Search results

  1. Erik O.

    Meet Us Out

    I can see it's been way to long since I was here last, I can hardly recognize any of the names here! :eek: :) Anyway, it took me almost one year to pull myself together and mix down some 2½ min. of sound that I decided to call Meet Us Out. Any comments most appreciated. Link is in the...
  2. Erik O.

    Guess So - Reconsidered

    It's been quite a while since I uploaded new material, but I finally managed to do a new version of "Guess So" (after two years :D). It's very different from the first version but partly closer to the original (it's a cover) - not in quality, but in style of course :cool:. This new version was...
  3. Erik O.

    New cheap track

    I've uploaded a new low life track here :) : It's called Exotic Tuesday. I'm still very shy in front of a mic and there's a million other issues at this state, I'm afraid. Comments of any kind will be thankfully received, the...
  4. Erik O.

    A sketch for "The Deceiver"

    I'd like comments on my new upload, "The Deceiver". The vocal performance really, really sucks (I'll make a re-take when my neighbours allow it :( ), but I need to have this tune - at least partly - out of my system. I'm prepared for comments on the critical side, so don't necessarily be polite...
  5. Erik O.

    Get Reviewed!

    Hi all, I claimed some time ago that I'd be interested in listening to your material. Now, I'll take it a step further: I'll offer an honest, merciless but yet servile and friendly ment review on your stuff, based on a rating system that I've stolen - and changed a bit - from an Mp3 artist...
  6. Erik O.

    New Effect!

    My first own song, "New Effect" is uploaded. It's the first (childish) version, so the production is somewhat embarrassing. I'm going into the country in the first week of June and will hopefully manage to make an improved version. The track can be found here ...
  7. Erik O.

    Anyone bother ?

    Hi all, So, I'm one of the new kids on the block. I guess I'm on the same journey as you guys - trying to make better sound. I 've uploaded my first "release" on and I'm very interested in comments on any aspects of the song. And please, don't hold anything back - I really want to...