Anyone enjoy playing slide guitar?

glass is real nice

seriously...... take a wack at the next bottle of wine you have - it may shatter but you may end up with an awesome slide


a bic lighter, a 3/4 socket, a 22 long, soda pop
Take an empty old-style wine bottle (no lip on the top of the neck), screw a tight loop of fairly heavy duty steel wire around it (about 3 inches from the top) leaving about six inches sticking out. Heat the end sticking out (stove top burner) until it is red hot and keep it on the glass for a while.

Gently tap the top of the neck and it will break pretty clean. File down carefully.

I like glass for electric and brass for acoustic.

The brass one I have is called an 'Acoustiglide' - it's kinda icecream cone shaped and fits pretty tightly over my little finger with the cone opening up towards the tip of my finger.


hey treeline...that's how i felt the first time i saw him..(i had read about him in acoustic guitar magazine..but i didn't think i'd like slide outside of duane allman)...

i caught a repeat of a show called "live from the bluebird cafe"....they had steve earle on and so i wanted to catch it..and there sat kelly joe..just wailing along with whatever the other two guys played..then he did a couple of his tunes..i was hooked.

definetly get some of his's all different..he even is an amazing finger style guitarist.....i haven't had time to watch that whole show yet..just the first 15 minutes or on the go too much lol..but i wear out his material in my car.....:D

here's a nice site..

