EV664's Connector

Blake Long

New member
I have one of those silver raygun type mics that we've all been seeing in videos lately. I'm not sure of how it sounds or if it even works. It's got a 4 pin female connector. Does anyone know where I can get this adapter or maybe how I can rig it up just to see if it works? thanksabunch
I've still got one or two of them, I don't remember. They sound awful but they do look cool.

I don't know where you can find replacements, maybe search on vintage microphones would yield something. The four pin connector allowed you to switch from low to high impedence depending on how you wired the other end. Mine for instance are set for high with a 1/4" connector on the other end.

You can get the connector - I got mine from a cool place in Seattle called "Connectorworld" or some such - a great place! It was some years ago and I recall it may be an Ampenol of some kind. The 4 pin at Ratshack will not work.