Good films?

finally got around to watching transformers 3. not because im a fan and im late to it, but because it was pre installed on my ps3. and damn it im getting my moneys worth out of my ps3 :D.
never saw the second one.
this one is a little whack for me.
and this girl isnt megan fox.
and this isn't linkin park.
never really read the comics or whatever.

now, I have been reading some books lately that i think would make great movies. about this boy wizard, Harry Potter. :rolleyes:

i also watched a movie called 'slugs' on netflix the other night. its a winner.
Saw "The Cabin in the Woods" tonight! Really fun and well-made movie if you're into campy horror flicks that are actually TRYING to be campy! :D
Human Centipede 2 is now on netflix :D
I'm planning on streaming it in a party on xbox live sometime soon :D

Goodbye Jon.:(?
I think this may've been covered already many pages ago, but we watched the new "The Thing" tonight. It was actually pretty good.

It fills in the story about the Norwegian camp that discovered the ship in the ice and ends with the copter chasing the infected dog to the American base (right where the '80's John Carpenter version begins)

The special effects were over the top, and the suspense factor wasn't quite up there with the 1980's version since you already kinda knew the deal, but still pretty well done and very entertaining.

The 1950's version that my parents remember pretty much sucks ass though.
Funny thing about movies and kids by the way...

Why is it that parents seem to have so little problem with their kids watching violence on TV, but sex is absolutely taboo? I guess we're just more uncomfortable with it ourselves?

We had friends over today and their kids were hanging out with our kids and they were watching zombie movies on netflix for a long of the dead, the walking dead series, etc. My wife walked in on them at one point when someone's brains were being blown off and was like, "oh, have you seen this? It's pretty good!".

Then, the kids wanted to watch Dead Snow, one of the most over-the-top gore fests I've ever seen. Their father was asking me about it and I was like, "It has more entrails in it than any movie I've ever seen". "One of the grossest movies ever". "A guy hangs suspended over the edge of a cliff hanging by the intestines of a nazi zombie". Ok, cool. He's fine with this. Then I mention that two of the characters have sex in an outhouse early in the film and he immediately gets up and starts heading to the tv..."my son doesn't need to see that!"

There's just something awkward about watching sex scenes with your parents/children.

Oh yeah, I agree, but it kind of bothers me that it is not also at least equally awkward to watch scenes of people's heads being blown off with your parents/children, you know?
Oh yeah, I agree, but it kind of bothers me that it is not also at least equally awkward to watch scenes of people's heads being blown off with your parents/children, you know?

Makes sense.
I guess it all depends on the context it's in :confused:
Walking Dead makes it seem trivial.
A movie like American History X or The Pianist or something with "strong" subject matter would maybe be just a little awkward. But honestly probably more for the cursing than the violence :p
...And probably just awkward with my mom :). Me and my dad watch violent stuff all the time :D. Just watched Assassination Games on Netflix with him :p.

Now one violence scene that I thought was pretty awkward to watch with my dad and uncle was while watching Casino Royale when it came out back on Thanksgiving of 2006- The torture scene where Bond is tied to the bottomless chair. Ouch! :eek: You just don't go for the jewels. Even if youre a supervillain trying to take over the world in James Bond :D

Speaking of movies I've seen with my parents on Netflix though. Ip Man and Ip Man 2. Not sure if I've already mentioned them here. Or maybe someone else has. Absolutely incredible movies. Don't know a person who didn't like them.