mod, it really cannot get worse:)

Roel said:
There is this special thingy that DOES allow you to look right thru walls! Very neat...

What? X-ray goggles?:D
My vote:

If it works he's a genius.
If it strokes, he's an idiot.

I think I would try it first on an old 250 meg drive first before risking a useful drive. But the guy does have guts....

And also for the record, I don't care if someone likes to sleep with dogs, so long as the dogs don't get hurt. Ain't nobody's busness but your own.... as Taj Mahal used to say.
You ain't seen someone with too much time on his hands that wants to do a PC mod until you've scoped this site:

I thought that visible HD attempt was Mondo Cool, even if I do realize I haven't got a cleanroom/glove box suitable for this operation and thus will not attempt same.
i don't get it doctor. please help i think i am ill. or he is . he took a broken down server, a fridge and then build a new fridge???

i think "koelkast" is a way cooler word than fridge BTW.


ps what's mondo cool about seeing the hd spin?
i don't get it doctor. please help i think i am ill. or he is . he took a broken down server, a fridge and then build a new fridge???

i think "koelkast" is a way cooler word than fridge BTW.


ps what's mondo cool about seeing the hd spin?
That's just about the dumbest mod I've ever seen. Still, I felt a need to read it all and listen to the sounds. Man, I'm stupid. Why does this guy wan't to live in a server room?
All he did was putting a fridge inside a server case. Nothing fancy really. Maybe the normal design on a fridge isn't too exiting but is a server front really better?
that's whta i didn't get. why is he so excited about his little "project". nothing special. i thought i missed thje whole p[oint but i did get it. ah well guess that's some kind of bizar fetisj
