Censorship on the internet...say it ain't so!

Here’s an admission by a Pfizer exec that they ‘did not know’ if the vaccine stopped transmission.

Yet the politicians and media heads told everyone that the vaccine stopped the virus in its tracks.
They lied. Intentionally or unintentionally, they lied.

Speaking of Noem f'in Chomsky. ^^ This one here has said he is one of the most conservative people here in this forum, correct me if I am wrong. Yet he has also said his worldview is shaped by reading the likes of Noem Chomsky. Yes, the same Noem Chomsky who offers qualifiers for atrocities of death and destruction of societies by murderous authoritarians such as Mao and Pol Pot. I guess maybe you gotta give Chomsky some credit for offering a qualifier....yes, a lot of people were murdered, but it was for the greater good.
Taking a shot at me by taking a shot at Chomsky. Interesting angle.

I'm curious - do you know anything about Chomsky and Herman's critique of other writers who reported on the US bombing of Cambodia and other atrocities that happened there? I'm not asking what you know about the events - I'm asking have you read their critiques through a lens of understanding what they were getting at? I know subtlety isn't your specialty - but you should read the details if you haven't (I suspect you haven't). Their critiques of some writers, the US government, and the mainstream media messaging about those events at the time remind me VERY much of yours and others' here critiques about government and mainstream media messaging and propaganda.

I've read a lot about it. We can explore that more if you'd like. I find it very interesting. I think you'd find that we are almost certainly more in agreement than not.
Here’s an admission by a Pfizer exec that they ‘did not know’ if the vaccine stopped transmission.

Yet the politicians and media heads told everyone that the vaccine stopped the virus in its tracks.
They lied. Intentionally or unintentionally, they lied.

Thank you.

In my view it is particularly damning that they stood by and said nothing while others were censored with extreme prejudice for saying what they already knew and quite quickly became common knowledge for anyone with eyes to see.

Oh well, no matter, shit happens. Just roll out the ol' for the greater good mantra. If people knew the truth they may have not taken the vaccine. If people didn't get take the vaccine they could have gotten really, really sick. If people got really, really sick they may have overwhelmed hospitals(who during the pandemic put on leave, what, 30% of staff?). If people don't take the vax they may influence others to not take the vax. Here's one I'll add, just for fun. If everyone is vaxed, a spike in heart related illness is just kind of an across the board mystery. Diet, yeah that's it, bad diet.
I'm curious - do you know anything about Chomsky and Herman's critique of other writers who reported on the US bombing of Cambodia and other atrocities that happened there? I'm not asking what you know about the events - I'm asking have you read their critiques through a lens of understanding what they were getting at? I know subtlety isn't your specialty - but you should read the details if you haven't (I suspect you haven't). Their critiques of some writers, the US government, and the mainstream media messaging about those events at the time remind me VERY much of yours and others' here critiques about government and mainstream media messaging and propaganda.
Having never heard of Chomsky before, I'm going to guess (based on the above exchange) that Chomsky just had some rather anarchist/revolutionary views.
Taking a shot at me by taking a shot at Chomsky. Interesting angle.

I'm curious - do you know anything about Chomsky and Herman's critique of other writers who reported on the US bombing of Cambodia and other atrocities that happened there? I'm not asking what you know about the events - I'm asking have you read their critiques through a lens of understanding what they were getting at? I know subtlety isn't your specialty - but you should read the details if you haven't (I suspect you haven't). Their critiques of some writers, the US government, and the mainstream media messaging about those events at the time remind me VERY much of yours and others' here critiques about government and mainstream media messaging and propaganda.

I've read a lot about it. We can explore that more if you'd like. I find it very interesting. I think you'd find that we are almost certainly more in agreement than not.
If it's a shot, it's a legit shot, in context. The context being, as brought up by you, "Yes! My new go-to sources to understand the world I live in... Tucker and Elon." I recognize sarcasm when I see it. But more to the point, my point, you have cited Chomsky as a source of understanding the world you live in. Admittedly and purposely I'm not a student of Chomsky. I do know that in his analysis of Pol Pot, you know commonly known as "the killing fields" in Cambodia, where if I am not mistaken a quarter of the population was murdered, there was a for the greater good. Although I could look it up, you know Chomsky, yeah? Am I wrong? Do you agree with Chomsky that there was a for the greater good gained from murdering a quarter of the population in Cambodia under Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge? Interesting you gain understanding of the world you live in from a person who would take such a position.

Another interesting thing about Chomsky. Recent records of now deceased sex fiend Jeffrey Epstein show meetings with Chomsky. Chomsky's response when asked about those meetings, none of your business. Not denial, or excuses, none of your damn business. Good for him, yeah?
Google Dr. Robert W Malone and see what you get. A ton of lies starting with that he claims he invented the Covid 19 vaccine...he never said that ...he IS the inventor and U.S. patent holder of mRNA DNA technology to deliver "vaccines". It's not the Covid-19 vaccine that is his concern...it is the delivery system he invented that he spoke out about when the government started pushing the children under 12 should get the vaccine. I saw the interview with my own eyes and ears and he was clear...the risk to reward for children 12 and under is not merited...There's is too much we still do not know about long term side effects and children 12 and under are not high risk victims of the virus. They aren't dying like the aged and sick...BUT NO he gets banned from twitter, his videos get taken down and he is slandered and shamed. Why? because he passionattely believed we were making a HUGE unnecessary mistake...This is the kind of evil shenanigans that we are getting shoved down our sheeple faces everyday,,,

Here's from his website..his words... https://www.rwmalonemd.com/

As the original “inventor” of mRNA and DNA vaccines…

I am concerned about how the technology is being developed and implemented.

I am an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. I hold numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. This is important because of my history, my expertise, my words carry weight.

I have approximately 100 scientific publications with over 12,000 citations of my work (per Google Scholar with an “outstanding” impact factor rating). I have been an invited speaker around a 100 conferences, have chaired or been keynote speaker at numerous conferences and I have sat on or served as chairperson on HHS and DoD committees. I sat as a non-voting member on the NIH ACTIV TX-Clinical working group committee focussed on developing clinical trials for ivermectin, famotidine and celecoxib - all repurposed drugs which are COVID-19 treatments. ACTIV is tasked with managing clinical research for a variety of drug and antibody treatments for COVID-19, but I was only on the the ACTIV TX working group committee as a non-voting member which was tasked with drug development and I was specifically asked to be on that sub-committee due to my experience with repurposing drugs for infectious diseases. The committee and I parted ways in January, 2022 - after the Joe Rogan show. That was soon after FDA made the conditions almost impossible for an ivermectin arm on the trial that I had helped design to go forward. My work on the ACTIV TX-Clinical WG committee was always about repurposing drugs for COVID-19. That has been my mission in this from day one of this outbreak.

I received my medical degree from the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine. I completed the Harvard Medical School fellowship as a global clinical research scholar in 2016 and was scientifically trained at the University of California at Davis, the University of California at San Diego, and at the Salk Institute Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories. I have served as an assistant and associate professor of pathology and surgery at the University of California at Davis, the University of Maryland, and the Armed Forces University of the Health Sciences. For many years, my wife and I have built and run a consultancy and analytics firm specializing in biotechnology and clinical trials development. For the record, I have never worked on bioweapons or been funded to develop them. I am not and was not a Federal employee. I did not ever work for the CIA or DARPA.

Over the last two years, government and big tech have done everything in their power to censor and defame me. They have permanently banned me from Twitter -without any strikes or warning. They continue to this day to harass me, re-edit my Wiki page, put falsehoods and fake fact-checks first and center on google. Controlled opposition appears to be their new tool - the ankle biters never cease! If they can remove my voice, my experience, my expertise - they win. This is why my history matters.

My partner in all of this is Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD. She likes to stay behind the scenes, but you can be assured that in almost all of my professional endeavors, she has been and will be involved. She also is well published and has an extensive CV. We have been together since high school (over 45 years) and have been married for 42 of those. We live on a horse farm in Virginia, which has become our own personal “Galt’s Gulch”. An idea that we embrace and build upon. Having an intentional community is one of the tenets of how we live.

So, what has brought me to the point of daily podcasts, interviews, op-eds, advocacy with legislators and building a twitter feed of almost a half million people? It started with my own experiences and concerns regarding the safety and bioethics of how the COVID-19 genetic vaccines were developed and forced upon the world, and then then expanded as I discovered the many short-cuts, database issues, obfuscation and frankly, lies told in the development of the Spike protein-based genetic vaccines for SARS-CoV-2. Personal experiences involving identifying, developing, and trying to publish peer-reviewed academic papers focused on drug repurposing and the rights of physicians to practice medicine as well as what I have seen close colleagues go through have further influenced me. Finally, as unethical mandates for administering experimental vaccines to adults and children began to be pushed by governments, my research into what I believe is authoritarian control by governments that are being manipulated by large corporations (big finance, big pharmaceutical, big media and big technology) influenced my changing world view.

Now, I have always been taught and believed that vaccines must be developed in conjunction with life saving treatments for an emerging infectious disease or a pandemic. I am a vaccinologist. I invented the core mRNA vaccine technology platform. I have spent much of my career working on vaccine development. I have also had extensive experience in drug repurposing for infectious disease outbreaks. I am not an antivaxxer in any way, shape or form. I do think that the childhood schedule for vaccines have become bloated and too many vaccines are being given to our children at way too young of an age. The hepatitis B vaccine being given at birth is a prime example of the perversion of the childhood vaccine schedule.

I am questioning what the US government is doing with vaccines, the previous clinical trials (or lack there of) for traditional vaccines and the many, many mRNA vaccines now in clinical trials. These trials must have had their pre-clinical data packages signed off on, which means that all of the adverse events, mRNA stability issues, the nanolipid particle issues in the original pre-clinical data package must have been “normalized” by the FDA. Because frankly, there has not been enough time to run pre-clinical trials on all of these vaccine candidates. Please go to clinicaltrials.gov and do a search on mRNA vaccines. The number of clinical trials being conducted is amazing. What has happened over the last two years has me questioning everything that the FDA has done and is doing. All indications are that the administrative state that runs the FDA has been corrupted by pharma.

I do believe that the short cuts that the USG have taken in bringing the mRNA and the adenovirus vaccines to market for this pandemic have been detrimental and contrary to globally accepted standards for developing and regulating safe and effective licensed products.

I have now done hundreds of podcasts and interviews. I am a regular guest on many shows and have written many editorials that have been published in mainstream newspapers. Along with many other physicians and scientists advocating early treatment, I have toured globally to help educate physicians and the public about early treatment options while also opposing the unethical mandates.

I used to believe that the FDA, NIH, and CDC were working for the people, not big pharma. I thought that if we could just re-purpose already known, safe drugs for emerging infectious diseases, we could quickly find ways to reduce the death rate. I thought that drug and vaccine development were regulated by the Federal government for the common good. What I have learned over the last two years is that regulatory capture of the federal government has warped and shaped the work of Congress and Federal agencies to such an extent that they no longer represent what is in the best interests of the nation, the world, and humanity. The more I have expressed data-based concerns about what is happening with the vaccines, the US Federal and WHO responses, the more I have been censored, defamed, and subjected to various forms of character assassination by big tech and legacy media. I am not alone in being targeted. Mainstream media has attacked and censored me and other prominent physicians/scientists who do not recite the governmental narrative. This has been developed into a standard process and deployed worldwide as a technique for suppressing physician dissent – quite literally hunting physicians deemed guilty of thoughtcrimes (such as questioning vaccine safety and effectiveness) or of the “sin” of treating patients with lifesaving drugs in an outpatient setting.

What is happening is not right, it is not proper and it is not fair.
So, let get down to fixing it.
Taking a shot at me by taking a shot at Chomsky. Interesting angle.

I'm curious - do you know anything about Chomsky and Herman's critique of other writers who reported on the US bombing of Cambodia and other atrocities that happened there? I'm not asking what you know about the events - I'm asking have you read their critiques through a lens of understanding what they were getting at? I know subtlety isn't your specialty - but you should read the details if you haven't (I suspect you haven't). Their critiques of some writers, the US government, and the mainstream media messaging about those events at the time remind me VERY much of yours and others' here critiques about government and mainstream media messaging and propaganda.

I've read a lot about it. We can explore that more if you'd like. I find it very interesting. I think you'd find that we are almost certainly more in agreement than not.

You taking time to research Chomsky's position on Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge killing fields in Cambodia, murdering 1/4 of the population was unfortunate collateral damage towards a greater good, or avoiding the subject matter? How does Chomsky's position on the matter help form your worldview? The US bombing seems a distraction. I asked about Pol Pot, the murder of 1/4 of the population, and Chomsky's position that though unfortunate, a greater good came from the murder and brutality of the Khmer Rouge towards the people of Cambodia.

As far as subtlety, recently in the Dominion voting machine vs Fox News thread, I said I had not been following the story very closely. You attempted a gotcha moment, took a shot, or some such. Called me a liar, which is pretty strange given you have no idea or any personal knowledge other than what I provide to you as to how closely I followed the story. You called bullshit, and I paraphrase, I was being dishonest for not knowing what this was all about. Now, see, from my viewpoint there is a difference between not following a story and knowing what the story is about. Perhaps subtle, but clearly a difference. Given all of the above, subtlety may or may not be my specialty, but clearly neither is it yours.
The entire subject matter is fascinating historically as well as the parallels. In fact one can't help but see parallels to some of what we are seeing today, in modern America and around the world. The Khmer Rouge utilized young people and even children as instruments and foot soldiers towards the so called greater good. The for the greater good Noem Chomsky apparently offered endorsement, I might add(prove me wrong). Turned those children against their neighbors, family, even parents. Child murderers towards the greater good. Has that ever crossed your mind, the parallels? Think Greta global climate change whatsherface. A kid with mental health challenges, angry, scowling face, becoming an international poster child for the greater good. Imagine that one in the right circumstance with an AK 47 and license to kill. Those who truly have greater good intentions should advise or assist her in getting help for mental/emotional issues. But they won't. All the young people the man made global climate change charlatans scare the shit out of, foot soldiers for the greater good. Transexuals in schools, same. Make no mistake, this is no coincidence, it is on purpose. In my view it is abuse of children. Victims of the for the greater good. Is there any wonder why mental illness among young people and children is skyrocketing?

Ask Democrat candidates for office to raise their hand if they would support restrictions/limitations on abortion, nary a hand in the air. Restrictions/limitations might be, say, no abortion up until the moment of natural birth. Not a hand in the air. Not one. If I recall correctly just that occured during the 2020 dem primary race. The leftist teachers union, the closing of schools, and refusing to reopen. For all the "for the children" talk from the left, they don't give a shit about kids other than using them for their own purposes, pawns and foot soldiers for the greater good.

Yeah, I'm tired and rambling, off on a tangent. But for me, personally, I definitely see a parallel between the likes of the Khmer Rouge and modern day leftists, and the abuse/use of children.
The entire subject matter is fascinating historically as well as the parallels. In fact one can't help but see parallels to some of what we are seeing today, in modern America and around the world. The Khmer Rouge utilized young people and even children as instruments and foot soldiers towards the so called greater good. The for the greater good Noem Chomsky apparently offered endorsement, I might add(prove me wrong). Turned those children against their neighbors, family, even parents. Child murderers towards the greater good. Has that ever crossed your mind, the parallels? Think Greta global climate change whatsherface. A kid with mental health challenges, angry, scowling face, becoming an international poster child for the greater good. Imagine that one in the right circumstance with an AK 47 and license to kill. Those who truly have greater good intentions should advise or assist her in getting help for mental/emotional issues. But they won't. All the young people the man made global climate change charlatans scare the shit out of, foot soldiers for the greater good. Transexuals in schools, same. Make no mistake, this is no coincidence, it is on purpose. In my view it is abuse of children. Victims of the for the greater good. Is there any wonder why mental illness among young people and children is skyrocketing?

Ask Democrat candidates for office to raise their hand if they would support restrictions/limitations on abortion, nary a hand in the air. Restrictions/limitations might be, say, no abortion up until the moment of natural birth. Not a hand in the air. Not one. If I recall correctly just that occured during the 2020 dem primary race. The leftist teachers union, the closing of schools, and refusing to reopen. For all the "for the children" talk from the left, they don't give a shit about kids other than using them for their own purposes, pawns and foot soldiers for the greater good.

Yeah, I'm tired and rambling, off on a tangent. But for me, personally, I definitely see a parallel between the likes of the Khmer Rouge and modern day leftists, and the abuse/use of children.
Children are always the target. They’re impressionable, moldable, and fall victim to ideological brainwashing very easily.

People are always talking about the children are the future. This is true.

Hillary spoke of it takes a village to raise children ( think she even wrote a book)
Biden said recently they (the children) are everyone’s children.

They want to shape and mold the children not for the kids benefits, but to implement a world they want.

Get em while they’re young.
Children are always the target. They’re impressionable, moldable, and fall victim to ideological brainwashing very easily.

People are always talking about the children are the future. This is true.

Hillary spoke of it takes a village to raise children ( think she even wrote a book)
Biden said recently they (the children) are everyone’s children.

They want to shape and mold the children not for the kids benefits, but to implement a world they want.

Get em while they’re young.
Are we all targeted, impressioned, molded, and victims?
Google Dr. Robert W Malone and see what you get. A ton of lies starting with that he claims he invented the Covid 19 vaccine...he never said that ...he IS the inventor and U.S. patent holder of mRNA DNA technology to deliver "vaccines". It's not the Covid-19 vaccine that is his concern...it is the delivery system he invented that he spoke out about when the government started pushing the children under 12 should get the vaccine. I saw the interview with my own eyes and ears and he was clear...the risk to reward for children 12 and under is not merited...There's is too much we still do not know about long term side effects and children 12 and under are not high risk victims of the virus. They aren't dying like the aged and sick...BUT NO he gets banned from twitter, his videos get taken down and he is slandered and shamed. Why? because he passionattely believed we were making a HUGE unnecessary mistake...This is the kind of evil shenanigans that we are getting shoved down our sheeple faces everyday,,,

Here's from his website..his words... https://www.rwmalonemd.com/

As the original “inventor” of mRNA and DNA vaccines…

I am concerned about how the technology is being developed and implemented.

I am an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. I hold numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies. This is important because of my history, my expertise, my words carry weight.

I have approximately 100 scientific publications with over 12,000 citations of my work (per Google Scholar with an “outstanding” impact factor rating). I have been an invited speaker around a 100 conferences, have chaired or been keynote speaker at numerous conferences and I have sat on or served as chairperson on HHS and DoD committees. I sat as a non-voting member on the NIH ACTIV TX-Clinical working group committee focussed on developing clinical trials for ivermectin, famotidine and celecoxib - all repurposed drugs which are COVID-19 treatments. ACTIV is tasked with managing clinical research for a variety of drug and antibody treatments for COVID-19, but I was only on the the ACTIV TX working group committee as a non-voting member which was tasked with drug development and I was specifically asked to be on that sub-committee due to my experience with repurposing drugs for infectious diseases. The committee and I parted ways in January, 2022 - after the Joe Rogan show. That was soon after FDA made the conditions almost impossible for an ivermectin arm on the trial that I had helped design to go forward. My work on the ACTIV TX-Clinical WG committee was always about repurposing drugs for COVID-19. That has been my mission in this from day one of this outbreak.

I received my medical degree from the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine. I completed the Harvard Medical School fellowship as a global clinical research scholar in 2016 and was scientifically trained at the University of California at Davis, the University of California at San Diego, and at the Salk Institute Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories. I have served as an assistant and associate professor of pathology and surgery at the University of California at Davis, the University of Maryland, and the Armed Forces University of the Health Sciences. For many years, my wife and I have built and run a consultancy and analytics firm specializing in biotechnology and clinical trials development. For the record, I have never worked on bioweapons or been funded to develop them. I am not and was not a Federal employee. I did not ever work for the CIA or DARPA.

Over the last two years, government and big tech have done everything in their power to censor and defame me. They have permanently banned me from Twitter -without any strikes or warning. They continue to this day to harass me, re-edit my Wiki page, put falsehoods and fake fact-checks first and center on google. Controlled opposition appears to be their new tool - the ankle biters never cease! If they can remove my voice, my experience, my expertise - they win. This is why my history matters.

My partner in all of this is Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD. She likes to stay behind the scenes, but you can be assured that in almost all of my professional endeavors, she has been and will be involved. She also is well published and has an extensive CV. We have been together since high school (over 45 years) and have been married for 42 of those. We live on a horse farm in Virginia, which has become our own personal “Galt’s Gulch”. An idea that we embrace and build upon. Having an intentional community is one of the tenets of how we live.

So, what has brought me to the point of daily podcasts, interviews, op-eds, advocacy with legislators and building a twitter feed of almost a half million people? It started with my own experiences and concerns regarding the safety and bioethics of how the COVID-19 genetic vaccines were developed and forced upon the world, and then then expanded as I discovered the many short-cuts, database issues, obfuscation and frankly, lies told in the development of the Spike protein-based genetic vaccines for SARS-CoV-2. Personal experiences involving identifying, developing, and trying to publish peer-reviewed academic papers focused on drug repurposing and the rights of physicians to practice medicine as well as what I have seen close colleagues go through have further influenced me. Finally, as unethical mandates for administering experimental vaccines to adults and children began to be pushed by governments, my research into what I believe is authoritarian control by governments that are being manipulated by large corporations (big finance, big pharmaceutical, big media and big technology) influenced my changing world view.

Now, I have always been taught and believed that vaccines must be developed in conjunction with life saving treatments for an emerging infectious disease or a pandemic. I am a vaccinologist. I invented the core mRNA vaccine technology platform. I have spent much of my career working on vaccine development. I have also had extensive experience in drug repurposing for infectious disease outbreaks. I am not an antivaxxer in any way, shape or form. I do think that the childhood schedule for vaccines have become bloated and too many vaccines are being given to our children at way too young of an age. The hepatitis B vaccine being given at birth is a prime example of the perversion of the childhood vaccine schedule.

I am questioning what the US government is doing with vaccines, the previous clinical trials (or lack there of) for traditional vaccines and the many, many mRNA vaccines now in clinical trials. These trials must have had their pre-clinical data packages signed off on, which means that all of the adverse events, mRNA stability issues, the nanolipid particle issues in the original pre-clinical data package must have been “normalized” by the FDA. Because frankly, there has not been enough time to run pre-clinical trials on all of these vaccine candidates. Please go to clinicaltrials.gov and do a search on mRNA vaccines. The number of clinical trials being conducted is amazing. What has happened over the last two years has me questioning everything that the FDA has done and is doing. All indications are that the administrative state that runs the FDA has been corrupted by pharma.

I do believe that the short cuts that the USG have taken in bringing the mRNA and the adenovirus vaccines to market for this pandemic have been detrimental and contrary to globally accepted standards for developing and regulating safe and effective licensed products.

I have now done hundreds of podcasts and interviews. I am a regular guest on many shows and have written many editorials that have been published in mainstream newspapers. Along with many other physicians and scientists advocating early treatment, I have toured globally to help educate physicians and the public about early treatment options while also opposing the unethical mandates.

I used to believe that the FDA, NIH, and CDC were working for the people, not big pharma. I thought that if we could just re-purpose already known, safe drugs for emerging infectious diseases, we could quickly find ways to reduce the death rate. I thought that drug and vaccine development were regulated by the Federal government for the common good. What I have learned over the last two years is that regulatory capture of the federal government has warped and shaped the work of Congress and Federal agencies to such an extent that they no longer represent what is in the best interests of the nation, the world, and humanity. The more I have expressed data-based concerns about what is happening with the vaccines, the US Federal and WHO responses, the more I have been censored, defamed, and subjected to various forms of character assassination by big tech and legacy media. I am not alone in being targeted. Mainstream media has attacked and censored me and other prominent physicians/scientists who do not recite the governmental narrative. This has been developed into a standard process and deployed worldwide as a technique for suppressing physician dissent – quite literally hunting physicians deemed guilty of thoughtcrimes (such as questioning vaccine safety and effectiveness) or of the “sin” of treating patients with lifesaving drugs in an outpatient setting.

What is happening is not right, it is not proper and it is not fair.
So, let get down to fixing it.
He and many others were viscously censored. And Pfizer made billions.
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Taking a shot at me by taking a shot at Chomsky. Interesting angle.

I'm curious - do you know anything about Chomsky and Herman's critique of other writers who reported on the US bombing of Cambodia and other atrocities that happened there? I'm not asking what you know about the events - I'm asking have you read their critiques through a lens of understanding what they were getting at? I know subtlety isn't your specialty - but you should read the details if you haven't (I suspect you haven't). Their critiques of some writers, the US government, and the mainstream media messaging about those events at the time remind me VERY much of yours and others' here critiques about government and mainstream media messaging and propaganda.

I've read a lot about it. We can explore that more if you'd like. I find it very interesting. I think you'd find that we are almost certainly more in agreement than not.

Okay, I've read a bit about it. What I'm getting so far....

Chomsky believes(or believed) that the roughly 2 million(1/4 of the population) deaths attributed to Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge is a "lie"(I'm beginning to see a pattern here that supports your worldview being shaped by Chomsky). It is propaganda. In actuality the US government through bombing killed 800 thousand, and the Khmer Rouge only killed 1.2 million. I have no evidence other than what I have read, Chomsky bases this claim on certain author's writings whose source was the Khmer Rouge. It should be noted that Chomsky dismisses the atrocities committed by the Khmer Rouge as essentially, yeah, revolutions can get messy and shit happens. While relying on author's whose source of information is the Khmer Rouge, Chomsky criticizes authors who rely in part on accounts of Cambodian refugees as spreading propaganda, lies. In Chomsky's view, the US government is primarily responsible for the horrors that occured in Cambodia. As time has passed, with more information becoming available(well fuck me if the ol' "I reserve the right to change my mind as more evidence becomes available" hasn't raised its familiar head...you really are a child of Chomsky, eh?), Chomsky has offered recognition that the number killed by the Khmer Rouge was a bit or significantly more than only 1.2 million. He maybe softened on calling people liars. After those seeking truth were lead around by former Khmer Rouge and Cambodians to all of the mass graves, what's a guy to do?

There's more, but I think that's in a nutshell pretty much it. Chomsky was so eager to paint the US government as the baddest of the bad guys, he played down and made excuses for the atrocities committed by the fucking Khmer Rouge in killing upwards of 2 million or possibly more of their own countrymen in Cambodia. A fucking intellectual blowhard.
Hold, violin thread, you say? For some reason I'm thinking some jackass came in went all off topic and turned the thread into a rant about pointy odd stringed guitars? In all fairness, and let us never forget, pointy odd stringed guitars are an abomination, evil.

Don't get me started, don't get me started.
Whatever you WANT to believe, the facts are that any company (whether private or publicly owned) can set their own rules on what they allow on their media, walls, or websites.

Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive," happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups. Censorship by the government is unconstitutional.
Whatever you WANT to believe, the facts are that any company (whether private or publicly owned) can set their own rules on what they allow on their media, walls, or websites.

Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive," happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups. Censorship by the government is unconstitutional.
Just recently a US congresswoman was censored on some social media platform by order of members of the higher hierarchy. It's the responsibility of media platforms to not obey such unconstitutional orders.
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