Artists Signature Guitars

The Johnny Ramone guitar in the other thread got me thinking. Are there any signature guitars that you really like? Or do you just think they're a bit sad/geeky.

I'm a big Nirvana fan but I'd never get a JagStang or the Kurt Cobain Custom Jag that Fender are now issuing. They also do SRV strats and stuff but I just don't see the point and think its a bit nerdy really.

Saying that, I do quite like the Joan Jett Melody Maker Jett Melody Maker/IMG_0677.jpg

What do you guys think of Signature guitars? Are there any that you like?
The Alex Lifeson Les Paul looks cool. I like the real "custom" attributes. Belly scarfing, the pizo's in bridge, thinner neck joint.

But the price they start at $6,500. I think I can get by without one.
The Johnny Ramone guitar in the other thread got me thinking. Are there any signature guitars that you really like? Or do you just think they're a bit sad/geeky.

I'm a big Nirvana fan but I'd never get a JagStang or the Kurt Cobain Custom Jag that Fender are now issuing. They also do SRV strats and stuff but I just don't see the point and think its a bit nerdy really.

Saying that, I do quite like the Joan Jett Melody Maker Jett Melody Maker/IMG_0677.jpg

What do you guys think of Signature guitars? Are there any that you like?

I tried out the Kurt Cobain Jaguar (L/H, of course), but didn't think it was up to much - it's Mexican-made and not up to the quality of the American Fenders, I thought, despite being priced like one.
I have an Angus Young SG. I like AC/DC, I like Angus, but I got it because it's a kick ass SG. The AC/DC lightning bolt inlays make me happy too, but I really just like SGs and this one was a steal. But generally I don't care too much about signature guitars unless they're just super cool and have something about them that really differentiates them from a standard model of whatever guitar it is.

Ace Frehley Les Paul - cool!
Slash Les Paul - just like any other
I have an Angus Young SG. I like AC/DC, I like Angus, but I got it because it's a kick ass SG. The AC/DC lightning bolt inlays make me happy too, but I really just like SGs and this one was a steal. But generally I don't care too much about signature guitars unless they're just super cool and have something about them that really differentiates them from a standard model of whatever guitar it is.

Ace Frehley Les Paul - cool!
Slash Les Paul - just like any other

Pretty much the same with me. I don't mind sig guitars as long as they add something useful and unique, and as long as they don't have the artist's name or signature on the instrument. Like the SRV signature Strat...why would I want anybody's initials on my pickguard? And faked wear patterns of another player?

When I was shopping for acoustic guitars years ago, I played just about every Martin in town. I actually really liked the sound of the John Mayer signature model. But I couldn't bring myself to own a guitar with John Mayer's signature inlaid on the 12th fret. Same with the Eric Clapton signature, it was a very nice sounding instrument. But that signature...It's just gross to me. It's MY guitar, not theirs!

That gets me to thinking...would you buy a signature guitar of someone that you don't actually like or respect as a guitarist? Like if it turned out that Yngwie Malmsteen actually had amazing tastes in Les Paul appointments, or if Micheal Angelo Batio put together the perfect ES-335? I don't think that I could. I think I'd shiver and gag a little every time I associated my favorite instrument with a guitarist that I can't listen to.
Some sig guitars are total WTF. Like why the fuck does Billie Joe Armstrong or Avril Lavigne have sig guitars?
Some sig guitars are total WTF. Like why the fuck does Billie Joe Armstrong or Avril Lavigne have sig guitars?

"Cuz they got paid to! :D

I guess there's a lot of Billie Joe Armstrong and Avril Lavigne fans who are budding guitarists...
"Cuz they got paid to! :D

I guess there's a lot of Billie Joe Armstrong and Avril Lavigne fans who are budding guitarists...

Probably. I just think to have a sig guitar you should have done something worthwhile with guitar. The Bille Joe guitar is actually pretty cool, but there's no way in hell I'd buy one. It's just a LP Jr.
I just think to have a sig guitar you should have done something worthwhile with guitar.

I agree. You should be a really good player to get a sig guitar, and not someone who just held a guitar or stood on stage singing next to someone holding a guitar. :p
I agree. You should be a really good player to get a sig guitar, and not someone who just held a guitar or stood on stage singing next to someone holding a guitar. :p

Yup, although I don't know about needing to be a good player, but that's subjective anyway. There are some not-so-good players that I can think of that IMO are sig guitar worthy. But they're influential legends and not modern day posers.
I meant someone whose music images involves guitar. Like even a really good, well known rhythm guitar player, in a well known band....would qualify for a sig guitar. The guitar has to be a big part of your public music persona to qualify you for a sig guitar.,

I didn't mean they all had to be some wanky Yngwie clone. :D
Yeah I don't think that it's about talent. To me, a signature model should be an instrument that some player took, played long enough to recognize its shortcomings for their specific purposes, then made the modifications that made the instrument fit their sound and style, and made it practical as far as usage, controls, all that. Then that person became famous, and others want to emulate their sound and control layout.

I definitely don't get the "so-and-so played a stock instrument, so here's a stock instrument with their name on it" thing.
Funny, you never see a Yo Yo Ma signature cello or Kenny G signature sax.
I agree with Tadpui. For a signature guitar to be worth something, it should be a modified version...not just a different wood combination or some intangible like left handed tuner pegs...:-)
The Taylor Swift model really caught my eye, a very desirable instrument. Seriously though, I did ponder the Angus SG with the lightning inlays, but decided to seek out a non signature standard and luckily found one which to me is an outstanding guitar in all respects. I do own two Jem guitars which are very usable instruments, I probably wouldn't if they had an actual replica signature on them anywhere. WTF would I want someone else's name on my guitar? Each to their own I guess.
Greg, has the Angus SG got Angus's wear patterns on it?

Another signature guitar that I do like is this:
I just think that it looks incredibly cool and doesn't appear to have any names scribbled on it. I've always thought Gibson 335s look really cool but I have no reason to own one other than I like the look of them. That one is also mind bendingly expensive.
I meant someone whose music images involves guitar. Like even a really good, well known rhythm guitar player, in a well known band....would qualify for a sig guitar. The guitar has to be a big part of your public music persona to qualify you for a sig guitar.,

I didn't mean they all had to be some wanky Yngwie clone. :D

No, I get ya, I agree with you.
I definitely don't get the "so-and-so played a stock instrument, so here's a stock instrument with their name on it" thing.

Yup. That's goofy to me. Everyone knows I'm an unapologetic Ramones fanboy right? So Fender released this Dee Dee Ramone signature P-Bass. Cool! No. It's just a regular ol 70s style P-Bass because that's what he played. He did nothing to his basses to make them "custom" just for him. So a "Dee Dee Bass" is no different from any other P-Bass. IMO Dee Dee is a legend of punk rock, but it's not like his basses were anything special enough to want one.

He did allegedly seal his pickguards and pots with gobs of silicone though because he'd sweat all inside of them and rot everything out. Maybe Fender should have done that too. :laughings: