Hidden Tricks

JMarcomb said:
and when your arms are stretched out horizonally... measuring fingertip to fingertip gives your height :)

Unless you're a knuckle dragging neanderthal like Metallica's bass player
Years ago I recorded a CD for a local band and one of the songs had guitar feedback at the beginning of the tune. I backed up the (2") tape to get some pre-roll time to lay down the feedback. While mixing it, every time we listened from the top I wouldn't go all the way to where the feedback started but rather somewhere in the middle several seconds before the band kicked in (just to save some time) and the sound of the feedback starting as the tape machine spooled up was so cool that we edited the top of the tune to start that way and put that as the first song on the CD.

On another project, we kept part of the scratch vocal as the LdV was counting out the measures of an instrumental break and tucked it into the mix. We also had him call his own cell phone from the studio and miked it up to record one of his talking lines in a song.
i just found a subliminal message in "Ex-Girlfriend" by No Doubt, i think. At about 1:51 in the song off of "The Singles 1992-2003", i hear a typical phone ring very low in the background.
what about hiding computer code in the tracks somewhere so if you play the tracks in a certain order a computer game comes on screen. Could you do that?
Any More Ideas?


Just came across this post and have found it useful. I'm looking for some 'subliminal' stuff to add to a song I am producing...

Basically the song is called 'Musical Warfare', it starts with 30 seconds (probably wiil be reduced, but this is how much we use live, helps people remember us!) of noise (mainly white noise, but with a little variation!), it's sort of about Audio Warfare, which I know little about but thought it was a cool idea for a metal song.

In this song I'd like to have a few 'mind control' things going on... The phone ringing, someone calling etc. My goal is to make people go a little mad while listening to the song! What I would really like is something that would scare the listener without them knowing what it is, they just feel scared, anyone know a way of doing this? We also like adding in some tones when we play live, I don't know the jargon, but the sort of frequencies that make you think a TV is on nearby etc, you know what I mean.

Also a way of making people like the music and go and buy the CDs would be cool! hehe

Any ideas on what I could do?

google for subliminal sounds. there are certain sounds that drive people nuts, like at diffent kHz's will flip people out after a while.
Try generating something around 20Hz. No one will be able to hear it, but they'll know something's going on when their guts start to liquefy
Bulls Hit said:
Try generating something around 20Hz. No one will be able to hear it, but they'll know something's going on when their guts start to liquefy

This reminds me of a Devo concert I was at a long while ago. Mark Mothersbaugh was describing what concerts would be like in the future. He said that when you came to the concert, diapers would be passed out. There would then be a holographic image of the band playing and at the climax of the concert a loud sub-sonic frequency would be played and everyone in the audience would crap themselves at once.
That also reminds me of an episode of SouthPark!

Anyway, thanks for the advice, I'll google that and see what I come up with.

did you actually take the time to count? also...brown note=4Hz at 140dB. Only the military has been able to accomplish that as of now. Or so I've heard.
with 1.6 etc. you can create a pattern in which pretty faces (you know, the models) fit perfectly, must have been on discovery too... yes the univers e is full of little secrets. In a korn album there is a passage that sounds just like my dad trying to wake me up for school like ten years ago... still gives me the shivers! (True!)

applesmasher said:
The band Tool supposeldy organzied their whole track list according to the fibboncchi sequence. Dont ask me what that means. ;)

I think that means each song is a prgression built off of the previous song...some sort of linear musical/lyrical/conceptual progression...it's, it's...blarg...i can't explain it, but it makes sense in my head, so that's all that really counts...
I don't think anyone will ever understand Tool or why they do things the way they do. That's what makes them extremely unique. Plus their musicianship is just amazing.

"I read the interpretations of the lyrics that people send to [the Tool Web] page. They're way off. But that's fine"--Maynard
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I remember giving my old drummer tapes of me playing guitar (from a crappy tape deck) and he thought there were drums on the tape too. It was all the percussive notes I used in between chords. he always knew when to hit the snare!

I swear there is a deftones song with a phone ringing in it, and I've heard that Audioslave song too, sounds just like my motorola phone turning on and off.