Behringer and the hits keep coming...

What do you think about Behringer products?

  • Great quality and value for money!

    Votes: 354 41.6%
  • Cheap but sometimes dodgy! I wouldn't buy core equipment from them. Not reliable enough.

    Votes: 276 32.5%
  • Awful. Cheapness is no substitute for quality!

    Votes: 102 12.0%
  • I dont give a crap, I dont have any.

    Votes: 118 13.9%

  • Total voters
I have been an outspoken fan of Behringer. I NEVER claimed it was top end equipment. However, for the price there are some nice Behringer pieces that I would recommend before I would recommned spending $1000 on a Mackie. If you are stepping up to $5000 or more for a mixer, then don't even think about Behringer, but there is not $800 worth of difference between the low end Mackie stuff and the Behringer stuff.

That being said, you should expect that there might be a higher chance of having a problem with the Behringer stuff. You can still have problems with the Mackie, but a slightly better chance with the Behringer. If that extra $800 is a lot for you, and you don't have half the equipment you really need to do even basic recording (mics, studio monitors,)....that money is better spent on a few decent mics.

Although I do not believe my next board will be a Behringer, the one I have, still serves me as fine as the day I bought it, and I will not be shopping for another till this one craps out. Only reason I'm not buying a Behringer next time is because I am now in a postion where I'm ready to drop a few grand on a mixer, and want at least 24 direct outs.

Here is a link, the song "Hopes Fading" was recorded with a Behringer mixer.:
buryher17 said:
due to the fact ive been online for like 5 hours doing mixing and such, and that this thread is 8 pages long.. i didnt read it all


I just have to say, behringer has NEVER steared me wrong. It's so unbeleivably affordable, and has 199% more thna what it even needs. I bought a 16 line mixer 2 years ago when i first started my studio just thinking it was cool looking. AT first i only needed 5 inputs, dynamic mic's were used no big deal.

Now, thank god for it, it has built in mic pre amps, phantom power, equilizer, gains, level's, everything. Converters, 101 different ways to connect monitors/ in's out's whatever. It's been my base of eveyrhting for myr ecordings, and has always given me new idea's when recording.

I have a few things i've used in the past of behringer and always added color to my mix.

I plan on buying a headphone amp from them, and a new equilizer, and im not scared at all about either.

That's because you don't know any better! :p
Toker41 said:
I have been an outspoken fan of Behringer. I NEVER claimed it was top end equipment. However, for the price there are some nice Behringer pieces that I would recommend before I would recommned spending $1000 on a Mackie. If you are stepping up to $5000 or more for a mixer, then don't even think about Behringer, but there is not $800 worth of difference between the low end Mackie stuff and the Behringer stuff.

Mackie gear has seemed overpriced for several years, IMHO. Peavey is the new Mackie. Behringer still isn't great for mixers, even in its price range; there are better mixers for about the same cost from both Yamaha and Peavey, and particularly the latter.

I will say this, though.... I do like my Bass V-Amp Pro. I read a bunch of reviews by people comparing it to the Pod and concluded it would be a good piece of gear. It didn't disappoint, nor did the Behringer foot controller I'm using to drive it, which I purchased after a friend of mine used one for a couple of years.

I think of them like a slightly less reliable Nady. Only buy products that folks who have used them for a couple of years don't say "it sucks" about. (How'd you like to diagram THAT sentence?)
Behringer is FANTASTIC aslong as no sound is posted through it. They are fine for live purposes but not for recording. allthough their invisible mic pre's are actually allright.

Anything like their B midi/usb controls are amazing for the money and work really well..
Eurorack UB2442FX Pro. It was also done on a Soundblaster Platinum w/livedrive soundcard. Everyone suggested the Delta 1010 as a pro card, so I spent $500 and upgraded. Now I find I got better, warmer results with the Soundblaster, which proves that more expensive is not always better sounding. I am currently looking to reinstall the Soundblaster, and using both.
Toker41 said:
Eurorack UB2442FX Pro. It was also done on a Soundblaster Platinum w/livedrive soundcard. Everyone suggested the Delta 1010 as a pro card, so I spent $500 and upgraded. Now I find I got better, warmer results with the Soundblaster, which proves that more expensive is not always better sounding. I am currently looking to reinstall the Soundblaster, and using both.

A good friend of mine bought a Behringer Eurodesk SL2442FX-PRO mixer two months ago for his home recording setup and he loves it. Very quiet pres with nice built-in effects. Lots of features for $450.
NEVER save up for a Behringer mixer. It'll be discontinued before you get the money. Thats why i have a Yamaha sitting next to me. Sounds better, its cheaper, and more solid any day of the week. But yea, theres a Behringer FCA202 interface here as well...........
I haven't been on this site in about a year, and this thread is still going? Truely a bait thread.
episg said:
NEVER save up for a Behringer mixer. It'll be discontinued before you get the money. Thats why i have a Yamaha sitting next to me. Sounds better, its cheaper, and more solid any day of the week. But yea, theres a Behringer FCA202 interface here as well...........

If you're talking about the Yamaha MG, soundwise I like my 2642a over the MG 12/4 (which I've owned). The 2642a is built like an eggshell though. I got it cheap and could'nt pass it up.
Some bad, mostly good, hey I LIKE Behringer!! So, shoot me!

DI - the door to the battery compartment does not fit correctly. It is easier to leave it off. One of the wires to the battery broke off. I have not resoldered it and just run it off phantom. Actually now that I have a Sansamp, this thing is just collecting dust.

502 Mixer - got me back into recording vocal/ guitar demos straight into my Soundblaster. Grainy, but it did what it was supposed to. Always worked.

2402 Mixer - Grainy, but this thing had the alt 3-4 outputs which gave me 4 line outs to go into the Turtle Beach Santa Fe card and record 4 simultaneous tracks in Cakewalk. I was able to multitrack again. It always worked and I sold it to GC eventually.

ADA8000 - I know these get panned and QC is inconsistent, but I like mine ok. I use the extra inputs into my Digi001 to record our band live. They are relatively clean preamps, a little edgy, but for $200 for 8 channels of mic preamps and ADAT out, I think this thing was a GREAT deal. It always works for me.

I think Behringer stuff is the equivalent of getting patch cords from Radio Shack. Yes, the quality is not great, but they have the exact tools that I need to get the job done. If it comes down to saving for 1 year to buy a "good" tool to get the job done, I would rather buy the cheap tool now and use it to record or whatever, learning as I go, knowing the limitations of the quality. I stared at brochures of semi-pro analog recording gear for years and dreamed about recording some day, until they finally came out with the 4-Track portastudios. I would rather record today with what I have on hand than dream about how good the stuff I can't afford will sound .......someday.

bilco said:
I think Behringer stuff is the equivalent of getting patch cords from Radio Shack. Yes, the quality is not great, but they have the exact tools that I need to get the job done. If it comes down to saving for 1 year to buy a "good" tool to get the job done, I would rather buy the cheap tool now and use it to record or whatever, learning as I go, knowing the limitations of the quality. I stared at brochures of semi-pro analog recording gear for years and dreamed about recording some day, until they finally came out with the 4-Track portastudios. I would rather record today with what I have on hand than dream about how good the stuff I can't afford will sound .......someday.


well said. i can't speak for anyone else but behringer gear is probably on par quality wise with my playing / recording skills anyway. :D $20,000 worth of quality equipment might put a little shine on my turds but what's the point?
TravisinFlorida said:
well said. i can't speak for anyone else but behringer gear is probably on par quality wise with my playing / recording skills anyway. :D $20,000 worth of quality equipment might put a little shine on my turds but what's the point?

Good point !!! :)

I just got the FCA202 2 channel firewire interface ( $80.00) to add to my track count and hold me over till my dreams come true !! :rolleyes:

I must say it does a pretty good job . I can say it records as well as my Tascam US-122 .($200.00) Not as many features as the Tascam . It has no gain control so you have to use it on a sub mix or the mains from the mixer . You would have a hard time tapping a direct out on a channel that was part of the main mix also so I use the Tascam and 2 pci cards for direct outs and the Behringer for the main mix .
TravisinFlorida said:
well said. i can't speak for anyone else but behringer gear is probably on par quality wise with my playing / recording skills anyway. :D $20,000 worth of quality equipment might put a little shine on my turds but what's the point?

Good point !!! :)

I just got the FCA202 2 channel firewire interface ( $80.00) to add to my track count and hold me over till my dreams come true !! :rolleyes:

I must say it does a pretty good job . I can say it records as well as my Tascam US-122 .($200.00) Not as many features as the Tascam . It has no gain control so you have to use it on a sub mix or the mains from the mixer . You would have a hard time tapping a direct out on a channel that was part of the main mix also so I use the Tascam and 2 pci cards for direct outs and the Behringer for the main mix .
Toker41 said:
To bash a companies entire line shows narrow mindedness, short sightedness, and inexperience. Unless you have tried EVERY product they make, which I doubt anyone has.
Some of the older compressors are pretty good. The Behringer line of headphone amps are a good buy. The Euro mixers are a good line for the money (much better than the MX mixers that so many base the entire Behringer line on).

I have to agree with, I can't believe I'm entering this sort of a debate.!! It seems like only a few years ago (ok, maybe 19-20 years!!) that 2 SPX-90's set me back almost half a years wages!! Could I suggest that maybe if it wasn't for the current cheapo companies like B'nger etc..some of us would still be spending so much on a basic digital delay for our home studio's (that we might not even have today), unless we were all very well off exec's!! Sorry about the outburst...I am just so sick of people finding it too hard to even say a company's name because they might look silly or inferior to other forum user's, (whom are probably narrow by nature?)
I'm a proud owner of several Behringer rack units and condensor mics. And sure, those spx 90's are still kicking (with their 8 or 12 bits of musical artifact goodness, LOL), and I suspect (and expect) that my Behringers won't be here in 20 years!! BUT AT $140 (Aussie) FOR EACH RACK.....I COULDN'T GIVE A SHIT!
If I could afford the beautiful Lexicon stuff, I'd be buying it!!
Go ahead,....throw your stones....I expect it. :p
I Thankyou for reading,
and Kindest Regards,
After working in the sound and lighting industry for over 20 years I have to say this about Behringer; When you buy crap expect it to be crappy.

Every company has a range of quality levels... They all sell entry level stuff and intermediate level stuff etc... But not these guys... It's just crap.

For example you can buy a 2 way JBL cab at your local dealer for under $300 or you can buy JBL that looks pretty much the same but sounds good for $2,000. There's a reason for this.

Behringer is stuff that would embarrass me. I refuse to have any Behringer gear in my kit.

Warm-N-Phat said:
After working in the sound and lighting industry for over 20 years I have to say this about Behringer; When you buy crap expect it to be crappy.

Every company has a range of quality levels... They all sell entry level stuff and intermediate level stuff etc... But not these guys... It's just crap.

For example you can buy a 2 way JBL cab at your local dealer for under $300 or you can buy JBL that looks pretty much the same but sounds good for $2,000. There's a reason for this.

Behringer is stuff that would embarrass me. I refuse to have any Behringer gear in my kit.

Understand your feeling! Don't neccessarily agree though! (you'd be embarrassed?) Check the poll on this topic. I'm now not sure exactly what it is saying about Behringer anymore.(coupled with reading every response on this thread from 2003 till now), I feel that people are now either too scared to admit that it's 'good value for money' or they're dead against it. Those who like the stuff appear to be getting 'flamed'....LOL! :confused: Behringer shit works great, and I paid almost nothing for it new. Well done to them for at least giving us the options we have today.
Kindest Regards,
I don't actually have my own studio yet, but I'm looking at Behringer when I do, because they're cheap and do the job. I know plenty of small studios that use them with no problems, and they're good little budget pieces of kit IMO
Elton Bear said:
I don't actually have my own studio yet, but I'm looking at Behringer when I do, because they're cheap and do the job. I know plenty of small studios that use them with no problems, and they're good little budget pieces of kit IMO

There you go!! These, and other lower entry level brands, will be affordable to you and will help start your experience into this fantastic hobby/proffession! After a while you'll share your personal opinion on your equipment with us too!
Just buy them thru a good, friendly dealer;(as with all pro-audio gear).
If you need any help with practical info on Behringer FX, Compressor, Equaliser, mic pre's, or their mics, PM me! (I ACTUALLY use these, and they're ok, especially for what I paid for 'em!). :)
Oh..and Elton....get ready for a 'stoning!' from some 'specialists' on these forums!! LOL!!.....
(ps. and No, I've not got shares in the company or nothin'!!) he he!