Alan... No Stephen Paul Mic?

The mic doesn't exist as a for sale product. That's not the same as a prototype that they've worked up to go into production. I guess you just can't let it go.
DJL said:
Wow, and no one jumped all over your ass for saying "At this point the mic is vaporware. It doesn't exist as a product" like they did when I said the mic doesn't exist yet.
You said the mic doesn't exist. I said it's not a product yet.
I wonder how close the PMI product of this mic will be to the original hand built Stephen Paul mic.

I hope Harvey is given the original hand built Stephen Paul mic... I think he deserves it.
DJL said:

Do manufactures always tell the truth? Do distributors always tell the truth?

No, and no. But, maybe we should give Alan the benifit of the doubt here and see what happens in a few months. He did boldly state that the dia's are, in fact, made in the USA.
Ted Bell said:
No, and no. But, maybe we should give Alan the benifit of the doubt here and see what happens in a few months. He did boldly state that the dia's are, in fact, made in the USA.
I agree, but that means Alan will have to tell us where and who's making the diaphragms and etc.
DJL said:
I agree, but that means Alan will have to tell us where and who's making the diaphragms and etc.

When are you going to get it through your head that Alan doesn't have to tell you ANYTHING?

This isn't some $200 blow-em-out-at-GC mic.

95% of the people on this BBS WILL NOT BUY THE SPA mic because of the price.

There's a waiting list of people who trust Alan and Stephen.

If you won't buy one because Alan won't give you a piece-by-piece breakdown of where the mic was sourced, then get out of the line and let the people who don't have your obsessive concerns get one.

Better yet...wait till the mic comes out. Listen to it. If it's better than other mics in the price range, buy it. If not, don't.

But stop obsessing about it and whether or not Alan is trying to "sneak one by us". Right now, you're about the only person who cares.

PS-The "H2crackhead" thing was funny.
H2oskiphil said:
When are you going to get it through your head that Alan doesn't have to tell you ANYTHING?
When are you going to get it through your head that he should tell about the mic if he wants to sell them?

PS, your not funny.
DJL said:
When are you going to get it through your head that he should tell about the mic if he wants to sell them?

There's a waiting list to buy the mic.

I don't think he has to worry too much about providing the details 2 months before rollout to a bunch of internet posers when the first batch of 50 is already spoken for, and the 2nd batch of 50 has names on the list (mine included). I'd imagine, based on Stephen's reputation, that a lot of people and studios with production credits better than you or I will ever have will be getting the first batch, given their experience with Stephen's mod work.

It's not like there's gonna be a warehouse full of these things-I imagine the production will be somewhat limited, maybe moreso now that Stephen is gone.
DJL said:
I wonder how close the PMI product of this mic will be to the original hand built Stephen Paul mic.

I hope Harvey is given the original hand built Stephen Paul mic... I think he deserves it.

This is not a PMI product; this is a Stephen Paul product, built by Stephen Paul Audio (now run by Tony Merrill), and distributed by PMI. I'm quite sure I will be thrilled to own any of the SPA units made. Tony will insure that these mics are all representative of Stephen's vision. And Stephen didn't build the prototype, Tony did, under Stephen's direction.

Tony Merrill has been Stephen's hands for the last ten years, and I trust Tony as much as I trusted Stephen to do the best work possible. But this won't be a Tony Merrill mic; it won't be an Alan Hyatt or Brent Casey or PMI mic - it is, and always will be, a Stephen Paul mic. It will use a unique SPA capsule and 3 micron SPA diaphragm, AFAIK. It is NOT a PMI product - it is funded and distributed by PMI.

It will not be made in China, or use Chinese parts.

Finally, let me clear up the Sennheiser/Neumann diaphragm misunderstanding: About 10 years ago, Stephen was in discussion with them about coming out with a SPA/Neumann microphone. He proposed some ideas but nothing came of the discussions, and the project was abandoned.

Some of the new mic's features incorporate some of the ideas discussed during that period. Stephen was alluding to the fact that Sennheiser/Neumann passed on the capsule, believing it was impossible to build.

That's the total sum of Stephen's remarks and what he meant when he said it would use a discarded Sennheiser capsule; he meant that the SPA mic would use some of the concepts that he proposed 10 years ago to them, thought impossible at the time.

One more item. There is a lag time between the prototype of anything and the actual production, while outside vendors are building tools and molds to produce quantities of a special part design, like a unique switch, or a cast part. That's why the SPA mic is "finished", but not yet in production.

As far as details, I'm not in the loop, except as a friend, so I can't divulge even a few of the ground-breaking and revolutionary features of the new mic. Some of them are "Duh, that's so obvious - why don't other manufacturers do that?" and other features are "Shit, is that even possible?". That's why there's such a tight security lid on the mic features.

And finally, finally; if it weren't for Alan support of Stephen's vision, this mic would never see the light of day. Only Alan Hyatt had the balls to step up to the plate and say, "Let's do it, Stephen!". All of Stephen's friends owe Alan big time for all his help in making the mic a reality.

You can ascribe any petty motives you want to Alan, DJL - all of Stephen's real friends know the real truth.

And DJL, I returned ALL of the Studio Projects mics to Alan (except for the B1, which I've misplaced and I'm still looking for). I do not own (nor was I given) any SP microphones, although there are several SP models I do plan to buy when I can afford them.
DJL said:
When are you going to get it through your head that he should tell about the mic if he wants to sell them?

PS, your not funny.

Christ dude, trying to give Alan marketing/sales tips is like trying to give Jesus tips on miracle working.......
As usual Harvey has managed to clearly and concisely clarify the situation................many thanks HG.

Unfortunately, it will probably be wasted once DJL's imagination reads between the lines.

This has gotten childish! Give it up DJL. I think you are secretly shaking in your boots at the prospect that this mic may be exactly what it is
cracked up to be and you will look even more foolish (if possible).

I didn't know Stephen Paul or his work. I only got to briefly read some of the posts he made on another site during the latter part of his life when things were difficult for him.

I have had the priviledge of being around some very important creative people when they struggled to realize a vision even though their body and health was failing. It is a magical time and speaks tribute to the human spirit. I anticipate something very special.

Have the decency to sit on your hands and curb your tongue, DJL. The "fat lady" hasn't sung yet. You could very possibly get so much more egg on your face that their will be an egg shortage worldwide.

Also should the mic, by some strange series of events, not turn out to be AS wondeful as anticipated, shut the hell up! You may find that the only place that will even sell you any equipment will be Radio Shack and the only people that will ever work with you are so new and wet behind the ears, they don't know any better. You're digging your own grave here.

Stephen Paul was very well loved and respected it seems (and justly) and this mic is his legacy. So have some decency and curb all the crap.
yo credit where it belongs though :-

both h2crackhead and the joke about my screenname and noise were very good jokes. respect man, at least you have a sense of humour.

i did wonder whether i should have used my usual forum alias for signing up to recording websites...

sorry DJL, if my posts to you seem mostly noise. it's because all the threads on this forum seem to be you flaming SP or newbies asking questions they could search for answers to. your non-SP related threads are way better and far less noisy.

happy new year everyone, don't go home with anyone you don't like or won't recognise in the morning :)