Home Studio (version 2.5) - pics included

Not to be a "Negative Nancy", but you should have took the base mouldings off before installing the floor, but you can work around it.

Just an FYI for those checking out this post.
Yea, could have taken the baseboard off first, but thought it would be mroe trouble that it was worth...

I have the moulding down and now have to patch, paint, etc..so I will get soem pics up by tomorrow I hope..

Thanks for the suggestion tho Johnny ~

Also, thanks krem and Gorty ;)
cincy_kid said:
Yea, could have taken the baseboard off first, but thought it would be mroe trouble that it was worth...

I have the moulding down and now have to patch, paint, etc..so I will get soem pics up by tomorrow I hope..

Thanks for the suggestion tho Johnny ~

Also, thanks krem and Gorty ;)

Cheers Cincy, I look forward to seeing some pics with the mouldings down! :)
Cincy...a question about the flooring. In the pic, the door in the control room to the left. Is that tiled flooring or matting that overlaps into the room? What are you going to do with that strip and the open space along the floor? :confused:

I may have missed that part. ;)

The floor is gorgeous Cincy!! :cool:
i've been watching this thread since the first day and i havent said anything but you got these rooms rocking dude..they look amazing..i really like the colors you picked
awsome progress
wow this is a great thread, i like your dedication to photograghing everything you do... all the way down to what tools you used! gives everyone else a good look at what it takes to do this job.. the floors look great, cant wait to see that control room with some moulding and then of course with all the gear in there too! keep us updated.. im hooked
Gorty - Got the moulding patched and filed the nail holes in, will paint / touch them up tomorrow and get soem pics tomorrow night most likely.

True - In that pic, the door to the left goes back out into the main basement area. Currently it has the same carpet in it as what I tore out of my studio area. The space right under the door you see is concrete, since I ripped the carpet from that area to do som cutting under the door. I will be laying the same laminate down in the entire basement in the REAL near future so that blank space you see now will be more laminate when I start the rest of the basement.

Thanks on the compliment ;)

Eli - Thanks a lot for the post and good words! I have to thank my wife for helping me with the colors, as she is the design freak :p

Nick - Thanks also for your post! I try to photgrpah as much as I can, not only for the benfit of posting for others but also to keep a diary of what I have done to show friends, family and to look back on one day myself and see how bad I messed something up ;) - after the moulding is painted tomorrow I will get started on setting the desk back up, getting the gear in place and I need to build some more absoprtion panels and some bass traps! :eek:

Stay Tuned ~
cincy_kid said:
True - In that pic, the door to the left goes back out into the main basement area. Currently it has the same carpet in it as what I tore out of my studio area. The space right under the door you see is concrete, since I ripped the carpet from that area to do some cutting under the door. I will be laying the same laminate down in the entire basement in the REAL near future so that blank space you see now will be more laminate when I start the rest of the basement.

Thanks on the compliment ;)

Stay Tuned ~
You are welkom Cincy.

It is going to be a great looking Studio Cincy...looking forward to hearing some of that great music, you will be producing there! :)
Well I finally got the pictures for the trim work. Sorry in advance as a couple of the pictures turned out blurry. I think I moved a bit while I was taking them :o

In any case here they are:

Trim in the control room


Close-up of the trim


Trim in the back of the control room looking into the live room


Trim in the live room


Now that I am finally done with this, it is time to start setting up the equipment. I need to order some more OC-703 to make some more traps / panels in the control room, so I will take some shots once the gear is set up (before the treatment is done)
Thanks for all the pics and this whole thread, its been very helpful. Im gonna go against the flow here and say Im not a huge fan of the colors ;) but if nobody had different tase this world would be boring right? Is you contro room bigger than your live room?
Im looking forward to hearing some recordings from those rooms!

Wow Cincy....at first I didn't think I was going to like the white trim...but it really looks good!!! It pulls it all together..:cool:
Night - Thanks for the reply and no worries on not liking the colors :p In the very first post in this thread I put a diagram up of the exact dimensions, but to answer your question, yes, the control room is bigger than the live room. Once I get my sliding absorber door or something along the back wall of the control room the dimensions will be about 9'9" x 13'4" while the live room is very small at 6'9" x 6'5". I am also looking forward to hearing some recordings from the rooms :D

True and Gorty - Thanks again! :D :D

I went ahead and bought that cabinet desk yesterday and put it together last nigth for my work area. I think it's going to go up against the purple, but I am still sorting all of that out.

Stay Tuned ~
So I have my stuff kinda setup now, but I still need to build a lot of bass traos, absorbers still. I will take some pics in the next day or so to show the setup before the room treatment.

Anyways, so check this out. I call the guys who I bought the last OC-703 from and asked to order some more (like 9 or so sheets). So they say they have some lef over form the last guy that ordered some and couldn't fit it in his car (like 1 year ago - around the same time time I got mine) and that I could just come up and get it...

Turns out they had like 16 sheets (2x4) 2" thick that I got not only for FREE, but didn't have to wait the 2-4 weeks of shipping on ;)

yes I am lucky but wanted to share that with you all....

Some bass traps and absorbers to come soon....
cincy_kid said:
So I have my stuff kinda setup now, but I still need to build a lot of bass traos, absorbers still. I will take some pics in the next day or so to show the setup before the room treatment.

Anyways, so check this out. I call the guys who I bought the last OC-703 from and asked to order some more (like 9 or so sheets). So they say they have some lef over form the last guy that ordered some and couldn't fit it in his car (like 1 year ago - around the same time time I got mine) and that I could just come up and get it...

Turns out they had like 16 sheets (2x4) 2" thick that I got not only for FREE, but didn't have to wait the 2-4 weeks of shipping on ;)

yes I am lucky but wanted to share that with you all....

Some bass traps and absorbers to come soon....

You Lucky Duck!!!

Nice score!

(I thought for a minute you were going to say that the last guy who couldn't fit it in his car a year ago was you!) :D
cincy_kid said:
so in a studio like Bruce has in this pic:


the soffit mounted ones actually serve a different purpose than the ones on top of the console? Would they both be on at the same time or its used separately?

Used seperately to check mixes. The ones that are soffit mounted will have tighter more focused bass.
The revival of my thread! WooHoo! ;)

After I put the new floor in I had promised some pics of my desk setup in the new space so here they are:


Another angle:


So, lately I had been making some bass traps (you can see my pictures of the process here: https://homerecording.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=247263).

Here are the 2 placed behind the mixing desk:


Currently the traps are just standing straight up, kind of leaning against the wall with no support or anything holding them in place. Maybe this will work or maybe there is a better way. I am trying to figure out exactly how I want to secure them in place (I have a few ideas). A couple problems I am having is that first off, the trim around the floor sticks out an inch or 2 and prevents it from being flush up against the wall. Even worse on the left trap (when looking at the picture), there are the 2 window frames in the way. The window frames actually come out from the wall making even more space that prevents the bass traps from being flush against the wall.

Here is a better shot of the window frame to show you what I mean:


I am actually thinking of removing the frame itself from the window so that the traps can go flush against the wall if its not that big of a deal to remove them. Then I will either somehow lift them a bit and somehow secure them directly to the wall leaving no air gap on the sides as they are now. Maybe its not that big of a deal with the space, maybe it is /shrug

I also made one of the back traps in the corner which I plan to secure to the wall also, but for now it is just leaning:


Another angle:


My next job/challenge is to figure out exactly how I want to make this back wall thingy. Since the room isnt squared off, I am going to square it off using OC703 panels. Not only will it square the room off, but will also help deaden the back of the room when mixing. At first I was going to do the sliding 703 panels on a track similar to a closet, but its not going to work and will be more effort than I should need to make this happen. Currently I am thinking of making bass traps that look similar to the ones I just made and throw some feet and/or casters on the bottom and just line them across the back so that I can move them when needed. Thing is, since I will be going back and forth from live room to mix room, I would hate to move them every time I want to change rooms so I am hoping for a better solution. My wife suggested securing one side to the wall and then having the last panel act like a door where i could open and close it on a hinge when changing rooms, maybe this will work!

Anyways, here is a shot of the back of the room to show you where the new 703 wall will be put in (basically a straight line from the left power outlet to the right power outlet to block off the room):


There you go, thats where I am now and will post more as I get things done...

any and all comments (as always) are very appreciated ~