Anyone feel like reaching for the stars and becoming a moderator?

^^ Keep in mind that happened not long after Miroslav was given a temp ban for, I don't know, talking too much, disagreeing too much, expressing disagreement too much? Yeah, not that I'm saying Miroslav was a voice from the Right, but yeah, according to the Left here, the mods showed favoritism towards the Right and did not act appropriately.
You've identified two issues: effective policing of the forum and how that policing is conducted.

The first depends on resources: having enough people (or time) to monitor posts, then identify and deal with breaches of the terms of use in a timely way.

The second depends on personality: having people who can resolve issues objectively, impartially and consistently without themsleves breaching the terms of use in carrying out that work (it's not about being 'nice').

The reason for my starting this thread is to see whether anyone is willing to take on this task seeing as there looks to be a need for more moderation than can currently be provided.
I certainly appreciate the honesty in this post. I left this forum a while back because I was sure there was either no moderation or moderators who were in favor of the personal vitriol in many posts...despite certain "rules". be honest...I realize that the problem was a lack of moderators and their time.

This mod seems to be saying that he sees a need for more moderation than is currently being done. Kudos to him!!

I'd consider becoming a mod....but not with limited abilities as has been previously suggested.

Back during the heat of the pandemic, and discussions/debates about the pandemic, there was a lot of discussion not just here but everywhere about disinformation, and the need to censor differing opinions and disinformation, as well as what was deemed disinformation then but has proven to be factual now.
Yeah. Back then, in the heat of the pandemic that was happening. Several years ago.
I don't know who of you are on Reddit, but that place is an absolute shit show right now in terms of moderation and moderators. For a little context, the owner of Reddit is changing the way 3rd party apps have access to that platform and data. They are sick of other people monetizing it. So, they are starting to charge those 3rd party apps. And not a little. A LOT. The problem is, the moderators of the subs rely on those 3rd party apps to keep the subs useable. Primarily to keep the bots and onlyfans spammers out.

I'm simplifying this very complex issue a bit, but in response to these new policy changes, a lot of the subs went private. And in response to that the owners of Reddit said open the subs OR they are getting nuked. Some of these subs have users in the millions or tens of millions. So they reopened the subs. Which helps keep the ad revenue streaming in to Reddit, which is why the owner wanted those subs reopened. And in protest to that, the mods polled the users on how they would like to move forward. One sub went from great content to only John Oliver pictures, basically ruining the sub. Others, many of them stopped moderating completely and the users AND bots flooded the sub with porn, again, eliminating the ad revenue stream. It was malicious compliance. But ultimately ruined some great subs.

My question here is what tools do the mods here have available to keep the bots out. Because they are already here. It's a small forum and a small sample size but it has changed the face of Prime Time completely. It's bringing content into the on topic subs, for good or bad. But PT is a shit show. lol.
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The admin was mentioned - oddly, there's nowhere I can find that says who the forum belongs to, or how to contact the admin or owners. The reason for this comment is that one section of the rules mentions membership minimum age - 13! Legally speaking, accepting 13 year old members (but not 12) does mean that moderation is actually a requirement - under the duty of care rules that are common to many jurisdictions. Exposing a 13 yr old to some of our content, especially PT places. I'm by no means a legal expert, but if the forum is uncontrolled for many hours a day, then the people in charge, and owners could end up in court? Society is going mad because of 'education' topics delivered to kids in schools, but is the content of prime time suitable for kids? Of course members can lie about age to get in on some adult forums, but inviting 13 year olds in is great - but then the content ALL needs to be suitable for 13 year olds. Gecko, as the only mod, would be first contact. He would have the unenviable job of justifying ALL content as the man with the keys. This is pretty unfair - I guess complaints go to Nico first, then Gecko. I always use what I call the Judge Judy test for loads of things. What would she say if you stood before her. "You invited in this 13 yr old kids and then exposed them to ........? You're an idiot Sir" Anyone who has seen that show would know how it would go. "What did you do about it? You had a strong word with them?"
The admin was mentioned - oddly, there's nowhere I can find that says who the forum belongs to, or how to contact the admin or owners. The reason for this comment is that one section of the rules mentions membership minimum age - 13! Legally speaking, accepting 13 year old members (but not 12) does mean that moderation is actually a requirement - under the duty of care rules that are common to many jurisdictions. Exposing a 13 yr old to some of our content, especially PT places. I'm by no means a legal expert, but if the forum is uncontrolled for many hours a day, then the people in charge, and owners could end up in court? Society is going mad because of 'education' topics delivered to kids in schools, but is the content of prime time suitable for kids? Of course members can lie about age to get in on some adult forums, but inviting 13 year olds in is great - but then the content ALL needs to be suitable for 13 year olds. Gecko, as the only mod, would be first contact. He would have the unenviable job of justifying ALL content as the man with the keys. This is pretty unfair - I guess complaints go to Nico first, then Gecko. I always use what I call the Judge Judy test for loads of things. What would she say if you stood before her. "You invited in this 13 yr old kids and then exposed them to ........? You're an idiot Sir" Anyone who has seen that show would know how it would go. "What did you do about it? You had a strong word with them?"
I am 71 going on 12. It's how we act!
Rob, I went on the assumption that HomeRecording is owned by same folks as AudioFanzine. While it isn't noted on, on AFZ, under the terms there is:

The access to the AUDIOFANZINE.COM website (hereafter the "Website") is provided to you by P. Bordas S.A.R.L., a French limited liability company with a share capital of €112'710, registered with the Trade and Commercial Registry of Nanterre under reference 310 072 384, having its registered office located 28 rue d'Armenonville 92200 Neuilly sur Seine, France (hereafter "Audiofanzine").

Looking up P Bordas, it is Bordas Media - . They have several sites, RigTalk, Future Producers, Music Gear and Review, as well as HR and AFZ.

Ultimately, they are a French limited liability company, so they would be governed by French law.
..... as for Judge Judy, she would have said....
But Judge,......
I'm talking here! You haven't provided any evidence to prove your claim.
But Judge, I have all this......
We're done here! Judgement for the defendant.
I like Judge Judy. She gets to the bottom of things quickly.
Better than thieving lawyers stringing things out, with the meter running.

You can always find out who owns a website. My name and address, and even mobile phone number, are pubished for all to see, by the domain suppliers.
Ya know, I was a mod at Tascam forums for years before it spontaneously combusted. I wouldn't mind giving that a spin again.