Give a little listen here there anywhere.... BAM!

Hi-hats are usually pretty controled in dynamics, (well any time ive recorded them), but if you have a nice compressor that colours the sound then i suppose go for it. I would love to even just hear the difference between a plug-in compressed track and a nice outboard analogue compressed track.
Some good plugins may have some excellent tonal characteristics implemented in them, but everything that I have been able to get my hands on was pretty crappy (read: Sonic Foundry Wave Hammer is the devil).
The analog stuff adds a nice tonal dimension to it that I like for certain tracks.
Having another listen JAZZ, and I wanted to pop it back up on top, so as to get heard more....It is such a good tune. ;)
And I, along with others have failed to mention the Really great Lyrics.....I did pay attention, just failed to mention.
true-eurt said:
Having another listen JAZZ, and I wanted to pop it back up on top, so as to get heard more....It is such a good tune. ;)
And I, along with others have failed to mention the Really great Lyrics.....I did pay attention, just failed to mention.
Why, thank you. ;)
Ok everyone, I am back.

I re-did the acoustic and the vocals (not having a very good vocal day today), but it will have to do for now.

Critique away!
I still have yet to apply any reverb or effects to anything (other than compression)

I know the vocals are a little too compressed at some points... that is being ironed out right now (new run thru the VLA).
Other than that, does anyone have any suggestions/issues/comments?

Thanks for the help.
I am listening on PC speakers soooo..not so good for reviewing eh?
To my ears it sounds like the geetar is battling with the vocals, as opposed to the first one. The geetar and vocals seemed more in harmony with first one. There seems to be more fullness(correct term?) with geetars, but I honestly must say, I think the vocals have been diminished, in that the raw emotion has been tamed And that is what really kicked on the first.And I even liked the geetar on first better too. There is a crispness that I personally love.I don't know a thing about recording yet, :o but I do have a set of ears. Maybe I listen on too much on an emotional level with how the music affects me, to get it? It is still a good song though. I just liked the first best, no matter what was *recording* wrong with it. :)
Another song I can't stop listening to. Hell, I can't get any work done.

True nailed it on this, IMO. First version sounds like a peak experience performance. And if it were mine I wouldn't screw with it.

But removing myself from the emotional reaction and just thinking production, I can hear an acoustic bass under it - but only if you could find someone who had the right feel. And maybe if you tweaked the guitar a dB or two lower (no more) in the 3 kHz range (wide filter Q), it'd be good. But it might ruin it too so just leave it alone, IMO.

OMG - I wish I could get my acoustic to sound like that. Its an absolutely INCREDIBLE sound you have going there. God that so blew me away.


Absolutely love it.
Thanks to everyone that listened to the second revision. I am in agreement with you when you say that this one was a less emotional vocal experience... I was having trouble concentrating on singing this morning and I pissed myself off too much to keep enjoying what I was doing... I guess I will scrap the vocal parts and try again on a day that I feel excited about singing...

get2sammyb said:
OMG - I wish I could get my acoustic to sound like that. Its an absolutely INCREDIBLE sound you have going there. God that so blew me away.


Absolutely love it.

Why, thank you. I was quite happy with the smoothness of the acoustics as well... my setup was quite simple... all I had laying around was my firepod, my laptop, an epiphone J-200, and an MXL V67. I did 2 takes, panned about 45-55% each and EQ'ed accordingly. Also ran the EQed and panned tracks thru the Art VLA for some smooth goodness. Thats it!

Anyways, I will work on it a little more tomorrow (time permitting)... maybe I will chill out and stop bitching at myself...

I can get the first one you posted, just not the second one. I tried at home, and now here at work with the same prob. Just says page cannot be found. :confused:
JazzMang said:
No one has any opinions? :-(
I think ya got em JAZZ!!! This is a keeper!! Or should I say HIT!!
I was listening (100th time, 1st one..I can't stop) and I was really impressed with your vocal prowness. Your timing and tone, your use of inflections, the raw emotion, and your ability to *grab* and hold the listeners til the end, and then want to come back for more, makes this *first run* influxus. And of course the Acoustic is awesome also. If I were a would be there!!! With all the talent on this forum, maybe I should be! :D

AND I would like to say:
I am amazed at the talent on this Forum. It makes me nervous about putting my own stuff up. :eek:
If this were a record company, Dragon would be a millionaire.(maybe he is, and we are his hobby???) :D
He would have some of the best Clientele you could find. :cool:
Thanks everyone for the opinions... I took one more stab at the vocals and here it is...

Let me know how it is when compared to the other takes... I think I had a better day than I did on take 2... but still not quite as good as take 1.
I am amazed at the talent on this Forum. It makes me nervous about putting my own stuff up.

Says the Maneater :D

Just listened to serotone, and said the singer sounded like the pearl jam guy. But now i think you do as well, jazzmang. Everybody sounds like the pearl jam guy. So i'm beginning to doubt my perceptions :o

i can hear you breathing through your nose in the beginning?..... bit of gate will take care of that.... rule is, the more stoned you are, the higher the gate LOL

I'm not sure which version i've listened to?, but it was a cracker. 32350 mean anything?...

JazzMang said:
No one has any opinions? :-(

How about the new take I did?
Suggestions? Please! Any criticism is good. I am working on another take and need some suggestions.


I am downloading the new one now JAZZ. It will be hard for me to NOT be prejudiced towards the first take ya know!!! I will edit this post after I give it a listen. :)
I see you have put up one more. I listened to #3 four times.........

Well on #3, I liked it okay (once again #1 is it) but aside from that, The vocals are a bit weak until about :42 where you begin to put the inflection in.
At 1:40 the vocals pick up some, and then at 2:13 kicks in more like #1. And at 2:39, You get emotion thrown in there.

I hear some flats(BTW)I notice you mention flats in #1, but I don't hear them. I do, however in this take.
On #1 the vocals are strong from beginning to end. And the soft spoken parts have a raw, raspy, emotion flowing from them, that you just have not captured on these last two takes. #2 and #3.

I do like how you have ended the battle between vocals and guitar that was on #2. And the guitar does have a fuller bodied sound in this one.(still not up to #1)
If smooth is what you are after, then #3 here is definately smoother.
If you want a HIT, #1 is the GEM in the Ocean of sounds.

Okay, did I tear it apart enough for you? I will now take a listen to #4.

You can have a shot at me soon enough! :eek:
Last edited:
Uh oh! A 4th take?!

Shite! I must have a lot of time on my hands!


Guitars EQ'ed a little... may be too bright at some points... Vox also re-done and re-mixed.

Let me know whats up.