DAW Users With ADD

acidrock said:
I beat you to it. :cool:

It's amazing how productive I can be when I'm not straddled with expectations of quality,skill or creativity. ;)

The song that is sure to have Dogman calling his lawyers is called "The Ballad of Dogman".

It's a classic! :D :rolleyes:

Here's some fun I had with Dogman's Tune!

I don't have any mic's for recording acoustic instruments so what you hear is the acoustic guitars recorded with a Shure SM58.. :eek: Thus the boom and thinness all at once! :(

Nevermind, just a bit of fun! :)

I can't sing thus the instrumental!

"Pack of Dogs"

Gorty said:
Here's some fun I had with Dogman's Tune!

I don't have any mic's for recording acoustic instruments so what you hear is the acoustic guitars recorded with a Shure SM58.. :eek: Thus the boom and thinness all at once! :(

Nevermind, just a bit of fun! :)

I can't sing thus the instrumental!

"Pack of Dogs"

Nice Gort...I now have 3 really cool versions of this. I'm gonna use them when I make some Dog videaos later...it shall be cool.... :D
Dogman said:
Nice Gort...I now have 3 really cool versions of this. I'm gonna use them when I make some Dog videaos later...it shall be cool.... :D

Thanx Dogman, Like I said to you earlier, it was fun! I am going to record another few ideas I have over your drumming and chord progression! :)
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Gorty said:
Here's some fun I had with Dogman's Tune!

"Pack of Dogs"


That's excellent,it never would've occured to me to do something like that.On the first verse I kept waiting for someone to blow on a jug. :D

I can't sing thus the instrumental!
I can't sing,yet all my songs have vocals. :rolleyes: Being a one man band,I can't fire the singer.

acidrock said:
That's excellent,it never would've occured to me to do something like that.On the first verse I kept waiting for someone to blow on a jug. :D
I have to agree, listening to doggie's original track, I would have never thought to go in that direction. However, it works. Cool. :cool:

I'm a little puzzled about the electric at the end, though. Was that in the original track? If not, it's a bit confusing as it made it sound like two different songs. That part didn't work for me - not necessarily by itself, but when coupled with the acoustic it was a bit odd to me.
dachay2tnr said:
I have to agree, listening to doggie's original track, I would have never thought to go in that direction. However, it works. Cool. :cool:

I'm a little puzzled about the electric at the end, though. Was that in the original track? If not, it's a bit confusing as it made it sound like two different songs. That part didn't work for me - not necessarily by itself, but when coupled with the acoustic it was a bit odd to me.

I added the electric for a bit of flavour/texture??? I have a distorted rhythm track that I had enter the scene the verse prior to the electric solo to try and build things up to the electric guitar solo, but it seemed a bit too much.
I think the harmonic squeal on the electric solo might make the transition from acoustic guitar to electric a bit harsh!

It was some fun anyway! :D
Gorty said:
I added the electric for a bit of flavour/texture??? I have a distorted rhythm track that I had enter the scene the verse prior to the electric solo to try and build things up to the electric guitar solo, but it seemed a bit too much.
I think the harmonic squeal on the electric solo might make the transition from acoustic guitar to electric a bit harsh!

It was some fun anyway! :D
I liked the electric part,I think it's the "squealling" that makes Dachay uncomfortable. :rolleyes: :D
acidrock said:
That's excellent,it never would've occured to me to do something like that.On the first verse I kept waiting for someone to blow on a jug. :D


Thanx acidrock! :D :)
acidrock said:
Tomorrow is Friday.

It's beautiful outside right now.

68oF here today. :D Tomorrow, rain and in the 50's. :(

However, I started the weekend a little early this week - with a nice little Cabernet-Sangiovese blend. :)
dachay2tnr said:
68oF here today. :D Tomorrow, rain and in the 50's. :(

However, I started the weekend a little early this week - with a nice little Cabernet-Sangiovese blend. :)

Hmmm...its all right for some :rolleyes: Some of us have to work you know :eek:
I have been away all week and this afternoon will drive into London and collect our youngest daughter from College and bring her home for the weekend. Her Grandad's birthday is on Sunday (the guy with cancer) and so we are having a big party for him. It will probably be his last. :(

So Becki will be sing a couple of songs for him (he loves music and her singing especially - well, he would wouldn't he?) and I will be playing guitar for her. Not a dry eye in the house will be expected - I hope I hold up. :o

Weather here is strange - snow/sleet yesterday with a biting wind, today grey and overcast.

Mike, don't drink all the wine, save some for me :)
It's Friday!!!
Eight hours till my two day vacation. :rolleyes:

Have a good time at your party Paul,make the best of what time Grandad has left.

I'll be back......

acidrock said:
It's Friday!!!
Eight hours till my two day vacation. :rolleyes:

Have a good time at your party Paul,make the best of what time Grandad has left.

I'll be back......

Hey same here... :D

It's actually Spring Break next week, so we are heading North to work on our cabin. There's still 3 feet of snow up there. I shall hopefully, have some relaxing moments though.... :D
Dogman said:
Hey same here... :D

It's actually Spring Break next week, so we are heading North to work on our cabin. There's still 3 feet of snow up there. I shall hopefully, have some relaxing moments though.... :D
Enjoy, Dogman.

Happy Friday to all. :D
You guy's and all your vacations...is there only me in the world left working? :eek: Hmmm...no wonder America is going to the dogs :p


Enjoy. Dogman, any chance of posting some pics of your cabin? All is see are motorways and concrete :(

Roll on Easter for a few days off :)
Paul881 said:
You guy's and all your vacations...is there only me in the world left working? :eek: Hmmm...no wonder America is going to the dogs :p


Enjoy. Dogman, any chance of posting some pics of your cabin? All is see are motorways and concrete :(

Roll on Easter for a few days off :)
Paul, I'll post some after we get up there, and see what snow is left. :D