A Joe Biden Poll

Do you think Joe Biden is one of the best U. S. Presidents in the last 30 years?

  • No!

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Fukk No!

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • Are You High AND Stupid?

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • My username is Dave Matthews

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I Am An Illegal Immigrant Living In The U.S.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • I teach chemistry to kids in England

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Joe should be in a nursing home

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I lost almost 30 lbs in the last 1.5 yrs and am now down to two lbs below my high school weight, then again, I could be lying.
You can join the ranks of Michael Cohen come Monday then,!unless you raise your right hand and swear, then you are legit and can be believed verbatim
Expanding in this a little and trying to be serious for sec, if Biden wins re-election do you think he will remain in office the entire term? I don’t think he will have the mental capacity to remain in office four full years beginning January. His live briefings have been better lately so maybe he’s in good medication now, but still: We could all agree (just focus on this not Trump or RFK and the brain worm) that Biden is experiencing some cognitive difficulties, can we not? It was sad to hear about Reagan and Alzheimer’s though he was kept out of the media for his later years (👍). I don’t wish harm to the man but there are too many media clips of his mental inacuities (and physical but those could be a result of the mental) that are clear indicators of mental deterioration. Yeah, Fox hunts them down 24/7 and releases to world media, but still they have happened. Haven’t seen as many lately and his staff/doc had him amped up on something for State of the Union and it worked, albeit an overkill on the dose he should’ve received. If they can mediate and delay his neuro condition, terrific! I’m no expert but likely that is a short-term Band-aid and if so I may estimate another 2 years tops before it decline to the point he has to step down and Harris would take the Oath and assume the position of President of the United States (Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces). That is a very real possibility. Could be sooner of later but I doubt he will last 4-1/2 more years in office.
Harris kind of reminds me of a non-dreadlocked, lighter-skinned, enthusiastic version of Whoopi (recent Whoopi). Both are fairly well-spoken, it’s just their content I disagree with, but I see personality, world events and political similarities abound, and excluding the fact that one is black and the other half-black and both are female…just in their views (no pun intended with Whoopi) and what I may blur into radical left territory. I certainly wouldn’t feel comfortable with either in situations of war and global conflict; not because they are women but because neither appears experienced enough to understand that role and could end in an over reaction or under reaction to global events (especially if military conflict) and neither of those would be good. I don’t have a crystal ball to know what current or future conflicts will be occurring 2 years from now (under the current admin) but I’d guess Ukraine, Taiwan, possibly N Korea are possibilities, and likely unrest in Israel, Gaza and the borders with Israel populating and controlling Gaza Strip. I just don’t believe Harris would be an effective CiC/strong presidential figure. That reputation is an important part of the Office in global affairs and negotiations(and really in many aspects of all of our lives to a degree) and without respect of our allies and adversaries alike, others will take advantage in actions and negotiations if they detect vulnerability.

For Biden supporters, there is nothing better than free choice, and as a Trump supporter I cherish it as well. I respect everyone’s right to choose so never think I don’t,!I just disagree with it. You may love mustard and I ketchup but you won’t convince me mustard is the best condiment nor I you that ketchup is. It’s personal preference and choice. However, I’m curious about everyone’s (especially Biden supporters) what your thoughts are on these things…will Biden be in office a full second term, if not how many years in would you guess, the whole Harris being President situation, pros and cons.
I like to post links. There are folks out there who are far more knowledgeable and articulate than I on the subjects at hand. Why bother racking my brain typing all that bullshit out.
I’d rather read your succinct analysis and opinions than hitting links
I shouldn’t have babbled so long on the questions so I’ll make them succinct here:

• if Biden wins 24 do you think he will serve out his term in office? If not, any estimate on many years he will serve of the 4?

• if he does not serve all 4 years, what are some pros and cons of Harris as President?

• how likely is it that both Biden and Trump make it to the Nov election, and how likely is it that RFK will sway votes between Trump and Biden since many people don’t like either?
I like this place because I can ADHD babble (though not everything is read) it lets me get it off my chest. My friends and family get tired of me txtg political stuff to them all all of the time even though they are independent conservatives as well. It’s nice to hear and share opinions even though we’re all sheep being herded by shepherds we can’t even identify.
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