But like any speaker used for mixing, you have to learn them. Get lots of sources you like and listen, and listen, and listen.
Re: midrange
I’ve seen some tests where the Yamahas were compared with more expensive modern studio monitors. The NS10s did as good and in many cases better than the other speakers.
When your done and are fairly familiar with the speakers, try to make your mix sound like theirs. Feel free to reference the commercial track as often as needed.
One of my favorite records, “Tom Petty Wildflowers” was done to tape in Sound City studios with.........NS10s
I’ll used that constantly as a reference. And it’s kind of cool that I’m listening to it in the same speakers they heard it on.
In closing, the only way to really know what they sound like is to get a pair.
You may love em, you may hate them. You’ll find out.
Good news is you can always sell a set of NS10s. They are in demand.
Might I recommend if you go down that path to get a set of “NS10M studio”. Better crossovers, no tissues required, and they can handle a bit more power.
Ps. You need a good amp. I have a Bryston 3B.
There’s plenty of info on the net. Read up and pull the trigger.......or not