New Effect!

Erik O.

New member
My first own song, "New Effect" is uploaded. It's the first (childish) version, so the production is somewhat embarrassing.
I'm going into the country in the first week of June and will hopefully manage to make an improved version.
The track can be found here :
Honest commets are very welcome.

I don't visit often here, but since I just got a broadband connection I'm gonna listen to some of you guys stuff. This forum seems to be alive and kicking.

Best wishes

Erik Oberg
cool song.. interesting and moody, but hopeful.. I liked it.. It's almost like an intro for something bigger... very cool though..

Copenhagen Denmark, have you ever heard of a guy named 'King Diamond'? Just curious.. He sounds nothing like this, but I know hes from there..

cool tune you have here.. I dig it :cool:
Hi B. Sabbath,

Thanks a mill for the kind words.

King Diamond ? I vaguely remember him as some sort of satanic heavy metal musician, right ?
I don't know what he is up to now a days, but I don't think he's in the danish media very often. But that could be my lack of attention to him :rolleyes:
I think he's one of these artists who are far more accepted outside their own countries.

Best wishes and thanks for listening.

Erik Oberg
Appropiately full and very well tracked. Is this mostly midi? I like the voice. Smooth, confident and convincing with a nice mid rasp. You did a fine job on taking something so simple and making it interesting without compromising the core.
Glad I downloaded on my sucky 56k. I've broad band hardware waiting for me. I just need two empty hours and a friend with some know how to lend a hook up hand.

Nice tune, please post again.


P.S. the vox track was clean, well placed in the mix and well tracked. Why does it bother me that it was indisernable at points? Maybe it is just me ears and monitors.


King Diamond, hu Sab. I havn't heard that name in 10 yrs and I havn't missed hearing that name.
Like it a lot. Have you heard the Magnetic Fields before? It sounds a lot like them, but the singer tends to sing lower.

What kind of effects did you use on the vocals in this?

Theron and Sal, I really appreciate your comments.

Theron, I can't find the word "indisernable" in my dictionary, although I tried to spell it in different ways. Could you please explain what it means ? :rolleyes:

Sal, I have to admit that I'm not familiar with Magnetic Fields - except that I know there's a band with that name :)

The lead vocal is a dry track in the center (high freq. boost sparsely added) a chorus track panned about 20% L and a (small room) reverb track panned 20% R.

Sorry about that. I'm a shitty speller. Indiscernible=impossible to percieve. The vox just seems lost at times. The contradiction is that it is right there. Just my ears I'm sure.

Nice song,

This is cool....very odd and I like odd!

Sal has someyhing with the Magnetic Feilds reference there and I'm glad to see such an "unheard of" band mentioned on this forum....Sal is now cool in my book:D

Nice work Erik!

Yes, something like MagneticFields there is, and your voice is great Erik! Keep on recording!
And I´m also glad to see the names of some bands that I know and like. (Sigur Ros was mentioned somewhere else here)


Nice job. Here are my comments, in point form:

- Nice vocal delivery. I like your voice. It kind of reminds me of Matt Johnson from The The, mixed with Leonard Cohen.

- I like the fact that the song is short and sweet. It left me wanting more (and that's a good thing).

- I'm not much of a synthesizer guy, so I wasn't really grabbed by the instrumentation. But I know you have limitations (don't we all?). I'd love to hear what this would sound like with some real orchestral instruments.

- I love the lyric 'He come from somewhere, Out of nowhere'.

I like it.

Nice work man!!!!

I agree with the Magnetic Fields reference. Erik you should definitely check them out as you'd not only enjoy them but you could prolly learn a lot from them (I mean that in a good way). I think that the orchestral sounds are a bit lame, not enough variance, and they drown the nice vocals and guitar parts a bit too much. Maybe a lil bit more rythym would bring it all together and provide room for a more intense climax, and don't we all love those.

PopRocket and laj35, thanks a lot for taking your time.

The instrumentation is not final. I guess I didn't succeed in my try to find a balance between intended monotony and annoyance :) , but I'll be working on an improvement.

I'll go check out the Magnetic Fields right away. Thanks for the reference.

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The half-spoken singing sounds too close. Try moving it further somehow with a reverb or EQ'ing some of the mids down. I'm no expert in vocal mixing, so don't take my word for the solution, but I think it definately needs some distancing. The song is pretty monotonous and childlike for sure, so you could do some other section there to stir things up and not make it seem so simple.
CrankyOne, sorry that you find the song itself childlike - not much I can do about that, though.
Your other objections may be very useful and they are certainly taken note of. Thanks.

Best regards
Erik O. said:
CrankyOne, sorry that you find the song itself childlike - not much I can do about that, though.
Your other objections may be very useful and they are certainly taken note of. Thanks.

Best regards

I didn't mean to disrespect you. I meant the singing style made it sound a little like a lullaby, or something like that. :)