

New member

Posted this tune on the Fostex forum and was directed here. (thanks bd) You folks have some smokin' stuff here! I look forward to hearing and contributing down the road.
The bass is a Roland U-20 keyboard. All my drum parts are sequenced on an old MC-500. I start with a skeleton and add as the tune develops. Bedlam's drums are are six loops , 2 two bar and 4 four bar : a polyrythmic intro/interlude, separated by 8 bars of 4/4 time. The tune is a 12 bar minor blues and was contructed in loops of 2-2-4-4 bars, cut and pasted eight times. The only instrument I recorded live was the organ solo. Most patches including the drums came from the Korg XC digital keyboard, except the fretless bass (Roland U-20 )and incidental percussion instruments (Roland JV 1000). All gated and reverb effects were from the instruments as I find them more aesthetic and cleaner than the MR-8's. Cool Pro Edit helped finish the job.
The other tune on nowhereradio is a Charlie Parker 32- bar head done on solo piano live.
It's nice to be here, hope you find them stimulating and 'in the pocket.'

Ralph Funaro (flat-9)
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hey i think nowhere might be down again...."server file not found"...ill try again later tho....and welcome !.

You also need to enable downloads for "All Users" in order for the high-fi streams to work for everyone...dont ask why,it just works out like that.LOL.must be a glitch. you can play!

this is great ....i dont think the drums sound all that bad....which is weird cause i know they are fake...i guess the song makes the drums sound programmed the hell out of them too which helps ...get on it!...yes! i wish i could play piano...the whole mix is nice..really easy to listen ...

stick around....i may need some piano parts....:)

My God.You sure aint no amateur.:DYou are definetly smoking that B3 on this tune......Im sure a lot of the guys around here would love to have you play on their tunes if you are into collaborations.

Top notch killer playing ralph.
Kramer & Jamal,

Thanks for pointing out the mistaken url so quickly. I was able to edit the initial message within the allotted 727 minutes. (Lord, does that sound anal or what?)
Toki, thanks for your kind words over at the fostex forum.
In response to other queries, yes, I do have formal training. I've had 9 private piano and composition teachers and started when I was 8. ( I'm now 47). The greatest influence was Boston teacher Charlie Banacos, he motivated me to trancribe and practice no less than 4 hours a day for a 3 year stretch. Due to time restraints ( family & gigs) I can't collaborate presently, but that doesn't mean it won't loosen up down the road as I've heard some great music from members on this site. My dear wife has the patience of a saint. My favorite word is sticktoitiveness.

Ralph Funaro (flat-9)
:eek: you cook'in with hot greese here! "in the pocket"? yeah I would say so:D . Damn fine man.
Damn! Saaammoookin! Very nice recording, and those drums are pretty impressive for canned. I was gonna say. "no fair"programming everything but the solo, but uuhmmmm.............nevermind!


Thanks mucho, Joey 'D' is the man!!
I love one of his qoutes regarding soloing ......" when in doubt, use an f#diminishid scale for a bar or two." He's sooooo sick!!


I loved your comment in the Fostex forum so much " living organism" that I changed the intro to Bedlam. It was to repetitive
with the polyrythms before and I had a creative block ....Thanks to your words, I tried to depict a 'B3 Beast' just waking up , growling , shaking it's head and building up to a roar before lunging into the tune. Let me know if you dig it.
I've checked out your stuff, and you are quite talented, young man. Keep it happening......everyday.

Ralph Funaro
Dang... that is some smokin' drum programming... :eek:

good stuff man... sounds very jazzy... nice cymbal samples too... I like the hats and the splashes.

oh yeah... and you can kinda play the keyboard too....




[edit]I must say,... this is prolly the best drum programming I've ever heard in this clinic.. :eek: very fluid... very true to how a real drummer would play it... you must be half drummer... :p[/edit]
All my drum parts are sequenced on an old MC-500.

:o (man, what a terrible icon is this! Am I sleeping? No, my jaw dropped!)


Although I'd love to hear a real bassplayer, this is pretty good!

my goodness your drums sound awesome.
you are one heck of a musician and you have put the time into practicing and it truly shows and shines in this recording.
i realy like the mix on this its very full and everything mixed well.
i agree the live bass player would be nice but its just a preferance. thanks for sharing this i realy enjoyed hearing it and am looking forward to hearing more from you.

( my god those drums are tottaly awesome, its almost like i breathed for the first time when i heard this). great job.

god bless,,,, tim pate.
Must admit, those drums are real sounding. Good quality work on those.

The only thing I'd do is get an authentic bass in there, you can hear the synthetics behind the one now, but sometimes that's what people want. I think a real bass would just be creamy smooth here though.

Way to go on the B-3, must be nice.

'love what ya did..

p.s. I heard that 1 tap at 1:42 hehehe ;)

jus kiddin! :cool:
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