GearFest Mixing Contest

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OK... so, I've been working on this mix for a couple of weeks and I'm still not sure if I'm there.
Can y'all tell me what you think, before I submit it?

Very good sounding.
Sounds pretty damn good to me - perhaps the hats cut through a tad too much in the chorus, but it's not much - maybe just a little bit of shelf eq up high would bring that down - I love the vocals & the subtle ambiance on them - very well judged - sweet mix!

Something along these lines?
Adrian Zuccon Puremix Entry

Adrian Zuccon Gearfest Puremix Contest by Bage Os on SoundCloud - Hear the world

Hey guys! Here's my entry! Please feel free to comment & criticize where you like. Cubase 6, Waves audio demo plugins, Tascam US-1800, Mackie MK8 mk2 monitors.

This is my first and only entry, I hope you like it. Enjoy!

Good luck everybody

Adrian Zuccon Gearfest Puremix Contest by Bage Os on SoundCloud - Hear the world

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>
I'm referring to the entire mix. It clips & distorts a fair bit. What DAW did you use?

Any saturation you hear is deliberate - I'm very careful with my gain-staging, so there is no digital clipping happening in the session. I've used Slate's VCC & VTM as well as various a few other tape saturation & transformer emulation plugins on the mix. For rock'n'roll, I like the sound of things being (virtually) "pushed hard". IMO, it adds character, depth & presence. YMMV...

I don't really see how the DAW is relevant - they all do the same thing. I'm using Sonar X2
Adrian Zuccon Gearfest Puremix Contest by Bage Os on SoundCloud - Hear the world

Hey guys! Here's my entry! Please feel free to comment & criticize where you like. Cubase 6, Waves audio demo plugins, Tascam US-1800, Mackie MK8 mk2 monitors.

This is my first and only entry, I hope you like it. Enjoy!

Good luck everybody

Adrian Zuccon Gearfest Puremix Contest by Bage Os on SoundCloud - Hear the world

<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>

I'm finding it all a bit midrange heavy, with not much extension down low. There is a lot of competition between the guitar and vocal, as well as the low end of the cymbals - it crowds the high mids in the mix quite a bit. I'd suggest working on clearing out space for the vocal in that range. I'm guessing you've boosted the guitar around the 2k mark, that might be causing the issue. The hihat needs thinning out in that range too - that "csshh, cshhh" sound really builds up in the chorus & makes it fatiguing to listen to.

The low end sounds like it has been high passed fairly steeply around 100hz. Try allowing the bass to have some subsonic space around 40-50hz, & give more room for the kick to extend down to about 60hz. That will fill up the low end without making it sound muddy. If it does sound muddy when you do that, try working on finding the mud around 200hz in the kick & bass & pulling it out.

Hope that helps!
so, here you are my own interpretation of this song. It is my first version (i have discarded many attempts, but... the first was the best).

Yeah... The open hat. Would you suggest spot EQing, then?

It's really hard to say... mixes are so inter-dependent...what worked on my mix may not work on yours (then again, who's to say I got it right? - people have criticized my hihats for being too loud as well!)

...anyhoo, I just called up my mix - on the OH, I shelved off gently at around 4k by around 3dB... but it was the snare mic that was contributing the most hihat harshness on my mix - because I didn't gate it - I ended up "spot eq'ing" it by dipping 2.9k with a fairly sharp "Q" by almost 6db! That seemed to be a good compromise between getting rid of that "cshhh" sound & keeping the nice "ssst" sound. Having said that, I found that by attenuating the snare at that frequency so sharply, I lost a lot of "snap", so I multed the snare trac,k & using Transient designer set to "all attack & no sustain" I was able to buy back what I lost.
It's really hard to say... mixes are so inter-dependent...what worked on my mix may not work on yours (then again, who's to say I got it right? - people have criticized my hihats for being too loud as well!)

...anyhoo, I just called up my mix - on the OH, I shelved off gently at around 4k by around 3dB... but it was the snare mic that was contributing the most hihat harshness on my mix - because I didn't gate it - I ended up "spot eq'ing" it by dipping 2.9k with a fairly sharp "Q" by almost 6db! That seemed to be a good compromise between getting rid of that "cshhh" sound & keeping the nice "ssst" sound. Having said that, I found that by attenuating the snare at that frequency so sharply, I lost a lot of "snap", so I multed the snare trac,k & using Transient designer set to "all attack & no sustain" I was able to buy back what I lost.

I'm fairly happy with the last mix I posted... I'm not sure if it's because it's actually decent or because my ears are shot but the hat sounds natural to my ears.
I'm fairly happy with the last mix I posted... I'm not sure if it's because it's actually decent or because my ears are shot but the hat sounds natural to my ears.

Go with your gut, I say... Mixing is all about decision making, & part of that is learning when you get to the point where you're happy to back yourself. I've been involved in quite a few mix competitions recently, & one thing I discovered is that other mixers will always make you doubt & second-guess yourself. If they can "walk the walk" (ie. mix well) & objectively back their comments with hard, specific evidence & practical demonstrable solutions, they are worth taking notice of. If not, then it's usually best to just go with your vision & back yourself - gradually your confidence grows.

That's not to say inexperienced listeners/mixers can't offer valuable insight... after all, if a LOT of people are all saying the same thing about an issue with your mix, it's usually worth taking notice of.
You should have challenged yourself friend, those toms at the end are pretty quiet. The rest however, is good! Good mixing on individual tracks.

Thank you. You could very well be right, I have however setteld with my decision. Finger's crossed.

Sound of wool - Gearfest puremix contest:
Hey man! Sorry for the late reply but I didn't have a chance to make it back onto the forum yesterday! There was a little soundcloud button above the text box when I was typing that put a little HTML tag wrapper into what I was typing so I just dropped the link into there to see if it would work. I also couldn't just post a URL link directly. Hope it helps although by now you might have reached 10 posts already =). -Jon

Ps: Thanks for the listen! I checked it out on some speakers at the school yesterday evening where I'm taking some classes and the reverb did jump out. Didn't hear it that strongly on mine at home. Oh well =)
Hey Propman!

I just listened to your mix and overall it sounds great! If you wanted to try making one more quick tweak you could try a bandpass filter on the hat and overs at somewhere around 8k depending on your tame to take out some of that aggressive edge without loosing the air of the high end as much. Or maybe just add that on top of your shelf because it's really close but I agree it's still a little too prominent in the mix. -- if you were worried about the rumbly bass I think it's coming from the DI low mid range which sounded a little flubby to me on the original stems - I could be off there though as I'm listening in headphones right now because it's early in my apt. building =).

Another thing that jumps out at me is your panning at the end of the guitar solo. You might try either panning it less, panning it slower or another approach to make the shift back to the right a little less in your face. It took me out of the moment for a second there but that's just my opinion too =).

Lastly, if you have time you could try doing a little bit of automation to try and help her vocals when she sings long notes like "ohhhhhhhhhh" quite a few times. When she slams your compressor like that the flat level after a while makes it sound a little lifeless. It'll also help hide her pitchy-ness on some of those that compression tends to make stand out. -- again, optional and super picky on my part. Overall I think it sounds great! Your toms and kick sound way better than mine in my opinion, I'd love to know your approach. Thanks and good luck!
Hi guys!

My mix is finally done. :) This is most time I ever spent on a mix and I'm quite pleased with the result. I'd appreciate it if you could check it out and give some comments. :)

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