drum bus questions

I'm pretty late to this but with respect to greg, he told you what he does and you'ce essentially called him a liar. Why would he lie?
So he says he used whatever he used and you've said he used more and is lying to you.
That makes you the prick here.

What i said is it sounds more processed than eq and compression, once again! I didn't call him a liar i just stated my opinion. If that's all he does then that works for him. But me saying that is in no way derogatory. After that was a different story, then i became the prick. So what anyway? I have the right to my opinion, you guys sure show thats how it works here.
What i said is it sounds more processed than eq and compression, once again! I didn't call him a liar i just stated my opinion. If that's all he does then that works for him. But me saying that is in no way derogatory. After that was a different story, then i became the prick. So what anyway? I have the right to my opinion, you guys sure show thats how it works here.

Several pages ago, I asked you to tell me what you think you're hearing, and you ignored it. I only asked so I can tell you what I do. I don't care about hardly anything, but I take some pride in getting good drum tracks using simple methods. You can like em or hate them and think whatever you want, but at least have the facts right.
I listened to the OP's track. It's a decent song, even if it isn't heavy metal as advertised. Could be a little fatter in the bottom end for my taste, but the limited bass isn't inappropriate for that style of music by any means. Still, the overall sound is a little bright. Makes me wonder about his room treatment.
I guess I would say Im on Offcenteres side in this argument...i wont get involved because arguing on the internet is nonsense however I do back up his point of view.

I just wanted to post to say he's not alone however I dont want to get into bashing or throwing insults...its pointless.

Agree to disagree and move on is what i say.
so you agree when he says Greg is lying about what processing he uses on his drums?
Several pages ago, I asked you to tell me what you think you're hearing, and you ignored it. I only asked so I can tell you what I do. I don't care about hardly anything, but I take some pride in getting good drum tracks using simple methods. You can like em or hate them and think whatever you want, but at least have the facts right.

Yeah... I did tell you what i thought you did and you said you weren't going to read that one. It doesn't matter what you say you do anyway. Nobody can tell unless they were there when you track, mixed, and mastered that stuff.
so you agree when he says Greg is lying about what processing he uses on his drums?

Im sure what he agrees on is that greg and his buddies bash people for their opinion. And that it shows he thinks other peoples ways are wrong. Ive seen it on almost every thread he gets on. This guy wants people to think hes got the tightest grip on home recording and he doesn't. He has his ways and that's good but other people have their ways. Why does that have to be an issue?
I hope you do. Dont be bitter because of a fight on the net. We are essentially a bunch of words going at each other. Im done fighting abut this shit. My recording abilities are not pro by any standard but i can write and record and thats what is important. But i do like honest opinions. That is the whole point of putting the stuff up. If everyone here don't like what i do Ill respect that and if you do great but give pointers. But my main goal is constructive criticism not needless petty bashing. Ive heard all the guys stuff that have argued with me on here and I have an opinion about it, but regardless of what i think at least everyone is creating. And thats what i do. Good or bad.

I'm not bitter about anything. This is just another day on HR for most of us. We've seen your type come and go a million times.

Anyway, I try not to bash someone just because of the music they play. Sure, I've done it, but I usually steer clear of that kind of warfare. You've done A LOT of big talking though, so I hope it's pretty stellar. So far the reviews have not been good, but I wont let that sway me. I'll give you my honest, non-biased opinions. I do it all the time. I'm hated by many, but I always try to give useful feedback no matter who it is. Do you want mix feedback, song feedback, or both? I'm typically not impressed with EZdrumming, but you use what you have to. Maybe by tonight I'll be able to give it a good listen.
Im sure what he agrees on is that greg and his buddies bash people for their opinion. And that it shows he thinks other peoples ways are wrong. Ive seen it on almost every thread he gets on. This guy wants people to think hes got the tightest grip on home recording and he doesn't. He has his ways and that's good but other people have their ways. Why does that have to be an issue?

You made it an issue. No one else. You asked a question, I answered, you didn't like the answer, so you went on the attack, and 30 pages later, here we are. That was too many commas, but fuck it.
Yeah... I did tell you what i thought you did and you said you weren't going to read that one. It doesn't matter what you say you do anyway. Nobody can tell unless they were there when you track, mixed, and mastered that stuff.

Tell me again without the phone-book sized hate rant and I'll read it. I'll gladly tell you what I do or politely correct anything you get wrong. I don't know why you think I have something to hide. What do I gain from that? 5 or 6 years ago my drums were really bad, and people accused me of stuff back then, so I'm thinking that maybe some of you just don't know what good natural drums are supposed to sound like.
You made it an issue. No one else. You asked a question, I answered, you didn't like the answer, so you went on the attack, and 30 pages later, here we are. That was too many commas, but fuck it.

I didnt start this you did cause you got your ego hurt. Im not going anywhere. You might be some home recording site guru to most but to me your just another musician. Your not going to bash me into submission. Get rid of your im better than you newbs shit cause it comes off insecure. You get stroked too much on here and im not the guy that does that. Like it or not, or maybe I come off a little too similar to you. Does that mean you dont like yourself. You shouldnt start shit with people for nothing. This is a learning tool for most but a territory to you.
Tell me again without the phone-book sized hate rant and I'll read it. I'll gladly tell you what I do or politely correct anything you get wrong. I don't know why you think I have something to hide. What do I gain from that? 5 or 6 years ago my drums were really bad, and people accused me of stuff back then, so I'm thinking that maybe some of you just don't know what good natural drums are supposed to sound like.

I dont care what you did. Your recordings aren't that impressive to me. The songs are ok but other than that your just getting over sensitive about an opinion again.
Lol. Okay, whatever then. Even normal polite conversation makes you angry. You need help dude. You've got some deep and painful personality issues.
I don't cry on the internet or use EZdrummer, so I guess I'm at least two up on you. :)

Thats my point with you. Your better than everyone cause if you dont do it it isnt right. Grow up. EZDrummer is a great tool. And look online how many pros use that in the studio for major releases. It is real drums. Dont hurt yourself with fireworks but im sure you gave a safety course on that sometime this weekend.
Perfect example of you guys jumping the gun. D you really think i consider that death metal? Dude eat some brain food

Dude...YOUR the one who said that you play "heavy" and do "Death Metal" when you posted a song in the MP3 Clinic.

I put a song up in the mp3 clinic. Tear it up guys. Just remember you might not like how heavy i play. Death metal is just my thing.

You seem to have a problem following your own posts...you might want to lay down for awhile and rest. :laughings:

They are sequenced drums. Your just killing yourself on this pops. Thats EZDRummer

And I said right off your drums sounded sequenced/sampled, I could hear that shit a mile off. I called that perfectly, so I ain't killing myself on anything.
I bet you think the drums sound really good! :D
Not sure why you would make a big deal about recording drums in this thread...and then put up a song that's sequenced with samples.