Home Studio (version 2.5) - pics included


Ok so here are the colors of the control room area:

3 walls are lime green and 1 wall is the purple ~



These pics aren't that great for the color aspect. I tried to adjust the color levels but it didn't turn out too great. Basically the green is more of a brighter lime green and the purple isn't as blue, its got more of the red family in it.

Anywasy these are the colors I went with.

Next will be the floors :)
cincy_kid said:
Hrm, dunno True :o

Sounds cool, but hopefully these will turn out looking ok. I guess I will try to put them in eiether tomorrow or after work Monday.

I think I will go clear the room out now and snap a pic of the room colors so you can see my green and purple ;)
Cool Cincy...!!

It is different.

Are those your favorite colors?

Purple used to be my #one color as a kid.

Now all you need is a green and purple lava lamp to set those colors off !! :cool:
heh, so I just finished working for the night (about 6 hours worth and all I completed was tearing up the rest of the carpet, the backing, and then the tacking strips.

Then I took an undercut saw to cut out the door jambs in both doors (4 cuts total) so that the laminate and backing would be able to fit underneath.

After sweeping, I put down the blue comfort walk insulation backing thingy that goes under the laminate. This was so time consuming because I used a pair of scissors that kept getting duller the more I cut with them. I tried a utility knife but since the backing has a clear film on top, it made it harder to cut. So I cut the strips to size and then taped them together at the seams.

I did this in the live and control room (all 220 sq ft ~ ha!) :) which would most likely take an average "handy-man" a few hours where it took me double...

Oh well, an experience all the same...I will put pics up tomorrow of the backing before I lay the laminate. I wonder how long cutting and laying the laminte will take if just the prep stuff took this long :eek:

Stay tuned....
cincy_kid said:
I wonder how long cutting and laying the laminte will take if just the prep stuff took this long :eek:

Stay tuned....

It's all in the preparation! That goes with any job! :)
Just remember Cincy...you are farther along than you were last week and looking forward to what you will have accomplished next week.

Geesh...sounded like some Hallmark Greeting Card.... :D

How you coming along r00? :confused:
cincy_kid said:
heh, so I just finished working for the night (about 6 hours worth and all I completed was tearing up the rest of the carpet, the backing, and then the tacking strips.

Then I took an undercut saw to cut out the door jambs in both doors (4 cuts total) so that the laminate and backing would be able to fit underneath.

After sweeping, I put down the blue comfort walk insulation backing thingy that goes under the laminate. This was so time consuming because I used a pair of scissors that kept getting duller the more I cut with them. I tried a utility knife but since the backing has a clear film on top, it made it harder to cut. So I cut the strips to size and then taped them together at the seams.

I did this in the live and control room (all 220 sq ft ~ ha!) :) which would most likely take an average "handy-man" a few hours where it took me double...

Oh well, an experience all the same...I will put pics up tomorrow of the backing before I lay the laminate. I wonder how long cutting and laying the laminte will take if just the prep stuff took this long :eek:

Stay tuned....

I can't wait to see some pics of the floor going down cincy. :)
More pics ~

so I have been working like mad on this and getting my butt kicked to be honest :p It sure makes me have a lot more respect for the handy man type who can do this kinda stuff in their sleep....

Here are some pics of the rooms with the carpet out and backing down:

control room


live room


"some" of the tools I used to do the work


The Laminate REALLY kicked my ass physically and mentally but I have the control room done:

control room with laminate


another shot


a sneak peek into the live room (before laminate)


I still have to put the moulding down in the control room to cover the gap between the walls and the laminate, but at least the foundation is there. I will get started on the small live area which shouldn't take me nearly as long.

enjoy the pics, more to come soon ~
Excellent work there Cincy. I love the color tone of the laminate that you chose. The grain pattern with all the knots in the wood looks sweet! :)
The rooms are coming on very nicely indeed. Keep up the good work Cincy! :)

What is the moulding that you will be putting around the edge Cincy? Is it wood grain color like your laminate?
Cincy!! It is looking so good! :cool:

I love the laminate floors.

I can't wait to see it all pulled together, along with the finishing touches...then to hear your results. ;)
it looks brilliant. while i was reading through the thread, i was wondering whether you'd made a mistake with the colours, or something - at first i thought the walls looked horrible :p but now when you see it with the wood flooring down, it looks really good :)

my walls are lime green, and the wood work and radiators and everything a dark purple, so i can't really talk :P i didn't choose them though, they were like that after my brother had an 'artistic adventure'.

Gorty - Thanks! Yea, my wife and I picked that tone of laminate out (its called Hickory Pine from Armstrong) and are quite pleased with the results thus far. As far as the moulding, we originally bought regular quarter round but after seeing my brother's laminate job we liked what he used much better. It is like an "L" shaped moulding (kind of like cove moulding) that not only looks better in my opinion, but also due it being larger, it covers up the gap better.

Something liek this:


And at first they were going to be painted the wall color to match the baseboards but I think they will be painted white which should look cool to match the door trim.

True - Thanks too! Yes, I can not wait to see it finished either :p I am afraid when I have it all done, that instead of recording I will find something else to do to the space LOL....

Andy - Thank you ~ The laminate for sure helped bring out the beauty in the colors. I have to give credit to my wife on the paint. She is a web designer and good with colors, and not only picked out the paint colors, but painted the rooms too :o

More to come...
Thanx for the info there Cincy. I think the moulding you have chosen is the better decision than the quarter round. I wonder what it would look like if you varnished the moulding to get a close match to your laminate???
Perhaps you are right with the decision to paint it white to match your door trimmings.

Keep it coming Cincy! :)
cincy_kid said:
so I have been working like mad on this and getting my butt kicked to be honest :p It sure makes me have a lot more respect for the handy man type who can do this kinda stuff in their sleep....

Here are some pics of the rooms with the carpet out and backing down:

control room


live room


"some" of the tools I used to do the work


The Laminate REALLY kicked my ass physically and mentally but I have the control room done:

control room with laminate


another shot


a sneak peek into the live room (before laminate)


I still have to put the moulding down in the control room to cover the gap between the walls and the laminate, but at least the foundation is there. I will get started on the small live area which shouldn't take me nearly as long.

enjoy the pics, more to come soon ~
Looking lovely cincy. A little unusual with the purple to the right, but looking really good.
hmmm, I dont know, maybe Gorty ;) Good idea and will consider the stain ~

hey panda, thanks for the reply.. yea the 1 purple wall is just an accent wall or whatever those design people call them ;)

Just something different and I dont mind I think it looks cool. Deciding on what color of fabric to use for my wall treaments. Oooh an orange may look nice :D
cincy_kid said:
hmmm, I dont know, maybe Gorty ;) Good idea and will consider the stain ~

I was thinking just a varnish, (not so much a stain) that would make the moulding the same as your flooring. Enough of my two cents worth anyway! You have it under full control. ;)
cincy_kid said:
True - Thanks too! Yes, I can not wait to see it finished either I am afraid when I have it all done, that instead of recording I will find something else to do to the space LOL....

Deciding on what color of fabric to use for my wall treaments. Oooh an orange may look nice :D
Your are welkom Cincy...I doubt you will find anything better to do than record in your cool studio.

I may as well put my opinion in too.... :D

I think the orange would rock!!!
So I got the laminate down in the live room along with the dreaded transition strip in the doorway. Overall it wasn't too bad as the more practice I get the easier it becomes.

a look into the live room from the control room


the transition strip


another look at the live room


My next step is to tape off the bottom of the walls, paint the baseboards white to match the white moulding I got to make it look more like 1 solid piece of trim across the bottom.

Hopefully will get that done tonight and will post more pics then ~