Five hunderd bucks for this???

I enjoy farview and ford van's posts. Someday I am going to give Farview some more of my money, but I WILL NOT give ford van some of my money, unless he's engineering some music for me. I WILL give farview some of my money for free. Thanks ford van and farview. :cool:
Ford Van said:
Yes, I am.

Well then you must be Dumb as well as an ignorant. What do you mean im not running a real "For Hire" studio? like thats some sort of point of offence. I already said i dont own one anymore (nevermind working as a musical director/composer/songwriter/producer), im not going to go into my personal details because its none of your buisness. I dont need to prove myself to you anyway. This thread is about whether or not the band got a good deal. Fact remains the tapes sound like shit. You have made this a personal crusade, you are rude and completely out of line. When you said you were "Shit hot" you showed what a novice you are. For a true master wouldnt make such a claim. Im not gonna have a flame war with you Ignorant, you bring nothing to the table.
If bruce swedien suddenly says he thinks that he is "shit hot" does that make him suck all of a sudden? This isn't the television series Kung Fu.
I've recorded my band @ lovejuice lab twice and I think Dave Swanson there is a great mixer. The last day you spend at lovejuice is 8 hours with Dave in the mixing room telling him what you like and dislike, so I think it has a lot to do with the band. Dave has tracked and mixed Travis Barker and the singer to New Found Glory so he is no amateur. Forget these forum locals man, they spend too much time making smartass remarks then actual engineering.
Ford Van said:
Farview, he really isn't running a for real "for hire" studio like you do, and like I have in the past. He probably has never had the burden to deal with, and thus will just continue to argue his weak point on this subject.

I totally agree with you (as I stated earlier)! Most here have no idea how LITTLE studio time $500 buys you, even in a local small studio! Couple that with a band that is FAR from ready to record, well, what kind of product can you expect from the studio?

I listened to the other demo's that studio had on it's myspace page. Really, the engineer(s?) are quite good, and VERY capable, and definately worth the meager money they charge. If I was looking for a studio in their price range, and was in their area, I would seriously consider using them for sure!

There are few around here who I would even waste my time working with, even if they were offering to work for free! I find it amazing that so many marginally talented engineers can so easily blast this product, like they can do better or something (under the same circumstances).

Oh well..........

Take a look at this studio.
There are samples in the "Media" section.

£100 for 9 hour day. The quality isnt amazing but yous can see that the quality is well worth the money. By this price you could get a 4 song EP done for around £500! 3 days tracking and 2 days mixing.
That is value for money.

gummblefish said:
Well then you must be Dumb as well as an ignorant. What do you mean im not running a real "For Hire" studio? like thats some sort of point of offence. I already said i dont own one anymore (nevermind working as a musical director/composer/songwriter/producer), im not going to go into my personal details because its none of your buisness. I dont need to prove myself to you anyway. This thread is about whether or not the band got a good deal. Fact remains the tapes sound like shit. You have made this a personal crusade, you are rude and completely out of line. When you said you were "Shit hot" you showed what a novice you are. For a true master wouldnt make such a claim. Im not gonna have a flame war with you Ignorant, you bring nothing to the table.

It actually IS relevent because you keep making ignorant claims about how an engineer is supposed to do his job, when the reality is, you have no flippin' clue about how to actually run a studio.

I bring MANY years experience to the table of running a studio, something you don't! ;)
ecktronic said:
Take a look at this studio.
There are samples in the "Media" section.

£100 for 9 hour day. The quality isnt amazing but yous can see that the quality is well worth the money. By this price you could get a 4 song EP done for around £500! 3 days tracking and 2 days mixing.
That is value for money.


I gotta tell you the truth. Those music samples really didn't impress me. I think the samples at Love Juice Labs are MUCH better. The ones at Urban Studios sound like clummsy attempts at mixing. There is not "kick ass" quality to the production!

The more I listen to the Love Juice guys work, the more I am convinced the guy is quite good!

It is obvious that the band was shit, and either hurried the production, put in too much input about what they wanted it to sound like, but most likely both!
ecktronic said:
A rushed mix by any decent mixing engineer shouldnt sound like that though.

It should sound worse.

"Real" mix engineers don't have magic wands. The band sucks, the song sucks, the sound suck, and he had no time.

The band didn't get ripped off, the engineer got his time wasted by a group of fools that had no business recording in the first place. And, because of the lack of preparation, talent, and songwriting ability on the part of the band, this engineer is taking shots in a public forum.

People from around the world (who weren't there and don't know what he really had to work with) are making value judgments about how much he did or didn't do to make this band sound like a million bucks, for only $500.

It is almost impossible to make a great band playing a great song sound bad. It is also nearly impossible to make a marginall band playing a bad song badly to sound good.

With an unlimited budget, you can hire talented musicians and songwriters to 'fix' the problems. For $500, they get what they get.
Sillyhat said:
The band sucks, the song sucks, the sound suck, and he had no time.

The band didn't get ripped off, the engineer got his time wasted by a group of fools that had no business recording in the first place. And, because of the lack of preparation, talent, and songwriting ability on the part of the band, this engineer is taking shots in a public forum.

People from around the world (who weren't there and don't know what he really had to work with) are making value judgments about how much he did or didn't do to make this band sound like a million bucks, for only $500.

It is almost impossible to make a great band playing a great song sound bad. It is also nearly impossible to make a marginall band playing a bad song badly to sound good.
Hell, that's even true with solo guitar.

x10 for a band.

$500 for four songs is a bit of a rush job. The first time I went into a studio I insisted on things that pretty much ruined the recording. So who's to say who messed this up. A bit of both I'd say. I also was not very demanding on the things I should have been my first time in.

Maybe they need to listen to the things they don't like make a list and go back in with a couple hundred more.

Then they need to go get it mastered before they draw thier final conclusion. Mastering should pop the kick up quite a bit along with making the whole mix sound alot better. Might take a couple trips there as well.

Just my 2 cents.

Ford Van said:
I bring MANY years experience to the table of running a studio, something you don't! ;)

I hope you have many more my friend. However if you go around assuming that others dont know what they are talking about you will find yourself painted into a corner. I never claimed to have ran a studio for "Years". even though i have done it for 8 years and worked in 5 others. Im still learning, there are many shortfalls of my ability as im sure there are of yours. As equally im sure there are things that i do that you couldnt. Im not going to hold these things against you, im sure you are a good man. You have just come across as arrogant and argumentative, something that isnt endearing in any line of work. But i bid you good day all the same.
gummblefish said:
I hope you have many more my friend. However if you go around assuming that others dont know what they are talking about you will find yourself painted into a corner. I never claimed to have ran a studio for "Years". even though i have done it for 8 years and worked in 5 others. Im still learning, there are many shortfalls of my ability as im sure there are of yours. As equally im sure there are things that i do that you couldnt. Im not going to hold these things against you, im sure you are a good man. You have just come across as arrogant and argumentative, something that isnt endearing in any line of work. But i bid you good day all the same.

LOL....that is a gem of a post!

You should go back and review all your posts in this thread. Really.

First of all - You get what you pay for...
500.00 bucks for four songs is CHEAP...

Second... Sounds like the engineer spent a lot of time on the drums...
I like the sound of the bass drum but it's too far forward...

There's ' kind of ' this cool guitar start / then a mass explosion of sound...
Needs more balance... If the guitars were balanced a little better, the vocal was just a tad forward with a little sweetening, the drums were exACTLY as they are but back a little - It might sound a little more powerful...

Just my point 0 - 2