drum bus questions

That shit is funny. You are keeping it going too. So fuck you, punk.

Keep slagging away at people for another 25 pages, funny man. How has that helped you so far? You'll be lucky if you ever get a straight answer from anyone on this board again. You may as well quit while you're behind.
I've never used the ignore button but I'm tempted with this guy. To bad, he was a nice kinda troll.

I know, right? When a mild-mannered guy like you has been pushed too far, it should be obvious to anyone that their antagonistic strategy is full of fail.

Where is it, this ignore button of which you speak? I'm going to press it now.
I know, right? When a mild-mannered guy like you has been pushed too far, it should be obvious to anyone that their antagonistic strategy is full of fail.

Where is it, this ignore button of which you speak? I'm going to press it now.

Somewhere in the settings.
Still waiting, I wanna hear something of yours. If you post it in the MP3 clinic let me know here. I haven't fought at all or chosen sides, so I can give an unbiased opinion. Thanks!
Well...let's see if he posts any music (or gear to sell).
Why would i sell my gear? What i have i keep. I wouldnt want to sell my 52 tele. I dont think youd have the cash to buy that anyway old timer.


Man...I step away for a few hours and this shit is still going on.

The "selling of gear" was an inside joke (not for you), but since you puffed up your chest about your 52 Tele...
...trust me, I've got more gear than you can imagine, so while I do love Tele guitars, your 52 Tele isn't something I'm going to get too hard over.
I have a studio full of really nice stuff, and you would soil yourself with excitement if you stepped inside it...though I think you've already done that in this thread.

Man...I step away for a few hours and this shit is still going on.

The "selling of gear" was an inside joke (not for you), but since you puffed up your chest about your 52 Tele...
...trust me, I've got more gear than you can imagine, so while I do love Tele guitars, your 52 Tele isn't something I'm going to get too hard over.
I have a studio full of really nice stuff, and you would soil yourself with excitement if you stepped inside it...though I think you've already done that in this thread.

Sorry i misunderstood. But you should get hard over that guitar. Its almost impossible to find one all original.
Sorry i misunderstood. But you should get hard over that guitar. Its almost impossible to find one all original.

But that's my point...an original 52 is a white elephant.
It's not something you would take out to gigs, and probably not something you would even want to play regularly in your bedroom for fear of accidentally damaging it.
Basically...you can just drool over it, and the only time you will enjoy it's $$$ value is when you sell it.

Nope....I'd rather have something really nice that I can enjoy playing all the time, and if it gets lost/stolen or banged up...I'll just buy another one. I've got a RI 52 Tele...nice looker, but not my go-to guitar. I'd rather play my Doozy or one of my Hags.
I'm not saying I would turn down an original 52 if it was handed to me...but I would probably drool over it for a bit, and then use it as an investment toward other gear.
But that's my point...an original 52 is a white elephant.
It's not something you would take out to gigs, and probably not something you would even want to play regularly in your bedroom for fear of accidentally damaging it.
Basically...you can just drool over it, and the only time you will enjoy it's $$$ value is when you sell it.

Nope....I'd rather have something really nice that I can enjoy playing all the time, and if it gets lost/stolen or banged up...I'll just buy another one. I've got a RI 52 Tele...nice looker, but not my go-to guitar. I'd rather play my Doozy or one of my Hags.

I agree. Thats what i do with it. It stays in its case to control humidity. I love the way it sounds but its part of a down payment on a house someday really.