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  1. D

    I am sad...

    At the start of last year i started doing some research into recording equipment, eventually i ended up buying an Intel I-Mac/Logic Express/Presonus Firepod/ decent set of mics etc. At first i was not really capturing the sound i wanted, but i put that down to in experience with the equipment...
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    I've used the search, but probably not well enough, so if you can spare some time for a question you've heard 987046587 times before then that would be great. monitors, $500 budget. What should i be looking for? Are monitor specs all subjective? Like some bassier than others etc? Any...
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    another firepod question

    why is it the first 2 'mic instrument' preamps i can get a great signal, but when i record into one of the 'mic line' preamps, i get very very little signal (-28db at most), even with the gain right up? somone said it's because im not using XLR mic cables, is this true?
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    why are my recordings so quiet?

    even if i get my mix to the highest level before it distorts, it is still much quieter in comparison to any other song, what could i be doing wrong? I use logic express.
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    £500 ($1000 approx) 5 mics

    So i'm looking for some mics, i want about 5 for drums for starters. I'm thinking about an SM57/8 for one (everyone should own one right?)... but after that i'm lost as to what i should be looking at, there is so much option? So could anyone give me any pointers? As i say my budget is roughly...
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    imac studio

    -I've just purchased an Intel Duo Core 2.0 gHz imac. -Initially i will be using Logic Express. -I'm going to bump the RAM up to 1.5 gig. Originally i was going to use a Focusrite Saffire Pro or a Presonus Firepod for my audio interface. I was also going to buy a USB external hard drive with...
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    recording on a laptop

    i've been told that if i want to record on a laptop i should be looking for these specifications; HDD: 120GB 7200 RPM RAM: 1 GB CPU : P4 2.0 GHz the thing is,i'm finding it difficult to find a laptop with an HDD of 7200RPM and a CPU of 2.0 GHz to follow my budget. what areas of recording to...
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    new recording enthusiast!

    Hi, I'm sure you get posts like this all the time, but i'm sure you understand that posts like this need to be specific, depending on the person/budget etc I would very much like to get into recording, though i don't want to start off too flash or anything. I'm just looking to have the ability...