Britney Spearibs

Alanis Morrisette (only when she's angry and ranting and going nyea nyea nyea I'll knife you to death and watch you choke on your own blood while it runs back into your throat whence it came, you cheating bastard. die)

Eurethra Franklin

Luciano Pavarotti (ever hear his covers of the classic Metallica tunes?)

all in fun
Hard to beat the early Beatles, They had it all. Heart, soul and harmony. A few other favorites are Al Jolson.Tom Jonston of the Doobies,Al Jarreau,Felix Pappalardi of Mountain,Brian Wilson,for real grunt Greg Allman on Whipping Post live.Female favorites are Basia, Karen Carpenter,Amy Grantand almost forgot Dennis DeYoung of Styx.
I would have to say.....

my Favorite vocalists are....

Ray Gillen [Badlands]{R.I.P.}
Richie Sambora
David Coverdale
Steve Perry
The voices of Jon Bon Jovi & Richie Sambora have got to be the best in rock music....Anyone who wants to stone me go right ahead.....

John, Paul & George- solo, but especially in harmony. (not mentioned above, but Beatles are my premier favorite band)

Mick & Keith- harmonizing, in their prime, like on HOT STUFF

Joan Baez- has a voice like a songbird, or like candy for my ears.

Joni Mitchell- ditto the above

Christine McVie- ditto the above

Ozzy & Ian Gillan- hey, I'm a child of the 70's. They both individually defined whole genres of hard rock vocalists.

Steve Winwood- another unique voice of innovation in rock.

Bob Dylan- it's not his voice, per se, but the uniqueness of the songs he's written... and how he writes and sings. No one else is Dylan. He's so entirely unique, and his music has spanned over different styles, but it's always 'Dylan'. He puts his unique stamp on everything he does.

Stevie Nicks- ditto the Dylan comment. She's like the female Bob Dylan.

Jim Morrison- Wow. Deep, gut-level power. That guy must have had some 'REAL' B@LLS!

Not only are the above artists great vocalists, but they all have pushed the envelope of contemporary music, and have contributed a lot to music in general, more than their singing voices.
My first pic would be Maynerd James Keenan of Tool and APC.
Then Thom York of radiohead, then juliana hatfeild and the sarah mclaughlin.
I don't want to forget:

Roger Daltrey- A driving & powerful voice. Often imitated, but never duplicated.

David Byrne- Quirky, but cool. Very unique.
Hey...I like you..

Gidge said:
The voices of Jon Bon Jovi & Richie Sambora have got to be the best in rock music....Anyone who wants to stone me go right ahead.....

I will agree with that statment...I am a hard core Sambora fan though......Actually, I think Richie voice blow's Jon's away as far as Power and Soul...

So I guess you all can chuck some stones this way too....
Well, I wasn't gonna post in this topic for fear I'd have to put Bon Jovi down as one of my tops. I really dislike the band, but I think he's got an awesome voice when he lays off the rock-star rasp a little bit. Range, clarity...

other favs:
Thom Yorke
Jeremy Enigk
John Lennon
Chrissie Hynde!!!!!!!!!!
Julianna Hatfield
Paul Carrack and just about anybody else in Squeeze

Paris Delane - Sonia Dada (what a set o' pipes!)


Phil Lynott

Pete Townshend

Todd Rundgren

Bobby McFerrin

Joe Walsh