Can a fat person be a lead singer?

"Im fat also...."

Dude...I saw a pic of you on your site. I'm twice the man that you are! :)

"......Im a 6'7" bass player, and if youre lookin for a band, I'll lay down some collaborated tracks for ya (net-collaborating, that is....).... picture it and you next to each other...... lol...... could be the next big thing."

Now THAT would be funny, the next VERY BIG thing!

"Shades are almost always good. Look at Bono...He is a very rich man."

Very true. But then again...he's Bono! I do like the idea of wearing shades on stage though. Cool...

Well, this should be a good thread for the archives here. I'm sure alot of musicians with a weight complex will have some "food" for thought with this one. I appreciate the comments. This forum has a really classy bunch of users. :)
Ah F*ck it!

I'll take an overweight cat with pipes over a skinny pretty boy wannabe poser Axl Rose look alike knucklehead that couldnt carry a note in a bucket anyday

Now go young man!

For the betterment of what its all about!

The music!

Carry on :)
Misterx, I kinda know where you're coming from. 10-12 years ago in my stage rocking heyday, I was about 125 lbs and all hair. Now, I'm married, have a kid, and I'm about 185. I wouldn't have a problem with it 'cept for the fact that I'm only about 5'4. I don't even want to take new photos for my web stuff. (though in the old ones I'm about 175) I'm a little self-conscious 'cause I've always been a little (ok, alot) vain.

Regardless, as you can see from the other posts, it doesn't really matter much.
I have a few more "big guys" to list too. How about those guys from the Screaming Trees? The bassist and guitarist (singer) were big guys - but they rocked out. Dude from Sublime was pretty big too, wasn't he? How about Steve Miller - he was/is pretty big.

John Popper has already been listed, but deserves another mention. That dude is huge, but he totally rocks out.

Don't sweat it. Just think of it as one guy said to me before: "You've got a little more ass behind you now to back you up."

Besides, when you have a good weight advantage in a bar brawl, you're less likely to get your ass seriously kicked. (Hey, I'm from the South. We still have regular redneck brawls down here.) :D

Rock on, dude! :D
misterx, it's great to hear you have some momentum on getting
a singing career going! When YOU choose to drop some weight,
just do it for your own health, who cares what anyone else thinks! (coming from a guy who's 25-30 lbs. overweight)

One of the guys who's in a singing workshop with me worked with
Peggy Lee and had a conversation where he told her how nervous he was onstage and had "butterflys".
She said the only difference between them was that her butterflys
flew in formation! (profound when you think about it)

Just remember us when you hit the bigtime!


P.S. I always thought it would be a cool idea to combine stand-up
comedy and singing into an act-just an idea...
Hey size is nothing man.

As long as you are good on stage and you can rock the joint you'll be OK!!!!. Weight doesnt mean a thing. Hey I am not sure if your into Hip-Hop music at all but just to give an example. Look at FAT Joe and BIg Punisher. They are Quite Large but they are unbelievable on stage.

Just play your music with pride and confindence and you will have no problems at all.

Good Luck Man.
Why not!!

If you wait till you lose weight you will find another thing you want to change before going for it.

Good Luck
the best voice in my town(better than most people you hear on radio) belongs to a guy that is really weighty.

It does not stop him though. He is the go to guy when you need an excellent voice.

Come to think of it. Most of the excellent voices I know personally belong to big people.
Try to catch Behind the Music on the Momma's and Poppa's. Pay close attention at the way Cass Elliot's mates talk about her when she was on stage. Not only did she hold the audience's attention but the way she also held ther bands attention. A great artist!!!!
Never worry about your size (except for health reasons).

I have recorded many bands that had heavy players and singers -but man could they play and sing.

I think the age of glamour and glam has passed and hopefully will stay dead.

Those that can deliver will.

Go for it.

David Artis
misterx said:
"Im fat also...."

Dude...I saw a pic of you on your site. I'm twice the man that you are! :)

Thats a very flattering pic of me... Im about 250, and 44 waist... thats not exactly skinny..

Are you really 500 lbs? :D

Thats a very flattering pic of me... Im about 250, and 44 waist... thats not exactly skinny..

Are you really 500 lbs? :D

Your picture doesn't make you look that big? Perhaps you have a HUGE guitar? LOL :)

My goal is 230lbs. Actually, 1 year ago I was over 400lbs, now I'm down to 320. I've lost 15lbs the past month. According to my weight trainer I should hit my goal of 230 sometime in the next 7-8 months. TIP to the younger guys here, lose the weight when you're young. When your pushing 40 it's very hard to lose!!
I would ask Elvis the same thing, He would say Hey Im not fat, Im Big boned?!?!

I could lose a few pounds myself, but I have no problem in the voice dept. Keep fighting the good fight and dont develop diabeties like I did.

misterx said:

Your picture doesn't make you look that big? Perhaps you have a HUGE guitar? LOL :)

My goal is 230lbs. Actually, 1 year ago I was over 400lbs, now I'm down to 320. I've lost 15lbs the past month. According to my weight trainer I should hit my goal of 230 sometime in the next 7-8 months. TIP to the younger guys here, lose the weight when you're young. When your pushing 40 it's very hard to lose!!

I just weighed myself and Im 258..... Im usually about 5'11"- 6' (Depending on Hairstyle..)

Lately I've been relaxing around the tube with a bag of potato chips..... Gotta stop that shit
If you've got the guts to stick with weight training to lose that kind of weight, you've got the guts to get to singin' now. Let your goals converge on you. Get a positive momentum going in your head and MOVE on it. I know what you mean about getting old. I approaching 47 and have wanted to do something with my music all my life. I'm starting back up now. Don't have much of a weight problem but have a BAD lazy problem. The decades fly by, too. Don't fool around buddy! Get going. You'll regret it if you don't. Good luck!

On another note - I know times have changed but I still wouldn't count out the importance of the image making machinery. I will bet that it is still very much alive and still predominately bent toward young, thin and sexy with pearly white teeth. That ain't gonna go away. To buck the norm, you have to make yourself a unique image that can strike a chord with large groups of people. I say this not to be a downer but to add a bit of balance to the picture. Without the IMAGE you are just another in a vast sea of singers.
Gastric Bypass.

I'm not sure how it is similar/different form the intestinal bypass proceedure. Lot of people had to have the intestinal bypass reversed because of long-term health risks.
That's when they staple your stomach up so you can't fit anymo food in there, right??????
