GearFest Mixing Contest

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@ Reathpd: Okay. Then without getting really into the complex end of this, when I first listened I'd say bring the vocals back a little bit. I think they're a bit hot. I did the same thing. Don't forget to check "Enable Download".
Note: if you have the new soundcloud enabled do not click on the "widget". click on the link instead. I just learned. It's causing Flash player to crash.
I haven't posted for years. I've been mixing on and off, doing a lot of writing. This was a fun break, and a hell of a challenge. I finished this on Wed. night and sent it to my voice coach to hear. She gave it the go. So I posted it early Thursday morning. I call this contest "The Drum Drama." The vox were well recorded. The guitar was fine, and the bass needed just a little tweaking. The OH were the challenge. I found the tracks exceptionally dry. But you go into the mixing room with what you've got, at least some of us did. I really liked AndyGallas' track. I listened to quite a few of them. A lot of people have a lot of really expensive stuff, and it's quite easy to get intimidated. I decided to go for a "vintage" sound with Liza and her band. When I say vintage, it's in the "get out of my flower bed" cranky old lady vintage. I felt it suited her voice, and her band. You can read more details on my track page. There are so many different takes on this song that you forget what you're listening to after a while. I pity the judges. 2000+ tracks. How many of us stand a chance?

So what did your voice coach think of Liza's singing? Nice mix by the way!
Wow! I almost missed this thing all together. Awesome song, awesome group. I'd go see Liza Colby Sound anytime. Yowzers!!! Over 2 thousand mixes submitted! 21 days to go...
So what did your voice coach think of Liza's singing? Nice mix by the way!

Thanks. I have some obstacles to overcome mixing -- I'm partially to mostly (depending upon the weather) deaf in my right ear. I sent it to her also for the "do I have the sounds balanced?" She liked Liza. Blues-rocker. My coach is a metal singer.

I wish they had a button on these monitor stations where I could reverse the stereo channels to check things.
Thanks. I have some obstacles to overcome mixing -- I'm partially to mostly (depending upon the weather) deaf in my right ear. I sent it to her also for the "do I have the sounds balanced?" She liked Liza. Blues-rocker. My coach is a metal singer.

I wish they had a button on these monitor stations where I could reverse the stereo channels to check things.

You should be able to reverse channels in your DAW?
You should be able to reverse channels in your DAW?

I'm thinking you know with something like a Presonus Monitor station should have another button on it for that. It's got enough buttons, what's one more, right? I suppose a panning plugin on the master bus could do the job and I have one but it's 32 bit and I'm running 64 bit now and Cubase doesn't like J-bridge that much and I've got it nice and stable so..., but you know how you could forget stuff. Just wait until you get over 50. lol. Also I just got Cubase last month and I'm still learning it. I got my baptism by fire there writing a 24 part MIDI orchestration.
I ve got a question.
I saw many of the mixes are free for download. we should allow the download?or not ?

I'm thinking you know with something like a Presonus Monitor station should have another button on it for that. It's got enough buttons, what's one more, right? I suppose a panning plugin on the master bus could do the job and I have one but it's 32 bit and I'm running 64 bit now and Cubase doesn't like J-bridge that much and I've got it nice and stable so..., but you know how you could forget stuff. Just wait until you get over 50. lol. Also I just got Cubase last month and I'm still learning it. I got my baptism by fire there writing a 24 part MIDI orchestration.

I used a monitor station for the longest time... You know typically on most desks... it shouldn't be too big of hassle to just unplug your speakers from it and switch the jacks. I have severe attenuation in my left ear from standing just to the right of my full stack in various metal bands I was in. My hearing is getting a lot better. You can definitely improve it by focusing it!
Liza Colby's Band - Oh Baby Mix by Robert Wawoe

Hello everyone,

Here is my entry for the Gearfest PureMix Competition:

More great mixes today. One thing I can say for sure though is that we shouldn't allow ourselves to get caught up running to another extreme just because the loudness war seems to be ending. Sure brick walled mixes are terrible and the waves L2 should be burned and buried but I don't think it's such a good idea to completely abandon dynamics control, or worse yet to start creating artificial dynamic range as is the case with some of the mixes I've heard. Cranking up the choruses 9dB above the verses doesn't sound any better than pumping a mix through a comp at 12:1 with 10dB of GR and then blasting it through an L2! Control is a wonderful thing! We don't want our listeners in traffic having to ride their volume pots to hear their music. Music listening is a HANDS OFF experience for most listeners and rightfully so! We shouldn't allow our audio nerd elitism keep us from delivering a product that's user friendly to the intended consumer. That just isn't good business and in the end doesn't accomplish anything.

Well said, Andy! Dynamic control is a very big part engineering. Wild fluctuations in level are definitely not desireable on mixes destined for playback on domestic sound systems.

However, creating the impression of dynamics (ie. "contrast, color, punchiness vs smoothness, bigness vs smallness, variation, interest") whilst maintaining firm dynamic control of a mix's micro and macro dynamics is a skill that often takes some time to master.

It's more than just a strictly technical skill - as in sleight-of-hand, the art is in the presentation, which calls for imagination and ingenuity. For example, eq can be a powerful tool in creating the impression of contrast in size, as can automation of ambiance.

To think that "dynamics" in mixing simply applies to allowing large differences between the softest and loudest is to over-simplify things greatly.

HAHAHA Your mix sounds great. an L2 can be a powerful tool when used tastefully.... Too much power tends to corrupt most people though!

Hey Curt, thanks for the complement – and of course I totally get what you meant :)

Your mix rocks too! I think I know that song somehow... déjà-vu :)
I'm honestly to the point where I can't objectively alter my mix any further.. This song sounds like a rotten melon to me now.
Hey Curt, thanks for the complement – and of course I totally get what you meant :)

Your mix rocks too! I think I know that song somehow... déjà-vu :)
I really liked AndyGallas' track.
Love ya! And I like your mix too! It's a bit raw but it has something I really like!
A lot of people have a lot of really expensive stuff, and it's quite easy to get intimidated.
No worries, it's really not the gear that matters that much!

2000+ tracks. How many of us stand a chance?
I had never much luck in lotteries and I really don't care that much. Even if you have 80 release ready mixes on a high level, 80% of them will still be kicked out, soooo.....

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