Can a fat person be a lead singer?

>>>>>>>>>>>Without the IMAGE you are just another in a vast sea of singers.

you made good points steve.....but fat guy could be the image I suppose.. no?
Hey, Meatloaf, John Popper and Carny Wilson all lost weight,...

but being fat didn't keep them off the stage.

However, I do remember a local metal band, [can't remember the name], and they were pretty good for local-yokuls, but every time they played, we'd all say, "Hey, they're pretty good, but the singer's overweight!" So, IMO, being fat can't stop you, but it's a hinderance.

Ok, it's California,... L.A. County,... Hollywood-adjacent,... we're all shallow here!;)
It's all about your character. Some people walk onto the stage and seem to spread some sort of character upon the audience. I love it when that happens. That is like magic. Is has nothing to do with your appearence. It should be coming from you as a person.

Everybody loves that freakin old awefull Hammond B3. It has character, even when its old and ugly.