Dave, the move to "smart" chargers started because customers demanded thinner and lighter devices. Oh, and they have to last forever on battery power. So, anything that did not contribute to that design requirement is left off, and that includes power regulation during charging.
Yeah, I probably over-exaggerated the 3G phone thing, but past that, I have not had a problem that I know of. Well, the change to removing the earbud jack was a little annoying, but back then you did get new earbuds with your new phone. I don't get a new one but about ever 4 years, so I think I've had the 3G, a 5 or 6, an X and now a 13 - bought ahead of schedule because I wanted a better camera for an upcoming trip. (Call me "well kept" if it pleases you.)
I take 100% of my electronics either to a big-box store that says they recycle it or the municipal recycling place. I don't have any shame about what I do or my product preferences. I keep stuff forever mostly. And, I'll say again, I think this is like spitting in the ocean, but, hey, you gotta start somewhere.
Really, this sounds like a win-win for everyone. Feel good. The planet is better by a huge amount and Apple gets smacked around because so many folks love to hate them.