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I'm not an EU supporter, but USB-C chargers are most welcome.
I wonder if an even better idea will come along, once were tied to USB-C.
I am old enough to remember about 11 different mains outlets in UK. Things evolve and, if fit for purpose become a standard, either by law, 13A pugs, or by common practice, XLRs for mics etc. (there was a good dozen types of those 50 years ago)

I have no doubt a better mains outlet or mic connector could be designed but the incumbents do the job admirably as does USB C and now it is a standard here it will stay.

I ONLY posted about fekkin plugs! I will have no more truck with climate change deniers.

Nothing can be done about the population because you can never stop people shagging.

Grown up discussion and no conspiracys. Like I say 50 years I have been into this.

So ok nitty gritty time. Show me the countries which are underwater as predicted 50 years ago and 30 years ago? I can show you the predictions made then and others made along the way. All of them totally wrong and part of what is pushing this green agenda.
I like this one as it seems to be the ongoing general consensus of the semi so called "wise elders" of every generation even before Mr. Socrates. And they say cockroaches are resilient...pfft!

Dunno how to take that TAE. :unsure:
Well you could take it in the spirit that you claim to have been "into" global climate issues etc for half a century but does your name appear on any learned papers? Have you crunched tBytes of data through super computers? Where have you butted up against the scientific community and made yourself heard?

It is easy to come on a very specialist forum and claim all sorts of "special insight" that some how the rest of the scientific world does not see.

I shall stay with N.S. David A, Proff Cox and the BBC thank you very much.

I sell two-way radios and a new model just arrived with a normal desk charger - AND - a USB-C on the back, so clearly there is a drive to get that format socket into as many places as possible. However, one other radio has a wall wart USB-C fitted charging connection but is 12 Volts, not 5V. Unless the manufacturers only produce 5V capable equipment, the cost goes up. Imagine a phantom power supply that needs to have 48V at a specific current limit - it will be interesting to see if these will ever be 5V supplied?
I sell two-way radios and a new model just arrived with a normal desk charger - AND - a USB-C on the back, so clearly there is a drive to get that format socket into as many places as possible. However, one other radio has a wall wart USB-C fitted charging connection but is 12 Volts, not 5V. Unless the manufacturers only produce 5V capable equipment, the cost goes up. Imagine a phantom power supply that needs to have 48V at a specific current limit - it will be interesting to see if these will ever be 5V supplied?

That ^ shows that USB C can supply a range of voltages so the EU just specifying the CONNECTOR would not seem to be a problem? The vast majority of devices/sources will be 5 V and devices can 'negotiate' more than the 900mA current if the source is able to supply it (up to 5A)

If someone connects a device requiring 12V to a 5V source it will simply not work and I guess the PC (say) will tell you orf!
I suspect USB C power supplies delivering 12V and above will not be common but there always has to be a "caveat emptor" factor here.

I am sure Rob that you give your customers THE very best advice and pre and post sales service. Those that wish to save the last cent and go for shronkey online dealers might see some smoke!

Re that Wiki report? I find the prospect of putting 100W + down a skinny USB cable rather worrying?

My TV remote has a USB-C socket for charging. I plug my phone charger into it.
I sell two-way radios and a new model just arrived with a normal desk charger - AND - a USB-C on the back, so clearly there is a drive to get that format socket into as many places as possible. However, one other radio has a wall wart USB-C fitted charging connection but is 12 Volts, not 5V. Unless the manufacturers only produce 5V capable equipment, the cost goes up. Imagine a phantom power supply that needs to have 48V at a specific current limit - it will be interesting to see if these will ever be 5V supplied?
I would think that a wall wart to USB-C with 12 volts would be a perfect way to fry some rather pricey gear. Does the USB=C spec even support a 12V line?
Oddly, the spec does support different power modes, so you can power a 12v device from usb-c sources that feature power management. Not all chargers and power supplies can do this. The concern seems to stem from cheap usb supplies that might send the 12v into a 5 volt only device. As I’m reading the spec, the device being powered asks for the extra voltage, and if the supply can produce it, it does. If a manufacturer needs 12v, it could be cheaper to make a 12v charger, and not bother with the switching electronics, and just use the cable! This may be where we get issues. Your expensive device that only wants 5 volts could be plugged without thought into a charger that doesn’t do it.
Oddly, the spec does support different power modes, so you can power a 12v device from usb-c sources that feature power management. Not all chargers and power supplies can do this. The concern seems to stem from cheap usb supplies that might send the 12v into a 5 volt only device. As I’m reading the spec, the device being powered asks for the extra voltage, and if the supply can produce it, it does. If a manufacturer needs 12v, it could be cheaper to make a 12v charger, and not bother with the switching electronics, and just use the cable! This may be where we get issues. Your expensive device that only wants 5 volts could be plugged without thought into a charger that doesn’t do it.
Indeed but people need to be careful as they always haven't!

If you have a device that needs 12V and uses a C socket then you will buy the appropriate charger. Unless you are thick as ***t you won't plug that into your phone! Remember lots of gear uses the co ax power plug and those supplies can be found that deliver anything from 3.3V to 50 volts (I have one for Crimble lights) People will make mistakes. Most often though gear and supplies are buggered because people don't check the polarities.

I had a couple of 115V pre prod guitar amps borked by 'clever' people in the building not fekkin checking before they fed them 230V!

I didn't realize that USB-C could have such a wide variety of voltages. It can go from 5V to 20VDC. Properly implemented, there shouldn't be a problem.... I guess.
I didn't realize that USB-C could have such a wide variety of voltages. It can go from 5V to 20VDC. Properly implemented, there shouldn't be a problem.... I guess.
Yes, it is impossible to make things foolproof against idiots but we do try!

I mentioned Clive's videos - here's an example of what is inside cheap USB adapters.

I picked this one, because there is a transformer inside that has no insulation between the windings, so a little bit of vibration could allow the mains voltage straight onto the usb output!

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