A strange thought.


New member
Do you ever find yourself searching for a certain topic on a forum like (maybe to research info on a product or how to do something) and you find a thread, start reading it and then realize that the posts were made in 2005 or something like that? I always get this really weird feeling reading a discussion people had years ago.
Like would you listen to a tape recording of some random people you've never met having a conversation in 2008? Kind of creepy right? But that's what happens on forums like this all the time.
Creepy. I find myself not trusting it since it is old as well. Even tho the info is probably still relevant. But from ghosts.......weewwwwww
Some times the age doesn't matter. If it's tech related it has a pretty short life span - but some things don't change much and haven't changed much in decades. Like understanding F-Stop and ISO - which my wife was learning about today.

Her damn Nikon D80 broke and no one has figured out how to fix it (on the internets) and Nikon wants $300 to just replace most of the parts - that's the thing about electronics - you can hardly repair them - always easier to just replace the whole circuit board - unless you have a circuit board soldering robot in your garage.

Before all that crap I used to be able to take shit apart and fix it! Mechanical stuff is good that way (and analog I would assume). But electronics - forget it - it's a freaking paper weight. Anyway bought a used one on Ebay for $315 shipped so should be all good.
It is a little weird and sometimes you feel like jumping into the conversation (like most noobs do) to either correct a statement or to even ask a question.

Probably the oldest member I see still here within those old threads is Track Rat ..... you'll be reading away and see that it's him in the conversation only to find out that the conversation is about 10 years old!
I tend to not read threads.
You're cyberspacefully omnipresent ! You're in more threads than you probably realize. Everything from Amy Winehouse to evolution from the animals to fabulous Dave or whatever his name was. Of course, it doesn't mean you've read them.