Get Reviewed!

Erik O.

New member
Hi all,

I claimed some time ago that I'd be interested in listening to your material. Now, I'll take it a step further: I'll offer an honest, merciless but yet servile and friendly ment review on your stuff, based on a rating system that I've stolen - and changed a bit - from an Mp3 artist, named Tourlaville (he is aware of the theft). There is only one restriction: The material must be in mp3-format - no zip.files, please.
Oh, and please, make the link as directly to the file as possible.
The rating will look something like this:

Musicality: :) :) :) :)
Originality : :) :) :) :) :) :)
Production: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Charisma: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) (refers to the music - not anyones looks :))

Average: 6.5

Rates go from 1 to 10 smilies.

As I did, some of you may find it somehow superficial and popped up at first glance, but give it a try.
That's it. Go ahead and shoot.

Good luck.
Erik Oberg

A real life review of my stuff?!?!?!?!?

for real??? for really, truly, really real?!?!?! :eek:

well goll-ee... I'm a' gonna go russtle me up some o' my MP3's... Them "reviews" are so hard to come by aroond here... I better sign me up quick before they're all gone...!!!!!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Dude... you're trying to sell ice cubes to Eskimos...

this whole entire forum is nothing but reviews made by hundreds of different people... are you seriosuly posting an offer to review our stuff..? as if it's something we don't already have superabundance of... :rolleyes:

I think people are gonna opt for the reviews that don't come with restrictions.. or the haughty attitude... but thanks anyway...


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WATYF said:
Dude... you're trying to sell ice cubes to Eskimos...
Maybe more like "selling water to a drowning man".

The problem is there's too much "that's great!" or "that sucks!" in this forum and not enough comments like "try adding a little more compression to the lead vocals and less reverb on the......."

Anyhow, I'd be happy if you reviewed my stuff Erik.:)

Barefoot : I.L.T.S.

Musicality: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Originality : :) :) :) :) :) :)
Production: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Charisma: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Average: 7.75


Barefoot : Hydra

Musicality: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Originality : :) :) :) :) :) :)
Production: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Charisma: :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Average: 8.5

In respect
barefoot said:
The problem is there's too much "that's great!" or "that sucks!" in this forum and not enough comments like "try adding a little more compression to the lead vocals and less reverb on the......."
I don't quite agree with this. While there is plenty of "good job" and "I didn't like it" comments, there are just as many, if not more, comments aboot specific aspects of the mix that need to be changed or suggestions aboat specific parts of the song that should be altered, etc. etc.

And if you're looking for a detailed critique, then what the h#ll good do smiley faces do you??? :p

Here's my review of this thread: :eek: :confused: :mad: :rolleyes: :p

Hope that helps...


lets see here, would I rather have my stuff reviewed by someone like WATYF who has 291 posts and lots of listening experience on here or...maybe...Erik O, who has...oh, I dunno...13 POSTS!!!!
You be the judge on that one.:confused:
I'm really stunned by the mean spirited posts here. I never ever met this before and I simply just can't relate to it other than it must have something to do with my choise of words.

Since I'm danish spoken, there may be some nuances in the english language that I'm not aware of, something that completely twists my attitude.
My humble motives for doing this, was (1) simply to get to know some of you guys and (2) pure interest in listening to other peoples stuff and commenting on it in some sort of structured way.
(3) I've posted my own stuff twice in this forum with remarkably kind and constructive comments in return and so I thought that I would pay back this way.

That's all there is to it, really.

I've made an identical thread in another (english spoken) forum with great succes, using practically the same words and I didn't meet anything but positive respons.

You all (exept Barefoot) seem very determined on your hostility and if this post doesn't change that, I'm afraid there's not much I can do about that.

Anyway, this thread isn't of much value now (at least from my side) so I think I'll just smoothly climb out of here and spend time on something more rewarding.

I think it would be a pretty good idea.
Some standard of reviews would be nice.
Catagorized and rated.

I can handle that.
When we tell someone what we think, it's laid out, basiclly.
Yeah, I give it a Tums up.

Some of the posts I read are scattered in the critque or everything is bunched together. I can sort it out, but this would sure simplify things.

I reckon Dragon has the last word though.


Where's the link? I'm to damn lazy to run a search for it, don't know what to search for anyway.
No, not lazy, old. I'm to old.
hey Erik,

I hear what you were trying to do BUT the tunes are already here..

Go to the tunes..dont expect the tunes to come to you.. The threads have already been started, pick one and comment.. No need to start a review thread because the whole forum is about reviews...ya dig??

it's cool..

Erik O. said:
I'm really stunned by the mean spirited posts here.
lol.. no need to get offended... you're a newbie.. it's a given that you're gonna get reamed.. :D Especially if you put up a post suggesting that others come to you with their music. (sorry,.. but I just couldn't pass on that one.. :p )

No one's bein' "mean-spirited".. it's just your average everyday "newbie hazing". :cool: Don't fret... put up 36 more posts and we'll leave you alone. :D

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Yeah I dig. But the hole point in this particular way of rating - the way I see it - is that when you collect the reviews in one thread with the same parameters and the same reviewer, some time along the way the ratings will begin to have more substans than they appear to have in the beginning. At least this could happen if the reviewer is succesfull.
It's practically impossible to do this by jumping around in different threads - this rating system is just not suitable for this.

Of cause my approach to this was not that I expect people to come begging for my very important and completely indispensable judgements on their stuff - that would be ridiculous, and I'm way to old for that attitude. But I can see, that you've read my post that way and I'm sorry about that.

King Elvis, if you visit other forums like the critics corners on and IUMA, you will see these kinds of rating threads popping up all the time and no one seems to care about the number of posts the reviewer can show. That could be because people posting their material in these threads agree with me that it is simply not relevant to the subject.

Thinking of it, users of this particular forum may be very spoiled. It looks as if everone will have at least some kind of feedback when posting their music. That's not at all the case in the forums mentioned above. Some posters will actually complain about the lack of response (and I know, there may in some situations be obvious reasons they are not getting any). Review threads will at least guarantee a reaction.

Ok, this post may be somehow messy. It's way over bedtime in Denmark and I still think I should climb out of here and get some sleep.

I understand your reasoning.. but you still need to understand what this forum is for so you can adjust to the way things are done around here...

Since we're not some bloated, over-commercialized, conglomeration of schmucks trying to get their latest peice of crap recording listened to, we can do things differently.

When people get reviews here, they are most often not looking for a simple "thumbs up.. that was cool beans, dude" type of reply. That's why they call this the MP3 Mixing Clinic. People post here to get detailed feedback on their home-recordings.. not (primarily) feedback about whether or not the song itself sucks.

Plenty of times you'll read feedback saying something like, "Well the song wasn't really my style, but your mix was this and that and blah blah blah.. and you shoudla taken out some of the whatchamacallit in the thingamabob" and so on.

And if you really think aboot it... if we all put up a "send me your mp3's to review" thread,.. then there would still be just as many threads to jump around between.

I think we've got a pretty good system goin' here... people can ask for feedback on specific aspects of the song (hit potential, mix quality, vocals, etc.) And get a taylor made review... which I think is pretty handy.

But who's to say that YOUR critique has any value?If you were a Top Notch Producer with loads of Platinum albums under your belt(out of different genres I might add) then maybe someone would take your offer to do a "solo" review serious,but as it stands now you are just another recording enthusiast like the rest of us without any credentials to stand on by yourself to offer a personal Critique.

The way it works now is about the best way I can think of.You get critiques from all sorts of posters with all sorts of musical taste, and that formula offers an HONEST Reliable critique when you string ALL of the posters comments/advice together in a thread.

Single person reviewing is left for those who have achieved a reasonable level of success in the Recording/Record Industry field.

I dont think you got the comments you did because you worded anything wrong,it's just the idea of thinking you are capable of giving a personal review of a persons music without having any credentials to stand on.(and you may have credintials but you havent presented them)
Why not just jump in and critique what you can along with the rest of the posters?
personally, I like to say sumpin'...if I can think of anything. If it sucks...I sure as hell aint given it a smiley face...even if it is just only one. I'd give it a :eek: followed by a :( as in....this sucks.

Erik.....this thread:
thanks for the ideas, however....
I think there is another point here that was missed.
The way this reviews will be presented is like a contest. And I think most would agree we are here not to win awards but learn from each other.

This rating doesn't give anything constructive to make your mix/song better it just says that it's relativaly bad or good. Well thanks but that doesn't realy help and what scale are messuring aganst.

Erik O.
I really appriciate your offer and you obviously mean well. But I'm not sure that this forum realy needs song rating thread. However I would let people deside and if someone wants let them submit their song to you. Don't be offended. We are all entitled to our oppinions. This might still proove usefull to some.

WATYF said:
No one's bein' "mean-spirited".. it's just your average everyday "newbie hazing". :cool: Don't fret... put up 36 more posts and we'll leave you alone. :D


Yeah. I can remember when I was a newbie. Boy, did I almost get rammed for not commentin to other people's tunes first :D

Hmmm... Don't get me wrong, I'm no veteran yet. I think I'm still a bit new here compared to mixmkr, track rat or some of the other gurus :D