GearFest Mixing Contest

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Any word from puremix to know until when we can upload? says that the deadline is June 1st...and most people would interpret that to be the last day of the contest and until the end of the day (11:59PM), on June 1st (if there's no specifc time mentioned).

I hope that Puremix means the dealine to be the same as that....
....'cuz I'm not going to get to upload my mix until sometime tomorrow, on June 1st. :)

They have not responded to that question even though a few folks have asked in the last couple of days...
...probably 'cuz they're too busy sifting through over 2500 mix submissions! :D
My Mix for contest

So happy to be part of this mix contest. Here is my mix. I went for a little different vibe than a lot of other mixes I've heard - big open live rock band sound. After all it was a live performance!

Please listen and leave comments! I would love to hear them! Good luck everyone.

I'm in graduate school for chemistry, but music is a definite passion. It's too bad that the income is so unreliable, otherwise I probably would have pursued it! I will be posting a very detailed breakdown of my thought and approach to this song on my soundcloud. I had a blast mixing this; its an absolute pleasure to mix a very talented group of musicians!

This song was very different from what I'm used to. I tried hard to keep the song as balanced as possible - which was quite difficult having 1 guitar. To alleviate this, I used Dave Pensado's wide guitar trick (thanks Dave!) to get a wide guitar image. Being a guitar player, I know how a guitar players tone is a precious thing, so I tried my best to EQ it as little as possible and simply place it in the mix using reverbs and delays.

For the drums, I originally wanted to blend the tracked kick with triggered samples to get a big in your face rock sound, but I opted to take Fab's advice given at gearfest one year: "...triggering is a crime against humanity." So the next best thing is to crush/distort the hell out of it. I used lots of parallel compression/distortion to make it sound larger than life and also to retain the transients. Lots of the passages were automated with volume, reverbs, and delays to help build the emotion throughout the song and keep it driving. You will also notice the cymbal ducking on the chorus to give it a sense of power. I also sculpted the snare with a transient designing plugin to bring it to life.

Bass I used a multiband compressors to help keep the low end nailed down and ran the DI through an amp simulator to bring out the top end a bit. This was also run in parallel with the soundtoys distortion to beef it up. I also added reverb - which is a big no no, but I thought it gave the song a nice vibe and helped it sit in with the rest of the instruments. The bass is also sidechained to the kick of course to help the kick cut through. Bass and guitars were bussed together and sidechained to the vocals to help keep the mud out when everything was building.

Vocals took a lot of automating to get all of the words to be clear in the mix. I also ran parallel distortion to beef up the vocals and help them cut through the mix. I usually don't like to hear my reverbs in a mix, but this song was a bit different. I pushed the reverb a little louder than I am usually comfortable with, but since there was so much space, I felt it was necessary. I rode the delays and reverbs to keep it clean.

Added a little bit of bus compression and some mid/side eq to widen the image a little more.

There you have it. I hope that I shared the same vision the band had with my mix. Please leave comments, tell me what you think, etc. Enjoy!

Mixed with Cubase 6 on Windows 7 x64.

Plugins used:

Basic plugins (Q, C1, C6, Trueverb, H-Delay etc.),
CLA series 1176 and LA-2A
S1 Image, L3, and TransX,

Microshift, Little Radiator, and and Devil-loc (the free ones :)

Variety of Sounds FerricTDS Tape Simulator

Tokyo Dawn Records Feedback Compressor II
Last edited: says that the deadline is June 1st...and most people would interpret that to be the last day of the contest and until the end of the day (11:59PM), on June 1st (if there's no specifc time mentioned).

I hope that Puremix means the dealine to be the same as that....
....'cuz I'm not going to get to upload my mix until sometime tomorrow, on June 1st. :)

They have not responded to that question even though a few folks have asked in the last couple of days...
...probably 'cuz they're too busy sifting through over 2500 mix submissions! :D

I wonder how many folks from puremix are gonna listen to the mixes... even if they're 25 it makes over 100 mix each... I wouldnt wanna be one of them, hehe... ENORMOUS job ahead.
Well...I think the initial "filtering" stage will probably involve rather quick reviews of small sections of the mixes...'cuz they know what they are looking for, and I'm sure a lot of the mixes will immediately fall out...but they do say they will listen to all the mixes....or at least they said that when there were only a few hundred posted. :D
Phynubis' mix of "Oh Baby" for the GearFest Mixing Contest

When I listened to the raw song first, I had the feeling to create a solid live-rock-music mix. With as less "christmas decorations" as possible.

This song rocks, with the vibe of the good old times of real handmade rock-music. So I decided to not pimp up the mix with an overkill of choruses, echos/delayayayays and so on. This is not the new Madonna feat. Britney Spears Record. It is The Liza Colby Sound.
I did my best in a couple of my rare free hours (my advice: never work as a medical doctor in a German hospital ;-) to present you my vision of a rock-solid rock mix without any devastative surprises or modern-music-gags.

Mixed with Cubase 7 on Win7 x64
I used Plugins from the following developers: Brainworx, Empty Room Systems, iZotope, Native Instruments, Softube, Sonnox, SoundToys, Voxengo

Have a nice day and rock on! :guitar:

I use Pro tools 9, Macbook pro 13 and Akg k99 headphones ( i dont have monitors, but i have ears :D )
Rverb (waves 9)
Eq Q10 (waves 9)
CLA GUITARS (waves 9) to give a color to guitars (I doubled the guitar channel to give the hass effect)
CLA 2A (waves 9) for voice
And more...

I heard the song flat, and then give the color that I think is best for the song.
Last minute entry - new here.

Hello all, new to this forum. Did this last minute and rather quickly - a few hours really, including the beat mapping of the tempo for delays and such. Probably took me longer to upload the thing, since soundcloud was not cooperating - hahaha. At any rate, nothing particularly special about the approach or the "gear" - all in the box (PT). It was pretty fun to do - here you go:

I was going to post the link here, but apparently I need to have had ten previous posts to add a hyperlink? I'm new to this forum and pretty much signed up as part of the contest - have to assume part of the idea was for this forum to attract new members? Seems odd that the entire purpose of this thread is to share links to the contest mixes, yet such restrictions are enforced, especially in light of the aim of such contest - to attract participants into this forum. Weird. Any moderators able to rectify this or do I just do ten posts for no reason so I can participate in this forum? Appreciate any advice. Thanks.
Just finished up my mix. Please let me know what you think.

I decided to process the mix up just a bit, but was careful not to go too far. Some notable mix decisions were:

-Kramer MPX/LA-2A on the vox for some harmonic distortion
-Increased effects at 3:35 because I thought that the song called for it
-Doubled the guitars for some width, but left a guitar channel in the middle so that the effect wouldn't be extreme
-Small amount of compression (1-2dB GR, slow attack) on the master

DAW Info:

Pro Tools 9
Mbox 2 Mini to Alesis M1Active 520's
Also checked the mix on my Shure SRH 440's

Notable Plugins:

Kick/Snare: Waves SSL Channel
Bass: SoundToys Decapitator, Waves PUIGChild
Drum Buss: Waves API 2500
Guitar: SoundToys Crystallizer (doubling effect)
Vox: Waves Kramer MPX, Waves CLA-2A, C6 Multi-band Compressor
Effects: Waves RVerb, Waves H-Delay, Wave IR-L, SoundToys EchoBoy, and Digidesign Long Delay II

**No drum samples were used in this mix.

Hi mates!

Here is my mix...I hope you like it! This contest is great for learning and comparing your work with others...different ways of mixing...I hope there will be more contests in the future

Good luck for all of you!

My Offering

OK no way to post a link because I have not been here long enough... My name on SoundCloud is Pendragonx and my submission is David Pendragon_GearfestPuremixContest if anyone is interested in a listen.

I decided to approach this mix from the perspective of the supplied files, as an old school live [stereo] mix of the band keeping pretty faithful to the original sounds. I rather missed my usual ability to multiple mic drums and would have really loved some bottom snare and tom files. Not to be, so I created them by editing the drum tracks into parts and worked E.Q. to simulate separate tracks. Same deal with the guitar, creating a stereo guitar field. The intention was to create a tight clean and open sound that feels like the band is playing live.
My equipment is as follows: Presonus 24.2.4 Studio Live JBL LSR 4326P Monitors. Software is Studio One 2.5.1 with Waves Bundled software. [Both legal registered versions] Computer is a i7 920 Windows machine with 16 gig RAM.
On ALL channels I start with a Waves SSL channel strip. I use my own starting pre-sets and work up the basic EQ's and gates where needed
On bass amp I added Waves bass rider and Studio One Multi-band Dynamics and on the Bass D.I. I used the Waves JJP Bass with my custom settings. I am not looking for a huge bass sound here, I want tight and defined sound, rather the kind of E.Q one would expect from the environment and PA where the band was recorded.
The drums were a bit of a thinking process. I edited the toms out and created them on their own tracks, same for the hats. This gave me a little more control over the sound of each and enabled me to move them in the mix a bit. I used a combination JJP and CLA drum plugins on bass drum and snare with CLA as the device on overheads. I do not use any of the pre-sets with these programs, they all need to be used to shape the sound to the individual instrument sounds.
Vocals, again looking for a live PA type of sound I went for using the vocal a naturally as possible with a bit of delay and reverbs from the Maserati vocal plugin. I added a bit of Aphex Aural exciter and the Waves vocal rider to smooth it all out a bit.
My final out put was given a touch of the SSL Master Buss Compressor to 'glue' the sounds together a bit. I rendered at dithered 16 bit WAV as I was not sure what this site requires for upload
This was a great day of fun and experimenting for me. I hope you find it enjoyable and would be very happy to receive any feedback from other folks out there. There are some really good mixes on this thread!
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Good luck!

Good luck everyone! This has been fun and rewarding, lot of cool cats out there.. :)

I hope I win..! :P

My Mix

My name is Nathan Holliday and I am a recent college grad with a degree in Music Business. I had a great time mixing this track. Seeing as how I am a recent graduate, I do not have a job yet, which means I cannot afford thousands of dollars in outboard gear. That being said, I took my graduation money and invested it into a UAD 2 Satellite Quad Custom and mixed this project entirely in the box. I am running a 15" Mac Pro with a 2.7 GHz Intel Core i7 processor and 16 GB of RAM. It runs a 750 GB solid state drive, so it's screamin' fast. I ended up doubling some of the vocal and guitar parts to thicken up certain parts of the tune, and I also threw in some snare samples to beef up the snare a bit. I used parallell compression on the kick drum to help it cut through the mix, and I ended up not using the bass amp stem because of how noisy it was. Instead, I doubled the DI stem and EQ'd everything to where I was getting more finger noise than low-end, and I mixed the two bass channels together. For the FX of this project, I used a couple of plate reverbs from the UAD EMT-250, as well as some phasers and delays, all on aux sends. I used an overall drum buss and a snare buss in order to dial in the samples with the original stems just the way I wanted it without having to move multiple faders multiple times. I used the Waves CLA series on a couple of the electric tracks. Let me know what ya'll think! Thanks so much.

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Is it ok to upload a 44.1 and 24bit file to soundcloud? Or is there any specific rule about that?

Is it ok to upload a 44.1 and 24bit file to soundcloud? Or is there any specific rule about that?


Mate do not do that, if you want your track to keep its sonic integrity on the soundcloud player, upload in 44.1 and 16 bit. There are no rules though.
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Mate do not do that, if you want your track to keep all its sonic integrity, upload in 44.1 and 16 bit. There are no rules though.

Ohhh...I guess it's too late now since the contest deadline is finished right?. If I replace the 24bit with a 16bit version and update that in soundcloud would seem that I have made a change out of the deadline...

Do you think would be really a big difference? I should have dither to 16bits before uploading?

Thanks for your help
This was fun. Good luck for everyone in the contest.

edit: FYI instructions for linking it properly on post#1
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Over 2650! WOW A lot of good mixes in the group. Great learning experience for all. I hope everyone spent time in the thread here and had bunches of plays on the cloud. I've gotten some very articulated & reasonably accurate comments from other members. It's great to see some many people learning the craft.

When I finished school (we started with a 4track)& dreamt of owning a studio someday(circa 1993). The first thing I needed was $50K to buy a new 24 track reel to reel tape machine...(ADAT had just been recently released) Today, I'm guessing, the vast majority of the mixes submitted to this contest were likely mixed with WAY less money invested. I think everything I used cost maybe $1200. That is simply awesome! I've even heard a good mix in the group done on an Ipad!

Well, I've still got my ADAT, DAT, 2 Tracks, DCC & even my Echoplex. But I'm so glad that I've always had a PC, my first hobby, since the early 80's. Computers then could only barely do crappy MIDI & now it's the heart of my 'studio'. ...and I never did get that 24 track reel to reel tape machine!

I make a living as a Live FOH Engineer w/ 25+yrs exp & these days spend a lot of time assisting mid sized venue concert production. Certainly, not entirely due to cutting my chops mixing on a pc. But it has certainly helped me be a better engineer. My point is, I(we) are all working with tools that our predecessors could not even dream of getting into one location at one time, let alone all in one box or even exist!(yeah, I got great analog stuff too) Enjoy & frolic. Listen & Learn. There is NO magic bullet.

Well here's me - Final Answer. Best of luck to all. I Can't Wait to hear the winners...

Adobe Audition primary DAW
Mixed 'in the box' (I've done this since Cool Edit Pro, for those who know)
Optimus Multimedia 5" 2ways 15W Pwr Speakers (20?yr old lol) in spare bedroom(mixed at home)
*some tracks treated with Ozone? using Reaper at a friends right out of the gate.
Used Pc's soundblaster soundcard.
Luckily we were born with our most valuable audio tool, our ears... and yeah, I own way better stuff, but this was for fun..Right? Was fun for me.

I went for a raw rock band, with clarity & space. Wanted it to feel live & get loud when it should. Kept it simple. Focused on keeping levels where I wanted them throughout. Wanted more drums & bass, but I restrained myself..?

ANY & ALL Comments are Welcome & Appreciated.

Some creative choices & attempted techniques used:

1 started w/multi-band downward expansion on kick & snare to reduce background noise on each
just eq'd a bit of 312hz out of kick, & mild HF roll off after 3k (mild downward expansion avoids many of the negative effects of simply gating imo). Downward expanded snare track to just allow the loudest 'chick' from hat to remain solid, then let OH fill in and gave a nice stereo bounce to hat, track eq differences amplified the bounce a bit

2 Multiband upward expansion on OH to bring up brass & comp/limit to control snare. then mild but fast comp applied get a nice bouncy stick feel.

3 used similar up/down expansion variation on vox, then low ratio comp (1:1.8) or less
Then used some parallel compression on vox, let it burn a bit in the mids on the harder dynamics then layered original vox track untouched, no fx, no comp, just a 4k,+1.5dB eq, & LF roll off. left it dry.

4 added gtr track to song chorus & lead by adding just a little straight fuzz, compression & cab sim
then 180 reverse phase for space & living stereo image on gtr. analog tape delay during gtr lead part & touch on verse

5 bass di -re amped through old peavey tnt w/black widow spkr (just cause I wanted to) & DBX 266 comp inserted, went mid punchy here.

6 bass amp just eq'd & comp, went for fretless like smooth sustained dynamics

7 Snare= small room, kit= room/trap verb, gtr =large concert verb, vox = hall, the fore-mentioned tape delay on gtr lead

8 eq'd all FX returns to open up a bit more space & soften some gtr ambient harshness. (overlooked this 'til last moment)

9. added 5.5% mix of a theater verb across master buss w/ HF rolloff after 2.2k. added to the live feel I wanted to enhance. Otherwise, Master buss is clean

***wow is anyone really gonna read all that....? hope its worth it

Speak loudly if you leave comments, i'm an old foh engineer... lol
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Liza Colby_Oh Baby_Gearfest Mix Contest

Finally got around to uploading my mix. Definitely a challenging song to mix. Harder than I thought it would be but it was a great learning experience. Really dig Liza's voice even after probably a thousand playbacks. This was fun.:guitar:

Mixed in Pro Tools 10 with the stock plug ins and a few choice UAD plugs for that vintage sound. Went for an upfront classic rock sound which seemed to fit the tune.

Best of luck to everyone!

P.S. To Fab and the guys: You have my sympathies for having to listen to all these mixes. Thanks for the opportunity!
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