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    Is there a 3D Audio type sampler for guitar pickups?

    I know this is the mic thread, but I figured everyone here should be familiar with the 3D Audio mic sampler. I've been interested in buying a new pickup for my guitar and I want to shop smart. Does anyone know of anything of this sort? Or maybe just some unbiased articles explaining the...
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    EV 1776: I will buy or trade.

    I need the old EV 1776s. I will buy or trade for some. Contact me about trades via email.
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    Ev 1776

    Has anyone ever used these things? I put them on just about everything and they sound good. If you have some and do not want them, email me so that I may buy them.
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    New AT Kick Mic.

    It's called the AE2500. Has anyone tried it out or read any reviews? In theory it sounds cool because you can take 2 different outputs from; one from the condensor diaphragm and one from the dynamic. Actually, I'm not even sure if it's out yet. Just thought I'd ask...
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    Punk Rock Check out this demo I did for a punker band here in Georgia. So how does it sound?
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    Nady TCM1050 Tube Mic

    Has anyone tried it? At 300 bux the price sounds great, but does the mic? By the way, I mostly need it for vocals.
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    I recorded this guy a while back when I was in Colorado. He's got some pretty cool songs. Let me know what you think. I'll post some more rockin' stuff when I figure out how to do it.
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    17 Mics For Sale Or Trade.

    Mostly I'm in need of a good vocal mic, but I would be up for trading for almost anything. Just let me know whatcha got. Only one or two of these mics are actually crap. I won't say which ones unless someone asks about them. The rest of them are good and have their purposes somewhere in a...
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    EV 1776a

    EV 1776 is one of my favorite mics. If any of you old fart live sound guys have some taking up space in your garage can you please send them to me? Seriously, broken or good.
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    Copycat Mics.

    I understand that some of these smaller mic companies are making cheap mics that sound just as good as the ones that cost 4 times as much. I also understand that quality control is always going to vary. With that said, does anyone know of any good and cheap vocal mics that can be compared to...
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    EV PL20 vs. EV RE20

    I have the PL20 but no RE20 to check the differences in sound. Is there any difference? I heard the only difference was a magnet issue.
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    EV664's Connector

    I have one of those silver raygun type mics that we've all been seeing in videos lately. I'm not sure of how it sounds or if it even works. It's got a 4 pin female connector. Does anyone know where I can get this adapter or maybe how I can rig it up just to see if it works? thanksabunch
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    Nirvana's Nevermind

    Nevermind is one of my favorite sounding albums. Does anyone have some inside info on how it was recorded or mixed? What mics were used to record the drums?
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    Hypercariod Suggestions For Toms

    I really like the way condensors sound on the top of toms but I've had trouble gating out blaring rides. Does anyone have suggestions for good hyper condensors?
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    Sanken Mics

    Does anyone know where I can order Sanken mics from? I'm looking for prices on the CU41. thanksabunch