Do you think Kamal Harris would be a good POTUS?

Would Kamala Harris Be A Good Commander-Chief Of The United States?

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I do feel she lacks experience there
I’m trying to keep this and my other recent thread for open naming calling and antics, but I posted this kinda seriously so I’ll answer respectively in mind to you.

A lot of qualities I believe she lacks to hold office. Some van could maybe be learned and conditioned, but I don’t think anywhere in ‘24-‘28 she will be seasoned to do that and (likely) not capable to do it well. This is the nice version but honest version without slinging shit…That’s What My Biden Thread is for but Trump On Trial is where the shitshow congregates 😐
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If anyone actually believes Harris would be a good POTUS besides Man’s lick, more power to you and vote Biden this Nov. it’s your American right to do so
Wait, Manslick voted yes? The only one.

How and why would anyone think Harris would be a good pres? Imagine her explaining to President Xi Jinping in toddler language how economics and national security works....

Sounds like something she would say. I made this up as a joke. Don't get your feathers ruffled. It's just comedy:

'National secuity, is the securing of things that are about keeping things secure. In the way that security helps to secure people from not secure things. We have to think that our security is fashioned as it has been since we felt secure in the womb. Wait, no we can kill those babies because security is only held in the face of adversity when security is needed. Cackle cackle cackle.... '

And yet Harris supporter 'buddhabreath' did not even vote. Just placed judgment on Trump. Redirecting and ignoring. That is the way of the TDS people. I find it very sad that hate can blind intelligent people to the point of ignoring how dumb they sound to half of the country.

I bet they feel the same way as I. Where is the point where either side listens to each other? Who the hell knows.

We need a true Buddha in this world. Not the fat plastic statue one in my garden. Though he doesn't talk shit so I find peace in him... LOL
Wait, Manslick voted yes? The only one.

How and why would anyone think Harris would be a good pres? Imagine her explaining to President Xi Jinping in toddler language how economics and national security works....

Sounds like something she would say. I made this up as a joke. Don't get your feathers ruffled. It's just comedy:

'National secuity, is the securing of things that are about keeping things secure. In the way that security helps to secure people from not secure things. We have to think that our security is fashioned as it has been since we felt secure in the womb. Wait, no we can kill those babies because security is only held in the face of adversity when security is needed. Cackle cackle cackle.... '

And yet Harris supporter 'buddhabreath' did not even vote. Just placed judgment on Trump. Redirecting and ignoring. That is the way of the TDS people. I find it very sad that hate can blind intelligent people to the point of ignoring how dumb they sound to half of the country.

I bet they feel the same way as I. Where is the point where either side listens to each other? Who the hell knows.

We need a true Buddha in this world. Not the fat plastic statue one in my garden. Though he doesn't talk shit so I find peace in him... LOL
ButtBreath and Man’s lick are both just frustrated anti-Trumpers. They see the polls and can guess what is coming and likely disgruntled about it. But come November fair is fair. If Harris gets in (shit we’re in trouble) but it’s the way our voting system is. I won’t like it but fair is fair. I don’t think he/she will win, though.